关于head weight 中文翻译的讨论----Ourhdxp
舞林南帝hsiaoar翻译了:Geoffrey and Diana Hearn(杰弗里.赫恩和黛安娜.赫恩)编著的A Technique of Advanced Standard Ballroom Figures(摩登舞高级舞步技术)一书。让我们舞者冲出了,84年前Alex Moore(亚历克斯.穆尔)编著的The Ballroom Dancing(摩登舞)和32年前Guy Howard (盖尔.霍华德)Technique of Ballroom Dancing(摩登舞技术),这两本书的樊篱!从此普通舞者再也不需,仅凭其他舞者的口传身授而模仿练习。无案可稽、无据可考,没有统一的标准,做出来也是形形色色,不一而论的局面就此终结!
关于'head weight',是新的名词,直译“头重”,我想应将其翻译成“头势”,为了谨慎起见,译文中直译,有时难以理解,不便于大家的学习进步,我想在论坛上发起讨论,集思广意,以期找到相对适当的中文翻译。望能得到大家积极参于!
关于head weight 我想应将其翻译成“头势
理由一:weight在词典里有:、势力、权势, 仗势、优势的意思重力, 重量, 分量, 砝码, 重要(性), 势力, 负担, 重累
理由二:“势”在词典里的解释有:姿势、姿态、形状、样式、样子、势子、架式、势样、形貌、趋势、势力、力量、威力、势霎、势头、乘势、势如破竹、因势利导等多重意思 '
理由五:书在解释head weight用到了projection一词就有趋势的含义:这是一个对以前的技术新增的内容,并且已经增加了解释身体形态(shaping)和/或在高级舞蹈中需要的头部投影(projection)。
造型舞步型(Line Figures)的发展已经在更长、更低、更强和更宽的结构中被创造,同时维持其艺术性(artistry)和音乐性(musicality)。女士通过头重(Head Weight)的扩展(extension),用一个更大的握持空间,更宽及更高的握持使女士能够再一次(Once again)增强其线条。
感谢药师对“Head Weight”一词的翻译发起的讨论!
关于“Head Weight”的翻译,最初我也采用过“头势”一词与“头重”并行,并仍然保留在翻译的手稿中。
1.“Head Weight”是头部在地面上的正投影,并用于高级舞蹈中(projection that are required of the head in advanced dancing.)。注:projection一词我取“投影”一义。
2.与倾斜相仿,“Head Weight”也有L、C、R(左、中、右),Sl L、Sl R(轻微向左、轻微向右),并可L to C、R to C、C to L、C to R(从左到中、从右到中、从中到左、从中到右)等动作。
如在“18.2 Running Weave from Promenade Position—Waltz and Quickstep 从并进(侧行)位置开始的跑步迂回(纺织)步—华尔兹和快步舞”,这一舞步型中,男士和女士的Sway和Head Weight分别是:
奏 1(S) &(Q) 2(Q ) 3(S)
Sway(倾斜) S(直) R to S(右至直) S(直) S(直)
Head Weight头重(头势) Sl L(稍左) R to C(右至中) C(中) Sl L(稍左)
奏 1(S) &(Q) 2( Q) 3(S)
Sway(倾斜) S(直) Sl L to S(稍左至直) S(直) S(直)
Head Weight头重(头势) R(右) Sl L (稍左) Sl L to C(稍左至中) R(右)
3.字眼“中”(The word Centre)用于描述(qualify)在正常的站立位置上,头部的通常位置(the usual position)。然而,当在这一位置时,女士有一个轻微向左的头重,是被认可(recognized)的。在从一侧变到另一侧时,女士拥有比男士更多的自由(more freedom),但是,在摆荡舞蹈(Swing dances)中,
有少数例外(with a few exceptions),事实上(really),当重量从一侧到另一侧变化、而不是作为一种头部的转动时,这必须被感觉到。梦见衣服丢了
4.头势容易理解成“头部的姿势”,而不是“头部的势能”等等。事实上,在没有引入“Head Weight”一词时,在CP位置和PP位置上依然有头部的姿势,而“Head Weight”似乎更多地用于运动中,作为身体运动的发起点,如“4.2 Step Swing Principle 舞步摆荡的原理”中的描述:
Example:1-3 Waltz Natural Turn. From the preceding left
foot,the head weight will commence to move forwards and at the same time the left knee moves forward. ……
Teaching Tip 教学提示:
一个简化的想法:1.Head weight commences movement 头重开始运动
2.Left leg drives body weight 左腿驱动身体重心
所以我认为,“Head Weight”不是简单的“头势”,而“头重”也不准确,且令人费解。为了不与“头部的姿势”混淆而误解、误导,权衡再三,我最终还是选择了“头重”这一不准确、且令人费解的“直译”,使大家有更为宽广的思维空间和讨论余地,而不受已有的观念的束缚。
2.7 Head Weight
This is a new addition to the previous techniques and has been added to explain the shaping and/or projection that are required of the head in advanced dancing.
9.Development of Line Figures
The development of Line figures has been in the creation of a longer, lower, stronger and wider construction, whilst maintaining the artistry and musicality. Once again the wider and higher hold has enabled the Lady to enhance the Line with a greater volume of hold through the extension of her Head Weight.
13.8 Head Weight
This is an additional subject to tho given in the Original
Technique. It is mainly the Lady who will enhance the balance, rhythm and shape by extending her Head Weight in the direction suggested by the Man’s body lead. The Man’s Head Weight is esntial in creating an ea of movement, in the direction he requires, and to create an emotional quality in the Line figures. However the line through his head will follow that of his body, creating a powerful and manly expression. When moving to Promenade Position, a slight head weight to left is given. This is felt as a slight turn of the head to left of the normal position and a slight projection of head weight, not a lean or distortion of the posture of his head.
The word Centre is ud to qualify the usual position of the head in the normal standing position. However it is recognized that the Lady will have her Head Weight slightly to the left whilst in this position. The Lady has more freedom than the Man in changing from one side to the other, however in the Swing dances, with a few exceptions, this really must feel as a weight change from one side to the other and not as a turn of the head.
搬字组词Teaching Tip:
猪粉肠怎么清洗As Lady dance alone an Open Natural Turn from Promenade Position, the eyes will focus on the same spot in the room and you will find that the head Weight has changed from right to left and has not turned at all. The body has turned to the right under the head.
Many Ladies are able to lay their Head Weight out to an almost horizontal line as they prepare, or actually dance a Line Figure. However is most important that this is done from the rhythm and shape of the Man’s body lead and the u of her