
更新时间:2023-06-16 11:21:57 阅读: 评论:0

桃花庵春节是    1. 固定搭配考点:这是翻译中的最为核心的考点,也是近几次命题密度最高的知识点,应 该引起考生的高度重视。比如说名词与动词搭配,形容词与名词搭配,动词与副词的修饰关 系,名词与介词搭配,更为重要的是常见的固定词组以及固定表达,这些都可能成为本次考 试的命题重点。 例 1:By contrast, American mothers were more likely to owe children’s success to (把 孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.(大纲样题)。 【考点剖析】这个题目就非常典型。有两个固定搭配考点:1)be likely to do sth ; 2) owe…to /attribute…to (把…归因于) 2. 核心语法考点:这部分语法考点大多数是以前词汇语法考题考点的重现和转移,这一 点要引起同学的重视,尽管词汇单选题现在不考了,但是还是不能忽视这部分题目,因为考 点是一致的。核心语法考点最重要的虚拟语气,其次是倒装结构、从句知识、倒装结构、非 谓语动词等。 例 1:The professor required that we should send reseach report (我们交研究报告) by Wednesday . 【考点剖析】本题是典型的语法题目。重点考查考生对虚拟语气的掌握。Require 后面接 从句的时候,一定会虚拟语气,语法结构为 require that +sb+sh
ould+动词原形。 例 2: only did he overcharge me (他向我收费过高), but he didn’t do a good repair job Not either (大纲样题) 【考点剖析】 本题同样为典型的语法考点。 考查了考生对倒装结构这个特殊语法现象的掌 握情况。句首的 Not only 决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此,这里需在 he 之前加 did。所以答案应该为 did he overcharge me。 3. 核心动词以及动词短语的考查。 例 1:Though a skilled worker, he was fired by company(他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis . 【考点剖析】本题的重要考点就是考生对“解雇”这个核心动词的翻译。可以表示解雇的有 dismiss, discharge, fire 等。 其次,考生在明确了新四级翻译的核心考点之后,就应该明确在冲刺阶段如何备考,如何 应对了。下面我结合自己的理解,给广大考生提五条冲刺备考建议: 1. 在进行翻译练习时,尽量力求翻译答案多样化,以便扩展思维,开阔思路,掌握重点 核心表达。不构成犯罪
    例:(为了挣钱供我上学)To earn money for my education, mother often takes on more work than is good for her 【考点剖析】对于“为了挣钱供我上学“的表达,我们可以说 To earn m
oney for my education; To earn money for my schooling ; In order to make money to finance my education ; In order to make money to fund my education ; In order to earn money to afford my education 等。 表达多样化,发散性思维,对地道英文表达的积累很有帮助,直 接与四级考试中翻译与写作题型相关。 2. 绝对不能忽视以前词汇语法的单项选择题,尽量在以前的词汇题中挖掘新四级翻译考 点 例:The author was required to submit an abstract of about 200 words together with his research paper. 上面这道题是 2004 年 1 月份四级考试的一道词汇单选题,不难发现,句中的 submit(提 交)这个考点词在 2006 年 6 月的新四级的翻译题中再次出现,这足以说明以前的词汇语法 题目的考点与新题型中的翻译题考点具有延续性与继承性。 这种考点延续的例子很多, 以下 举几个典型例子,以前词汇题考点,在未来的翻译中很可能考到的,抛砖引玉,希望引起重 视。 例 1:He gave a pledge to handle the affairs in a friendly manner . 【考点探究】 本题为 2003 年 6 月四级考试的词汇单选题, handle the affairs in a friendly manner (以友好的方式处理事务)是一个核心表达,很有可能在翻译中考查。因为在这句话 中,
出现了考点叠加的现象:第一,give a pledge to do sth (承诺做某事);第二,handle(处 理)这个核心动词的用法;第三,in …manner(以…方式)这个重要短语;考生一定要清楚, 在复习词汇单选题的时候,出现考点叠加的地方一定要高度重视,容易命题。 例 2:You will not be particular about your food in time of great hunger 【考点探究】be particular about your food(对食物挑剔)这个核心短语很可能成为翻译考 点。除了这个表达外,还可以用 be selective about your food 进行替换,这就反映了表达 的多样性。 3. 多背搭配,同时利用经典搭配多造句子,完善语法结构。同时可以提高自己的写作古代上床
水 平,一举两得。 4. 强化重点语法知识。如倒装结构、虚拟语气、比较结构、定语从句、状语从句、非谓 语动词等。 5. 深度分析已考翻译试题,全面掌握挖掘潜在考点,学会举一反三。
    1.Having been damaged by the earthquake (在地震中遭到破坏),all the tall buil dings in the city had to be rebuilt. 2. Were it not for atmosphere(要不是大气层),the stars could be seen shining 
at any time in the day. 3. The speaker urged the coal-miners to stand for their own rights (维护自己的 权利),no matter how difficult it would be. 4. The local government has decided to tear down the old district (拆除旧城区) to build a central park. 5. I really found it hard to keep my temper (忍住脾气) with so many things go ing wrong.
