i) Anatomy of the Eye, the Orbit and related structures 15 ii) Embryology and Development 6
iii) Neuro-Anatomy 10
iv) Principles of General Physiology 6
v) Vision, Ocular Physiology, Biochemistry and Cell Biology 13 vi) Pharmacology 10
vii) Epidemiology and Statistics 3
viii) Genetics 7
ix) Pathology and Micro-biology 5 + 5
x) Optics and Refraction 10+10
以下为试题样本 (每题有5个“正确”或“错误”的选择题):
Concerning ß-blockers (Beta Blockers), which of the following statements is True and which are
a. - betaxolol is a lective ß1- receptor blocker. [ T ] [ F ] b. - ß-blockers increa awareness of hypoglycaemia. [ T ] [ F ] c. - lective ß1-antagonists have no effect on the bronchial tree. [ T ] [ F ] d. - overdo is treated with intravenous glucagons. [ T ] [ F ] e. - ß-blocker eye drops can safely be ud for infants. [ T ] [ F ]
Concerning Acetazolamide:
a. It should not be taken by individuals with Sickle Cell anaemia. [T ] [ F ] b. It may cau peripheral parasthesiae. [T ] [ F ] c. It can caumetabolic alkalosis. [T ] [ F ] 当代作家排行榜
d. It enhances the conversion of bicarbonate (HCO3-) to water & carbon dioxide. [T ] [ F ]
e. To reduce Aqueous flow, 99% of carbonic anhydra must be inhibited. [T ] [ F ] 3.
Optics windows截图快捷键
国歌响起When light pass from one medium to another with a different refractive index, which of the
following may occur? ip调度
a. Diffraction. [ T ] [ F ]
b. Reflection. [ T ] [ F ]
c. Refraction. [ T ] [ F ]
d. Interference. [ T ] [ F ]
e. Polarisation. [ T ] [ F ]
黄瓜怎么做A patient with a corneal scar has only 20/40 after best refractive correction. With a stenopaeic aperture ('pinhole') his vision is 20/25. What could be an explanation? a. Spherical aberration. [ T ] [ F ]
b. Myopic astigmatism. [ T ] [ F ]
c. Irregular astigmatism. [ T ] [ F ]
d. Simulation. [ T ] [ F ]
面试的基本礼仪e. Image degradation. [ T ] [ F ]
Neuro Anatomy
Regarding the lateral ventricles, which of the following is correct?
a. They are parated from each other anteriorly by the ptum pellucidum. [ T ] [ F ] b. P
手机壳diyosterior horns extend into the temporal and occipital lobes of the hemispheres. [ T ] [ F ] c. They are limited inferiorly by the corpus callosum. [ T ] [ F ] d. The optic radiation pass between their central part and inferior horn. [ T ] [ F ] e. They communicate with the third ventricle via the aqueduct of Sylvius. [ T ] [ F ]