The 20 Best Examples of Using Artificial Intelligence for Retail Experiences
By Blake Morgan
The basic retail experience hasn’t changed much over the years: go into a store, look for the right product and make a purcha. Artificial intelligence has the potential to completely transform the traditional retail experience and take it to the next level with personalization, automation and incread efficiency. And it’s already happening!
Here are 20 of the best examples of A.I. to improve the retail experience.
1. Lowes us robots to locate items
Navigating a hardware store can be difficult, but Lowes created the LoweBot to help customers find their way around the store and get the items they need. LoweBots roam the store and ask customers simple questions to find out what they’re looking for. The robots can provide directions and maps to products and share specialty knowledge with customers. LoweBots also monitor inventory so the store knows what items need to be restocked.
1. Lowes通过机器⼈来定位货品
2. Walgreens us A.I. to track flu spread
中国四大传统节日The flu can be uncomfortable, inconvenient and even deadly if not treated properly. With the right information, people can take action to keep their families healthy. Walgreens us data from the number of anti-viral preions it fills at more than 8,000 locations to track the spread of the flu. The online, interactive map not only helps customers know how bad the flu is in their area, but also helps
Walgreens stock more inventory of flu-related products in infected regions. A.I. is empowering customers and the store.
2. Walgreens使⽤AI跟踪流感传播
安全标志简笔画3. Sephora makes it easy to find makeup
Step into a Sephora store to find your perfect makeup shade without ever putting anything on your face. Color IQ scans a customer’s face and provides personalized recommendations for foundation and concealer shades, while Lip IQ does the same to help find the perfect shade of lipstick. It’s a huge help to customers who know the stress (and cost) of finding the perfect shade by trial and error.
3. 丝芙兰让化妆品适配更简单
当你⾛进丝芙兰的商店,你不需要往脸涂抹放任何东西就可以找到适合的化妆品。Color IQ扫描顾客的脸部,并为粉底和遮瑕膏的选购提供个性化的建议,⽽类似的Lip IQ可以帮助顾客找到合适的唇膏⾊调。对于顾客⽽⾔,以前那种需要反复试错的挑选过程将不复存在,这对于她们来说⽆疑是个巨⼤的帮助。
4. North Face helps customers find the perfect coat
跆拳道最高段位Don’t know what coat to buy? North Face can help with that. The company us IBM Watson’s cognitive computing technology to ask questions about where they’ll wear the coat and what they’ll be doing. Using that information, North Face can make personalized recommendations to help customers find the perfect coat for their activities.
4. North Face帮助顾客找到完美的外套
不知道买什么⼤⾐?North Face可以提供帮助。该公司利⽤IBM Watson的认知计算技术询问顾客⼀些问题,例如她们将在哪⾥活动以及她们将要做什么。使⽤该信息,North Face可以提供个性化的建议,以帮助顾客找到适合⾃⼰活动的完美外套。
5. Neiman Marcus us A.I. for visual arch
Luxury department store Neiman Marcus us A.I. to make it easier for customers to find items. The Snap. Find. Shop. app allows urs to take pictures of items they e while out and about and then arches Neiman Marcus inventory to find the same or a similar item. Instead of using vague arch terms to find an item, the photos can usually find a very similar match.
5. Neiman Marcus使⽤AI进⾏视觉搜索
奢侈品商店Neiman Marcus使⽤AI帮助顾客更容易地找到她们想要的物品。应⽤程序Snap Find Shop允许⽤户拍摄⼀张她们看到的物品的照⽚,然后在Neiman Marcus的库存中查找相同或类似的物品。这些照⽚通常可以找到⾮常相似的匹配,⽽且⽤户也不需要像以前那样使⽤模糊关键词进⾏搜索。
6. Taco Bell helps customers order tacos on the go
When you want tacos, there isn’t time to wait. Taco Bell was the first restaurant to allow customers to order food directly through AI. The Tacobot works with Slack and makes it easy for customers to text or say their order. The bot even allows for customized and large group orders. In true Taco Bell form, the bot responds with quippy remarks after each order.
6. Taco Bell(塔可钟)帮助顾客快速订购taco
当你想要吃taco的时候,可能根本没有时间等待。Taco Bell是第⼀家允许顾客通过AI直接订购⾷物的餐厅。Tacobot与Slack合作,使顾客可以轻松打出或说出订单。Tacobot甚⾄⽀持定制的和⼤型团体的订单。在现实中,Tacobot会为每个订单回复⼀些夸张的评论。
7. Macy’s adds A.I. to in-store experience
Have you ever walked into a department store and had no idea where to find what you’re looking for? Macy’s On Call app is tailored with answers for each individual store. Customers open the app when they’re in the store and can chat with an A.I. bot to get directions to a specific item or check if something is in stock. The bot can even detect if a customer is getting frustrated and alert a human employee to go help the customer.