    答案: 1. Having been damaged by the earthquake (在地震中遭到破坏),all the tal l buildings in the city had to be rebuilt. (本题考查分词结构作状语,还考查破坏和建筑物之间的逻辑关系是被动关系) 2. Were it not for the atmosphere (要不是大气层),the stars could be seen shining at any time in the day. (本题考查虚拟语气中的“要不是”的表达方式是 not for) 3. The speaker urged the coal-miners to stand up for their own rights (维 护
z开头的是什么车自己的权利),no matter how difficult it would be. (本题考查短语“维护权利” 的表达方式是 stand up for their own rights) 4. The local government has decided to tear down the old district (拆除旧 城区)to build a central park. (本题考查短语“拆除” 的表达方式是 tear down) 5.I really found it hard to keep my temper (忍住脾气)with so many things going wrong. (本题考查短语“忍住脾气的表达方式是 keep one’s temper)
    1.He was arrested by the police, and we couldn’t believe the fact that he wa s involved in the murder (他卷入了那宗谋杀案)。 2.It is quite strange that she should have gong away (居然离开)without t elling us in advance. 3.A company would have to lay off its employees (让员工下岗)if it is in fi nancial difftculties. 4.Because his family couldn’t afford his fee, Jim had t
o drop out of scho ol(辍学)。 5.Hardly had the plane landed (飞机一降落)when the people ran toward it to welcome the president.
    答案: 1.He was arrested by the police, and we couldn’t believe the fact that he was involved in the murder (他卷入了那宗谋杀案)。 (本题考查短语“卷入”be involved in) 2.It is quite strange that she should have gone away (居然离开) without t elling us in advance. (本题考查虚拟语气,固定句型 It is quite strange that 从句中要用 should + ha ve done 的虚拟语气,表示“竟然,居然”) 3.A company would have to lay off its employees (让员工下岗) if it is in financial difftculties. (本题考查短语“让…下岗”的表达方法是 lay off) 4. Because his family couldn’t afford his fee, Jim had to drop out of sch ool (辍学)。 (本题考查短语“辍学”的表达方法是 drop out of school) 5.Hardly/Scarcel
y had the plane landed (飞机一降落)when the people ran toward it to welcome the president.日记的格式图片
    (本题考查短语“一…就…”的表达方法用 hardly when 或 scarcely when,hardly 或 scarcely 等表示否定的副词放在句首,句子要部分倒装,把助动词提前) 四级句子翻译的常用技巧 英语和汉语是两种差异比较大的语言,英语重形合,汉语重意合。有人把英语句子比喻 为"树木丛生、干枝纠缠的树林",脉络难析,主次难辨,而把汉语句子比喻为"枝干分明的 竹林",脉络清晰,主次易辨。翻译时,根据表达习惯,英语、汉语的句子结构有时需要进 行相应的转换。 英汉语复合句中主句和从句之间的时间顺序和逻辑顺序也不完全一致, 因此, 翻译时,也时常需要根据表达习惯,对句序进行相应的调整。 现代翻译理论认为,句子是最重要的翻译单位。大学 英语四级考试中的翻译题型也是 以句子翻译为主。 考生如果能够熟练掌握句子翻译的基本方法, 那么对于处理四级考试中的 句子翻译题必将是如虎添翼。 本期着重介绍常用的句子翻译方法: 正反、 反正表达法, 分句、 合句法。 正反、反正表达法
 由于民族文化和思维方式不同, 英汉两种语言在表达同一概念时所采用的方式就有所不 同。在表达否定概念时,英语和汉语使用的词汇、语法、语言逻辑就有很大的差异。汉语中 有些词、短语或者句子是从反面表达的,而译成英语时则需要从正面进行表达,如例 1、例 2、例 3。反之,
汉语中有些从正面表达的词、短语或者句子,译成英语时需要从反面进行 表达,如例 4、例 5、例 6。此外,汉语还有一些特殊的句子结构,如双重否定(例 7)、否定 转移(例 8)在译成英语时也需要引起我们的注意。
 一、 I.汉语从反面表达,译文从正面表达 例 1:他提出的论据相当不充实。 译文:The argument he put forward is pretty thin. (词) 例 2:我们确信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。 译文:We are confident that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust. (短语) 例 3:他七十岁了,可是并不显老。 译文:He was 70, but he carried his years lightly. (句子) II.汉语从正面表达,译文从反面表达 例 4:他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
