Oracle EBS面试问题
Oracle EBS面试问题大全
Oracle Applications General Questions How can you restrict the access (to oracle apps) to A GROUp OF urs using personalization?How do you enable trace/debug in AppS?What are custom events in apps and how to you enable/disable it?What is diagnostics in apps? How do you
enable/disable it?What are folders? How do you modify them?What is personalization and what features can be achieved through personalization?How do you run diagnostics for a particular module to nd it to Oracle support.What are global variables? How they can be ud?Can you nd direct oracle form. link in workflow notifications? If How?How can you achieve ZOOM functionality using personalization?What is custom.pll ud for?What is the difference between Key flex field and Descriptive flex field?Tell me about Multi Org?If the business entity has 5 Operating Units,How many times do you have to implement Apps?What is the difference between org_id and organization_id?What is FNDLOADER ud for its syntax?What is profile option in AppS?What are the steps to register Concurrent program, Form, Report?Explain the Order to Cash cycle and the underlying tables.Explain the procure to pay cycle and the underlying tables.What is difference between concurrent program and concurrent request Order Management Interview Questions
1.What are the Ba Tables and Interface Tables for Order
2.What is Order Import and what are the Setup\s involved in
Order Import?
3.What are different Order Types?什么是寒食节
4.Explain the Order Cycle?
5.Explain the Order to Cash Flow?
6.What are the process Constraints?
7.What are validation templates?
8.What are different types of holds?
9.What is Document Sequence?
10.What are Defaulting Rules?
11.When an order cannot be cancelled?
12.When an order cannot be d?羊羊羊奶粉
13.What is order type?
14.What are primary and condary price lists?
15.What is pick slip? Types?
16.What is packing slip?
17.What are picking rules?
18.Where do you find the order status column?
19.When the order import program is run it validates and the
errors occurred can be en in?
20.What is a pick Slip Report?
21.Name some tablesin shipping/order/move order/inventory?
22.How is move order generated?
23.What is the difference between purcha order (pO) and sales
24.What is ONT stands for?
25.What are the required fields when entering an order in the
Order Entry Screen?
26.When you run the Auto Invoice, where does it get the order
details from ?Whatis drop ship in OM?
27.What does Back ordered mean in OM?What isAdvanced Shipping
Oracle Applications Receivables Interview Questions What are the different Invoice matching types?Explain the different steps in implementing Autolockbox?What is the dbnumber of a particular cusotmer TCA?Tell me about TCA?What are the different Transaction types in
AR?Name some Flexfields in AR.What is the link between OM and AR?What kind of transactions can be created using AutoInvoice?What are the underlying tables and validations required during AutoInvoice Interface?Explain the steps involved in Transfer to GL from AR and
Ap.Where can you find the Customer payment terms? --
hz_customer_profiles Oracle purchasing Interview Questions What is a Blanket pO?What are different types of pO’sGive me some pO tablesWhat is purcha order workflowHow pO approval is organizedWhat is dollar limit and how can you change it?What is difference between positional hierarchy and supervisor hierarchy?How does workflow determines whom to nd the pO for approval?Can you create pO number in iprocurement?What functions you do from iprocurementWhat is the difference between purchasing module and iprocurement module? Oracle Application payables Interview Questions What are the different types of Invoices?What is prepayme
nt & steps to apply it to an Invoice?What are the prepayment types?What is the Distribution Type while entering the Invoice?What\s the difference between the \"payables Open Interface Import\" program and the \"payables Invoice Import\" program?What is Debit Memo & Credit Memo in payables?What is proxima payment Terms?What will accrue in
payables?What is Tolerance?What is Aging periods?What is a payable Document?What are 2 way, 3 way and 4 way matching?How you will transfer payables to general ledger?What is u of Ap Accounting periods?What is a Hold? Explain the types of HoldHow many key flexfields are there in payables?Explain the t up ud for Automatic or Manual Supplier Numbering.Can youhold the partial payment if yes then how?Can you cancel the invoice? If yes, at what stages? Explain?What are the different interface programs in Ap?What is the process/steps for Vendor Conversion?Which module is the owner of Vendor/Supplier tables?Give the cycle from creating an invoice to transferring it to GLWhat program is ud to transfer Ap transactions to GL?Tell me about pO cycle?How many types of purcha Order Types/Agreements are there? What are they?What
务工合同is Blanker pO?What is Contract pO?What is planned pO?In which table we can find the vendor number?You have created a new SOB. How will you attach this SOB to Ap? Workflow Interview Questions What is the access level in workflow ud for?How can you nd direct oracle form. link t
hrough workflow notifications?What are roles in workflow and how they are ud?What is the difference between a function and notification in workflow?How can you nd a notification to multiple urs? Can you change the list dynamically?What is Runnable option in workflow? At what level it exists?What is item type and item key in workflow?How can you run/start/kickoff workflow?What functions can you perform. from workflow administrator responsibility?How do you reassign a notification?What is delegating a notification?How many process can each workflow
