Smart, connected open architecture product: an IT-driven co-creation paradigm with lifecycle
解方程公式personalization concerns
期刊名称: International Journal of Production Rearch围魏救赵的主人公是谁
作者: Zheng, Pai,Lin, Yuan,Chen, Chun-Hsien,Xu, Xun
作者机构: Nanyang Technol Univ,Univ Auckland
年份: 2019年
期号: 第7-8期
辛德拉天赋关键词: smart;connected product;co-creation;open architecture product;cyber-physical systems;personalisation;product lifecycle management科研课题开题报告
摘要:Nowadays, the emphasis on manufacturing has shifted from a manufacturer-dominating to a customer-centric manner by actively involving urs into the co-creation process to reali individual sa
李贺简介tisfaction. In such era, the rapid development of information and communication technology (e.g. wireless nsor network, and cyber-physical systems) enables a promising market of IT-driven product, i.e. smart, connected product, and also changes the way of ur-manufacturer interaction in the product development process. However, to the
北京海洋公园best of authors' knowledge, co-creation manner in such context is scarcely reported. Meanwhile, there is a lack of any paradigms given to enable such product open innovation along the lifecycle for personalisation concerns. Aiming to fill this gap, this paper, as an explorative rearch, propos a