柠檬的做法    译文:He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. (词) 例 5:调查结果清清楚楚地显示病人死于心脏病。 译文:The investigation left no doubt that the patient had died of heart disease. (短语) 例 6:这类举动迟早会被人发觉的。 译文:Such actions couldn’t long 
escape notice. (句子) III.特殊的否定句式 例 7:有利必有弊。 译文:There is not any advantage without disadvantage. (双重否定) 例 8:我们在那个城市从未因为是犹太人而遭受歧视。 译文:In that city, we had never suffered discrimination because we were Jews. (否定转移) 二、 分句、合句法 很多情况下,翻译句子的时候,需要调整原来的句子结构,分句法和合句法是调整原文 句子的两种重要的方法。所谓分句法就是把原文的一个简单句译为两个或两个以上的句子。 所谓合句法就是把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句译成一个单句。 I.分句法 汉译英时,需要分译的句子多数是长句,或者是结构复杂的复句。这种句子如果译成一 个长句,就会使译文冗长、累赘、意思表达不清楚,也不符合英文习惯。如果采用分译,则 会使译文简洁、易懂、层次分明。如以下五个例子: 例 1. 少年是一去不复返的, 等到精力衰竭时, 要做学问也来不及了。 (按内容层次分译) 译文: Youth will soon be gone, never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. 例 2. 她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。(从主语变换处 分译) 译文: Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it
    there was a boatman fast asleep. 例 3. 声速随温度的升降会有轻微的增减,但不受气压的影响。(从关联词处分译) 译文: The speed of sound increases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls with decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air. 例 4. 我们的政策是实行"一个国家,两种制度",具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内, 有着十多亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、台湾地区实行资本主义制度。(原文出现 总说或分述时要分译) 译文: We are pursuing a policy of "one country with two systems." More specifically, this means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its more than one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system. 例 5. 我们主张对我国神圣领土台湾实行和平统一,有关的政策,也是众所周知和不会 改变的,并且正在深入人心。(为了强调语气而采用分译) 译文: We want peaceful reunification with Taiwan which is part of our sa
cred territory. Our policy in this regard is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of the motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation. II.合句法 英汉两种语言的句子结构不完全相同,尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但是从句套从句,短语 含短语的句型也是频频出现。一般而言,一个英语句子的信息包含量要大于一个汉语句子, 因此, 我们在做汉译英的时候, 常常把汉语的两个句子, 甚至更多句子, 合译成英语的一句。 使用合句法还可以使译文紧凑、简练。如以下三个例子: 例 6:一代人与一代人之间的冲突,也就是年轻人与老年人的冲突,似乎是最可笑的。 因为这就是现在的自己与将来的自己,
或者说过去的自己与现在的自己的冲突。(在关联词 处合译) 译文: conflict between the generations between youth and age seems the most stupid, for it A is one between oneself as one is and oneself as one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is. 例 7:对我来说,我的水族箱就像我自己的一个小王国。我就是里面
的国王。(从主语 变换处合译) 译文:To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king. 例 8: 第二天, 我又接到一个电报。 这个电报有 34 个字, 比前一个电报说得更详细。 (按
    内容连贯合译) 译文:The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details. 模拟演练: 1. If you won’t agree to our plan,neither will they (他们也不会同意) 2. It is because she is too inexperienced(正是由于她太没经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation. 3.The fifth generation computers,with artificial intelligence,are being developed (正在研 制)and perfected now. 4. He wears a pair of sunglasses for fear that he should be recognized (唯恐被别人认出来) 5.Buying clothes is often a very time-consuming job (是一件很耗时的工作),because those clothes that a person lik