7. 梅西百货通过AI改善店内体验
你有没有这样的经历,⾛进百货商店之后却不知道在哪⾥可以找到你想要的东西?梅西的应⽤程序On Call针对每个线下商店量⾝定制。顾客在商店中打开应⽤程序后就可以与AI机器⼈聊天,顾客可以借此获取特定商品是否有库存以及它们的⽅位。机器⼈甚⾄可以检测到顾客是否感到沮丧,并提醒员⼯去提供帮助。
8. Walmart deploys robots to scan shelves
Walmart is one of the largest retail stores in the world, and it plans on using robots to help patrol tho vast aisles. Walmart is testing shelf-scanning robots in dozens of its stores. The robots scan shelves for missing items, things that need to be restocked or price tags that need to be changed. The robots free human employees to spend more time with customers and ensure that customers aren’t faced with empty shelves.
9. ThredUp us A.I. to remember customer preferences
Online consignment store ThredUp recently relead Goody Boxes, which include a number of condhand clothing items tailored to match each customer’s style. Customers keep and pay for the items they like and return the items they don’t like. An A.I. algorithm remembers each customer’s preferences so that future boxes can better fit their style. The non-subion boxes are easier for customers than arching for individual pieces.
9. ThredUp使⽤AI记忆顾客的偏好
黄梅调在线寄售商店ThredUp最近发布了Goody Boxes,它针对每个顾客的风格挑选合适的⼆⼿服装,然后打包邮寄给顾客。顾客留下她们喜欢的物品,然后退回她们不喜欢的物品。AI算法会记住每个顾客的偏好,以便将来出售的商品更适合她们的风格。对顾客⽽⾔,这种购物⽅式要⽐⼀个个进⾏搜索更简单。
10. Amazon eliminates cashiers with A.I.
No list on retail A.I. would be complete with Amazon and its revolutionary Amazon Go store. Customers can simply walk into the store, take what they want from the shelves and walk out without going through a cashier. Sensors and cameras throughout the store track what customers purcha and their Amazon account is charged when they leave.
A.I. helps create a quick and amless shopping experience so customers aren’t stuck waiting in line.
11. Uniqlo can read minds with A.I.
Clothing store Uniqlo is pioneering the u of science and A.I. to create a unique in-store experience. Select stores have AI-powered UMood kiosks that show customers a variety of products and measures their reaction to the color and style through neurotransmitters. Bad on each person’s reactions, the kiosk then recommends products. Customers don’t even have to push a button; their brain signals are enough for the system to know how they feel about each item.
12. West Elm connects style and products
Customers ud to bring in physical style boards of furniture items they liked, but now furniture retailer West Elm does it through AI. The Pinterest Style Finder scans a customer’s Pinterest boards to understand their personal style and create a list of recommended home décor and furniture items to match. It’s an easy way for customers to get a beautifully designed home that reflects their style.
12. West Elm将风格和产品连接在⼀起
计算器使用方法顾客过去购物时常常会带着她们喜欢的家具的实物样板(以便销售商进⾏推荐),但现在家具零售商West Elm通过AI改变了这⼀点。Pinterest Style Finder扫描顾客家中的家具以了解她们的个⼈风格,并据此推荐⼀系列的家居装饰和家具物品。通过这样⼀种简单的⽅法,顾客可以得到⼀个设计精美,且反映她们的风格的家。
13. Sam’s Club makes warehou shopping simple
The warehou superstore recently opened a smaller, AI-powered version of its store called Sam’s Club Now. The store us A.I. technology so that customers can shop without having to go through a traditional checkout line. The corresponding app can even map the most efficient route through the store to get everything on a customer’s shopping list.
13. Sam's Club让仓库购物变得简单
这家仓库超市最近开设了⼀家名为Sam's Club Now的⼩型⼈⼯智能商店。由于商店使⽤了AI技术,客户可以直接购物离开,⽽⽆需经过传统的收银台。应⽤程序甚⾄可以显⽰最有效的⾏⾛路线,以便顾客获取购物清单上的所有物品。
14. Olay us A.I. to personalize skincare
With the help of A.I., Olay customers can get personalized skincare treatment without having to e a dermatologist. With Olay’s Skin Advisor, customers take a lfie of their plain face, and the app us A.I. to tell the true age of their skin. The app evaluates skin health and makes recommendations for problem areas with personalize skin care regimen recommendations.
