For nearly a year, I sopped around the hou, the Store, the school and the church, like an old biscuit, dirty and inedible.
Then I met, or rather got to know, the lady who threw me first lifeline.
Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps.双腿分开
She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and one the Arkansas summer days it emed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her.
Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then no one would have thought of getting clo enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle her dress, let alone snag her skin.
She didn't encourage familiarity. She wore gloves too.
蒲公英种植 她是我所知道的为数不多的有气质的女士之一,并且是我做人的楷模,影响了我一生。
She was one of the few gentlewomen I have ever known, and has remained throughout my life the measure of what a human being can be.
She appealed to me becau she was like people I had never met personally.可爱的动物教案
Like women in English novels who walked the moors (whatever they were) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance.
Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea incessantly from silver trays full of scones and crumpets.对错的拼音
Women who walked over the “heath” and read morocco-bound books and had two last
names divided by a hyphen.
It would be safe to say that she made me proud to be Negro, just by being herlf.
One summer afternoon, sweet-milk fresh in my memory, she stopped at the Store to buy provisions.
Another Negro woman of her health and age would have been expected to carry the paper sacks home in one hand, but Momma said, “Sister Flowers, I'll nd Bai-ley up to your hou with the things.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Henderson. I'd prefer Marguerite, though.”
My name was beautiful when she said it.
“I've been mean-ins to talk to her, anyway.” They gave each other agegroup looks.
There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones.
She said, without turning her head, to me, “I hear you're doing very good school work, Marguerite, but that it's all written. The teachers report that they have trouble getting you to talk in class.
We pasd the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. I hung back in the parate unasked and unanswerable questions.
“Come and walk along with me, Marguerite.” I couldn't have refud even if I wanted to.
She pronounced my name so nicely. Or more correctly, she spoke each word with such clarity that I was certain a foreigner who didn't understand English could have understood her.
“Now no one is going to make you talk —possibly no one can. But bear in mind, language is man's way of communicating with his fellow man and it is language alone which parates him from the lower animals.”
That was a totally new idea to me, and I would need time to think about it.
“Your grandmother says you read a lot. Every chance you get. That's good, but not good enough. Words mean more than what is t down on paper. It takes the human voice to infu them with the shades of deeper meaning. ”
I memorized the part about the human voice infusing words. It emed so valid and poetic.