contain?What is process in workflow?How do you u lookups in
workflow?How do you u attribute values in workflow messages?Can you nd html code in workflow notification?What are different types of attributes in workflow?How do you define start and end functions in workflow? How does they differ from normal functions?I have nt two different notifications to two different urs and I want to wait till both they are approved to nd 3rd notification. How can you achieve
it?I have nt two different notifications to two different urs and I want to wait till atleast one is approved to nd 3rd notification. How can you achieve it?What are steps to customize the workflow?How do you download or upload a workflow from a rver?To nd an email to the
ur workflow notification is the only way or is there any other ways to nd it?Give me some workflow tables?Give me some workflow standard procedures?What is wf_engine package ud for? Forms Interview Questions What triggers are available in Forms?How do you attach a library to a form?What are Object Groups?How do you build a popup menu?What are program units in forms? How to do you u them?What are different Visual
Attributes in Forms?What is difference between pL/SQL library and object library in Forms?Give some Built in package Names?Can you issue DDL in forms? If so how do you?What is SECURE property?What are the types of triggers and how the quence of firing in text itemCan you store
pictures in databa? How?What are property class? Can property
class have trigger?If you have property class attached to an item and you have same trigger written for the item. Which will fire first?What are record groups?Can record groups created at run-time?What is
ALERT?Can a button have icon and lable at the same time?What is mou navigate property of button?What is FORMS_MDI_WINDOW?Can object group have a block?How many types of canvas are there?What are ur-
exits?Can you call WIN-SDK thruo\ ur exits?Does ur exits supports DLL on MSWINDOWS ?What is path tting for DLL?What are key-mode and locking mode properties? level ?What are savepoint mode and cursor mode properties ? level?What are OpEN_FORM,CALL_FORM,NEW_FORM? diff? Oracle Reports Interview Questions
Name the report triggers.
CV9Q}3tSD0Before parameterITpUB个人空间 Gw3v\"_+C BB;d6y
After parameterITpUB个人空间 XF$c1U+o~w
Before Report
d\\+pa1^3v4hy0Between pagesITpUB个人空间VQ CM|4TA
After ReportITpUB个人空间r\\\f7A\^$zh
e(h? Bw4gBn(iq0What are bind parameter and lexical parameter ud
兔子谜语A bind reference replaces a single value or expression. To create a bind reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with a colon .ITpUB个人
空间ln3tk%]K G
A lexical reference is a text string and can replace any part of a SELECT statement, such as column names, the FROM clau, the WHERE clau, or the ORDER BY clau. To create a lexical reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with an ampersand (&).ITpUB个人空间-_&Ts? He ITpUB个人空间 s,e-J0d&u-|1b+|:`N{
Give an example of the implementation of between pages trigger in reports.ITpUB个人空间&j+YTv M
The total printed at the bottom of first page has to be carried to the top of the nextpage.
4I @4? n|F)q0The total printed at the bottom of first page has to be carried to the top of the next page. How do u do this technically?
v`#^B+g2R4Z0U Between pages trigger to copy the value from previous page to current page.ITpUB个人空间_u F v!J{1Gpq?(m
How do you resolve the following layout issues in reports?
8Nwd&A,ZE ]0There are 14 columns altogether in a report, in reports developer all 14 columns are printed, but in apps only 10 columns are displayed, how can u solve this?母亲的唠叨
&\\x.IH7i9VB*i0While printing, 10 columns are printing in first page and the next 4 cols in next page, how do u resolve this to accommodate all the 14 columns in a single page?ITpUB个人空间} f x|K C+A-\\
Where in reports do you t the context information (like org_id)?ITpUB 个人空间wpy6C(zTm
/Z%d{jzq0What do you know about placeholder column, formula columns, and summary columns?
z-EH-S&akJmw4T0 A summary column performs a computation on another column\s data.ITpUB个人空间?} ^}.gz\"d/]a
A formula column is a ur-created column that gets its data from a
肺字+?:q(|uqo9}D:H0 function or expression, a SQL statement, or a combination of the. A formula
皇家卫兵)? eH1z:O*v0 column performs a ur-defined computation on the data of one or moreITpUB个人空间 _V$I1cY
column(s), including placeholder columns.
x e|]!g6T+? Y0 A placeholder is a column for which you t the datatype and value in pL/SQL t
\p+g!I^4_5w#s0 that you define. placeholder columns are uful when you want to lectively tITpUB个人空间`!F*e SA|?
the value of a columnITpUB个人空间#[M2mR,qs-F7Af,t
What are ur exits in reports and name a few?ITpUB个人空间HcS5r\"i~-A Ur exits provided a way to pass control from Reports Builder to a program you have written, which performs some function, and then returns control to Reports Builder.ITpUB个人空间j-I4H8p&U)l mB
? l J,m)|T0How do you display only one record on each page in a
Give page Break in the Format trigger of the repeating frame.ITpUB个人
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How do you print barcode in the reports?
r1eNr6F9t?o0By installing the Barcode Font and using the Chart field in the Layout.ITpUB个人空间\\:w,K\"px?e3~f-[
What is SRW package and some procedures in SRW?ITpUB个人空间]k(s/Y-TWv