序号 | 中文名称 | 英文译文 |
1 | 严禁攀登 | No Climbing |
2 | 严禁倚靠 | Stand Clear/No Leaning |
3 | 严禁攀折 | No Picking |
4 | 严禁滑冰 | No Skating |
5 | 严禁携带宠物 | No Pets Allowed |
6 中国最新航母 | 严禁中途下车 | No Drop Off between Stops nba汉密尔顿 |
刘海造型7 | 禁止游泳 | No Swimming |
8 | 禁止钓鱼 | No Fishing |
9 | 禁止排放污水 | No Waste Water Discharge |
10 | 禁止无照经营 | No Unlicend Vendors |
11 | 禁止狩猎 | No Hunting |
12 | 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 | No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited |
13 | 禁止携带易燃易爆物品 | Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited |
14 | 禁止速降 | Downhill Skiing Prohibited |
15 | 禁止雪道中间停留 | Don,t Stop on Ski Slope |
16 | 禁止由此滑行 | No Skiing Here |
17 | 禁止开窗 | Keep Windows Clod/Don,t Open Windows |
18 | 非机动车禁止入内 | Motor Vehicles Only |
19 | 雷雨天禁止拨打手机 | Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms |
20 | 卧床请勿吸烟 | Don,t Smoke in Bed |
21 | 殿内请勿燃香 | Don,t Burn Incen in the Hall |
22 | 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、 晕船、酗酒请词坐 | Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart dia and motion sickness not allowed on board. |
23 | 防洪通道,请勿占用 | Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear! |
24 | 非游览区,请勿进入 | No Admittance/No Visitors |
25 | 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐 | Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult. |
26 | 酒后不能上船 | Tho under the influence of alcohol not allowed. |
27 | 请抬起护栏 | Plea Rai the Guardrail |
28 | 请放下护栏 | Plea Lower the Guardrail |
29 | 请您不要坐在护栏上边 | Don,t Sit on Guardrail |
30 | 前方弯路慢行 | Bend Ahead. Slow Down! |
31 | 请自觉维护场内卫生环境 | Plea Keep the Area Clean/Plea Don't Litter |
32 | 请遵守场内秩序 | Plea Keep Order |
序号 | 中文名称 | 英文译文 |
33 | 请您注意上方 | Watch Your Head |
34 | 请在台阶下等候 | Plea Stand Clear of the Steps |
35 | 请您不要随意移动隔离墩 | Don,t Move Barriers |
36 | 请您穿好救生衣 | Plea Wear Life Vest |
37 | 请爱护洞内景观 | Plea Help to Protect the Cave Scenery |
38 | 请沿此路上山 | Climbing Route/To the Top / |
39 | 请勿投食 | Don,t Feed the Animals |
40 | 请勿惊吓动物 | Don,t Frighten the Animals |
41 | 请勿拍打玻璃 | 拜贺Don,t Tap on the Glass |
42 | 请勿将手臂伸出车外 | Keep Arms inside Carriage |
43 | 请按顺序出入 | Plea Line Up |
44 | 请爱请护林木 | Plea Protect the Trees |
45 | 请保护古树 | Plea Protect Heritage Trees |
46 | 请保护古迹 | Plea Protect Historic Sites |
47 | 请爱护景区设施 | Plea Protect Facilities |
48 | 请爱护文物/保护文物 | Plea Protect Cultural Relics |
49 | 请尊重少数民族习俗 | Plea Respect Ethnic Customs |
50 | 参观路线 | Visitor Route |
51 | 门票价格/票价 | Ticket Price |
52 | 危险路段 | Dangerous Area |
53 | 游客须知/游园须知 | Notice to Visitors |
54 | 景区简介 | Introduction |
55 | 单行线 | One Way |
56 | 敬告 | Attention |
57 | 当日使用,逾期作废 | U on Day of Issue Only |
58 | 凭票入场 | Ticket Holders Only |
59 | 团队入口 | Group Tour Entrance |
60 | 缆车入口 | Cable Car Entrance |
61 | 临时出口 | Temporary Exit |
62 | 火警出口 | Fire Exit |
63 | 月票 | Monthly Ticket |
64 | 年票 | Annual Ticket |
言多必失65 | 优惠办法 | Discount |
66 | 淡季时间 | Low Season/Off Season |
67 | 旺季时间 | High Season/Peak Season |
68 | 集体票 | Group Tour Tickets |
69 | 允许拍照留念 | Photos Allowed |
70 | 票已售完 | Sold Out |
71 | 票已售出,概不退换 | No Refund. No Exchange |
本文发布于:2023-06-15 19:44:57,感谢您对本站的认可!
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