14. Olay使⽤AI将护肤个性化
在AI的帮助下,Olay的顾客⽆需去看⽪肤科医⽣就可以获得个性化的护肤⽅案。顾客通过Olay的Skin Advisor拍摄⼀张⾯部的⾃拍照⽚,应⽤程序就能够通过AI告知她们⽪肤的真实年龄。该应⽤程序评估⽪肤的健康状况,并为问题区域提出个性化的⽪肤护理⽅案。
15. Kroger app customizes product recommendations
Grocery chain Kroger is testing out the idea of smart shelves. When a customer walks down an aisle
and has their Kroger app open, nsors identify the shopper and highlight products they might be interested in. The app might highlight gluten-free products for a gluten-free shopper or kid-friendly snacks for a parent. The app can also provide personal pricing and alert shoppers if an item on their shopping list is on sale.
15. Kroger定制化的产品推荐
16. H&M us A.I. to keep popular items stocked
Popular clothing store H&M relies on staying on top of trends to be successful. The store us A.I. to analyze store receipts and returns to evaluate purchas at each store. The algorithm helps the store know what items to promote and stock more of in certain locations. The data could find that floral skirts ll well at urban stores and change the inventory to match what customers want.
17. Zara streamlines order pickup with robots
Buying online and picking up in store is a popular option for customers. Fashion retailer Zara recently started using robots to help customers when they come to pick up their orders. When they get into the store, customers enter a pickup code that starts the robot moving in the warehou. Once the ordered has been found, the robot delivers it via drop box. It’s a quick and efficient way to get orders to customers.
17. Zara通过机器⼈简化了取货流程
18. Starbucks bot makes it easy to order coffee
The coffee giant makes it even easier to get your morning pick-me-up with its A.I.-enabled voice ordering. Customers can chat with the My Starbucks Barista app to place their order with voice or text. When the customer gets to their local Starbucks, the order will be waiting and they can skip the line.
18. 星巴克机器⼈让咖啡订购更简单
通过AI加持的语⾳订单模式,这家咖啡巨头让您早晨可以更加便捷的喝到外带咖啡。顾客通过My Starbucks Barista应⽤程序进⾏聊天,通过语⾳或⽂字的形式下订单。当顾客到达下单的星巴克时,订单将进⼊等待序列,她们可以直接跳过下单环节。
19. American Eagle creates fitting rooms of the future
There’s nothing wor than getting to the fitting room, only to discover you grabbed the wrong size or want to try another color. Instead of getting dresd and leaving the room or flagging down an employee, American Eagle is creating interactive dressing rooms. Customers simply scan the items they want and can e what’s in stock. Store employees are notified if the customer needs an item d
elivered to the fitting room. The technology can even make product recommendations bad on what the customer has tried on.
19. American Eagle创造了未来的试⾐间
进⼊试⾐间后却发现你拿错了尺⼨或颜⾊,没有⽐这更糟糕的事情了。不过在American Eagle创造了互动式更⾐室之后,你再也不需要穿上⾐服离开房间或是呼喊⼯作⼈员了。顾客只需扫描她们想要的物品,就可以看到相应的库存情况。如果顾客需要在试⾐间进⾏试穿,也可以通过该技术通知商店员⼯送来⾐物。该技术甚⾄可以根据顾客的试穿情况提出个性化推荐。
20. Rebecca Minkoff designs A.I.-powered smart store
Clothing designer Rebecca Minkoff has three stores around the country and is one of the first brands to create “connected stores.” The stores u A.I. to run touchscreen smart mirrors, which allow customers to brow through clothing items and inspiration. Shoppers can then try them on in an interactive fitting room with custom lighting options. The fitting room mirrors u RFID technology to automatically know what customers are trying on and tell them what other colors and sizes are available.
20. Rebecca Minkoff设计了AI赋能的智能商店
服装设计师Rebecca Minkoff在全国拥有三家商店,她也是最早开设“连锁店”的品牌之⼀。这些商店使⽤了运⾏着AI的触摸屏智能镜,顾客可以⽤它浏览服饰。同时,顾客也可以在具有定制照明的试⾐间中进⾏试穿。试⾐间的镜⼦通过RFID(⽆线射频卡)技术了解顾客正在尝试什么服饰,并告诉她们其他可以尝试的颜⾊和尺⼨。