es are rarely the ones that fit him or her. 答案: 1. neither will they (neither 表示“两者都不”也表示“也,也不”的句子,要用部分倒装) 2. It is because she is too inexperienced (本题考查句型 it is because (that)”表示“正是由于”,因为“没有经验”在句中作表语,所 以将其译为形容词形式的“inexperienced”) 3. are being developed (“be being done”现在进行时的被动语态表示此时此刻某事正在被做,其中动词 be 应随 主语作相应变化) 4. for fear that he should be recognized (for fear that 意为“唯恐,就怕”其后要用虚拟语气) often a very time-consuming job ㈠形式一:It is+形容词+that/wh-从句 例:It is important(保持生态平衡)。 答案:that we should keep the balance of nature (本题考查 It 作形式主语时的用法,英语中的主语从句有时为了避免头重脚轻,常用 it 作形式主语,而真正的主语用 that 引导放在后面) ㈡形式二:It+不及物动词+that… 例:He has been here only three days and (由此可见他对那事一无所知)。 答案:it follows that he knows nothing about that (本题考查 It+不及物动词+that…结构,注意前后句子时态的一致) ㈢
形式三:It+be+名词+that… 例:It is our wish that(他爱怎么样就怎么样) 答案:he does what he pleases (本题考查 It 作形式主语的同时, 涉及了考试大虚拟语气的考查, it is our wish/hope 在 that 等结构中,从句子的谓语动词要用 should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气) ㈣形式四:It+be+done+that… 例:It is said that(宇宙形成于一次大爆炸以后)
    答案:the universe formed after the Big Explode (本题考查 It 作形式主语的用法,常用于 It+be+done+that…,结构的动词有 report, announce, expert 等,常译为“据说”,“据报道”) 1.He told us not to wait for him because(他是否来还不敢肯定)。 2.He has no intention of making progress so(你老是帮助他是没有用 的) 3.(后来证实)she is a friend of my sister. 4.Nevertheless,(不可否认的是),it can bring some side-effects 答案: 1. it was uncertain whether he would come 2. it is no use that you always help him 3. It turned out that 4. it cannot be denied that
    1. When he arrived, he found( 只有老年人和生病的人) at home. 2. All flights (因暴风雪而取消), we decided to take the train. 3. The writer (如此专心致志地写作) that he forgot to tap the ashes fr om his cigar. 1.【答案】none but the aged and the sick/only the aged and the sick 【解析】本题考查 none but 结构及形容词名词化用法的掌握。none but…意为“仅仅, 只”。“定冠词 the+形容词”可以表示一类人。类似的用法还有:the wealthy(富人),the poor (穷人),the handicapped(残疾人)等。 2.【答案】having been canceled because of the snowstorm 解析:本题考查对独立主格结构的掌握。前后分句主语不同且没有连接词,所以考虑用 独立主格做状语表示原因。独立结构的构成方式为:名词/代词(与句子的主语不同)+分词/ 形容词/副词/不定式/介词(短语)。flights 与 can
cel 之间是被动关系,且 cancel 这一动作发生 在主句谓语 decided 的动作之前,所以谓语部分应用分词的被动完成式. 3.【答案】was so absorbed in his writing
    解析:本题考查对短语 be absorbed in sth./doing sth.的掌握,该短语意为“全神贯注 于…,专心于…”。so 强调程度深,与 that 构成 so…that…句型,表示“如此…以至于…” Directions ." Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English t he Chinese given in brackets. " 1. You (无论多么小心都不为过) when you drive a ca r. 2. She never dreams of (梦见有机会) for her to be sent a broad very soon. 1、【答案】cannot be too careful 解析:本题考查对 cannot…too…结构的掌握。cannot…too…意为“无论…都不为过”,具 有肯定的含义。相似的句子还有:A woman cannot have too many hats while a man cann ot have too many ties.(女人不嫌帽子多,男人不嫌领带多。) 2、【答案】dreams of there being a chance 【解析】本题考查对短语 dream of、there be 句型和动名词的掌握。“梦见,梦到”用 dr eam of 表示,后常接动名词作宾语。 There is sth.for sb.表示“某人有某物”,故表示“她 有机会”应该用 there is a chance for her;而 dream of 后面要求接动名词作宾语,故应将 i s 改成 bein9。另外,句尾的不定式是作 a chance 的定语,表示“被派往国外的机会

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