Kelly the Rescue Dog
Earthquake Rock Western Turkey
Many feared Buried Alive
On 17th August 1999, at 3 o’clock in the morning, a terrible earthquake shook western Turkey. It was one of the biggest earthquakes of the 20th梦见买米 century, measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale.
It began with a low rumbling sound like thunder. Soon the rumbling grew into a roar. The ground shook and deep cracks opened up in the streets. Huge buildings collapd, nding clouds of dust into the air. Within conds the town of Izmit lay in ruins. Some people managed to escape and ran from their homes. Others were not so lucky.
During the next few hours rescue teams arrived from all over the world to help arch for
survivors of the earthquake. This story is about one such team from Britain and of a very special dog called Kelly.
Buried Alive
“Dad.” whispered Tariq. “Are you awake?”
Omar groaned and opened his eyes. “What’s the matter, son?”
“I can’t sleep,” said Tariq. “It’s too hot,. I think there’s a storm coming.”
“You could be right, “said Omar. “All day long it’s felt like something is about to happen. Go back to bed, there’s a good lad.”
Tariq shook his head. “I’m going downstairs where it’s cooler. Why don’t you come with me?”
水雷屯卦Omar yawned sleepily. “No, I think I’ll stay here.”
Tariq crept along the landing. He and his father were alone in the hou. His mother and sister had gone to visit relatives in Ankara. He padded down the stairs to the kitchen and lay on the floor. The tiles were hard but beautifully cool. At last he fell asleep.
Suddenly he awoke with a start. In the distance he could hear a deafening roar, like thunder. It emed to be coming clor and clor. The storm must have arrived, just as they expected.
But this was no ordinary storm. Within conds the whole hou began to shake. The china rattled and fell off the shelves with a crash. Tariq could feel the floor moving beneath him. What on earth was happening?”
水仙花种球He jumped to his feet and tried to switch on the light. It didn’t work. He started towards the back door, but just as he reached it there came a loud cracking noi. Next moment a pile of bricks came tumbling down around him. A terrible choking smell filled the air.
At last the dust cleared. Tariq was amazed to find that he was still alive. The framework of the doorway must have saved him. He called out.” Dad? Dad, are you all right?”
No answer.
Tariq stumbled back towards the stairs-or rather, to where the stairs ud to be.
There was nothing left of them now but a pile of rubble. A terrible fear took hold of him.” Dad? Dad, where are you?” he called again.
A strange, empty silence hung in the air.
News of the earthquake spread quickly. In England Simon Gillam heard about it and started to pack. He packed a tent, a sleeping-bag, a cooking stove-and lots of dog food. Becau Simon would not be travelling alone.
“Kelly! Kelly!” he called, “Come here, old girl. We’ve got work to do.”
商鞅变法的意义Kelly, a six-year-old Border Collie, came 墨镜图片bounding up to him. Simon bent down to stroke her glossy head.
“This won’t be an easy job.” He warned her. “But we’ll do our best—won’t we, old girl?’
Kelly grinned up at him, eagerly wagging her tail. She was a trained arch and rescue dog. Her job was to find people buried beneath rubble or mud. Together, she and Simon made a brilliant team.
But it would be difficult, exhausting work. And who knew what dangers awaited them in the ruins of the Turkish town?
The Magic Word
The pick-up truck lurched down婴儿品牌 the rough, uneven track and on to a smoother road. Kelly gazed out of the window. They had been travelling for ours and must be a long way from home. But she wasn’t scared. She was never scared as long as she was with Simon.
Kelly turned to look at Simon, squashed beside her in the back of the truck. He gave her a reassuring grin. “Won’t be long now, old girl. Soon be there.”
Soon be where?
Kelly could tell from his voice their journey was important. This wasn’t going to be a holiday: they were here to work. But that suited her fine. There was nothing Kelly enjoyed more than working. Wherever they were going she couldn’t wait to get there.
She had started her training when she was only a puppy. To her just was just a game of hide-and-ek. Simon would take her to a quarry or a building site and nd one of his friends to hide. This friend took a squeaky toy with him. As soon as Kelly heard it go “Squeak, squeak!” she would rush off in arch of the toy. When she had found it she barked to tell Simon how clever she was. Oh, it was a great game! Kelly loved playing hide-and-ek.