Lesson9Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn’s idyllic crui through
eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer’s endless summer of freedom and adventure.—metaphor ,hyperbole, parallelismI found another Twain as well—one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound
personal tragedies life dealt him,a man who became obsd with the frailties of the human race, who was clearly ahead a black wall of night.—metaphorThe cast of characters t before him in his new profession was rich and varied—a
cosmos.—alliteration, metaphorHe went west by stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in
Nevada’s Washoe region.simileFor eight months he flirted with the colossal wealth available to the lucky and the persistent,and was rebuffed.—extended metaphor―It was a splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at
home..—alliterationThe grave world smiles as usual, and says…-- could t a trap anywhere and catch a dozen abler men in a night‖ Casually he debunked
revered artists and art treasures, and took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land.—antithesis exaggerationTom’s mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky
Thatcher are almost as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence.–elliptical ntenceBitterness fed on the man who had made the world lauth.—personification
Lesson10The Trial That Rocked the World—hyperboleSeated in court, ready to testify on my behalf, were a dozen distinguished professors and
scientists, led by Professor Kirtley Mather of Harvard University.—periodic ntence 3 ―Don’t worry, son, we’ll show them a few tricks,‖ Darrow had whispered throwing a
reassuring arm round my shoulder as we were waiting for the court to open.—transferred epithetAfter a while, it is the tting of man against man and creed against creed until we are
marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and Culture to the human mind.—ironyOne shop announced: DARWIN IS RIGHT—INSIDE.—punDudley Field Malone called my conviction a ―victorious defeat.‖—oxymoronThe oratorical storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone blew up in the little cout
in Dayton swept like a fresh wind through the schools and legislative of fices of the United States, bringing in its wake a new climate of intellectual and academic freedom that has grown with the passing years.—extended metaphor
母乳喂养多久―Why don’t you take one or two of the others?‖ I asked.rhetorical question)
Mark Twain---Mirror of America
saw clearly ahead a black wall ain artery of transportation in the young nation's heart醉仙歌
the vast basin drained three-quarters of the ttled United States
All would resurface in hat he Steamboat ain but its flotsam
When railroads began drying up he epidemic of gold and Twain began digging his way to Mark Twain honed and experimented with his new ook unholy Simile:
Most American remember M.T.as the a memory that emed phonographic
..crui through eternal dless summer The cast -a cosmos.Parallelism:
Most he father of Huck Finn's idyllic crui through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure.Personification:
life dealt him profound he river had acquainted o literature's an entry that will determine his he grave world smiles Bitterness fed on America laughed with him.Personal tragedy haunted his entire life.Antithesis:
...between what people claim to be and what they ok unholy verbal shots at the a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever
芥菜汤..men's final relea from earthly struggle
客观性试题...the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home跟着希望跟着光
.with a dash a recklessness of cost Metonymy: