Determination of Ammonia in Saliva Using Indophenol, an Ammonium Electrode and an Enzymatic Method: A Comparative Investigation 期刊名称: Journal of Clinical Chemistry & Clinical Biochemistry Zeitschrift Für Klinische Chemie Und Klinische Biochemie家常炖羊排的做法
作者: J. R. Huizenga,C. H. Gips
年份: 1982年竹叶青
期号: 第8期
关键词: Homogeneous immunoassay;immunoassay, homogeneous;enzyme九江特色美食
immunoassay;immunoassay, enzyme;antigens;antibodies;ligand
盒子怎么做手工binding;paration-free enzyme immunoassay;substrate and prosthetic group labels
沙虫干摘要:Three methods for determination of ammonia in saliva are reported. The indophenol method on diluted saliva has the best precision (coefficient of variation 0.8%) and the lowest reagent cost. The am作商法
monium electrode method is the quickest, but it requires simultaneous determination of the potassium content of the specimen. The enzymatic method give the same result as the electrode method, but is more expensive. Deproteinisation proved not to be necessary. In one hour 10, 20 or 40 determinations can be performed with the enzymatic, indophenol-or the electrode method, respectively.