海商法 maritime law
海事法 admiralty law
国际海事组织 International Maritime Organization
习惯法 customary law
罗得海法 Rhodian Laws
《中华人民共和国海商法》Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China
可航水域 navigable waters
word行间距怎么设置海商法的渊源 sources of admiralty and maritime law
租船 charter parties
货物运输 carriage of goods
海上保险 marine insurance
船舶碰撞 ship collision
船级证书 certificates of classification
船旗 flag
船籍港 port of registry
船籍证书 certificate of ship’s nationality
船队 fleet
船东(船舶所有人) shipowner
船舶抵押权 ship’s mortgage
船舶所有权 ownership of ship
船舶优先权 maritime lien
船舶建造人留置权 ship builder’s posssory lien
船舶检验 ships surveys
船舶属具 ship’s apparels
船舶属具目录 list of ship’s appurtenance
船舶登记港 port of registry
船旗国 flag state
船员 amen or crew
海员证 afarer’s identity certificate
海员法 amen’s Act or Crew’s Law
船员工资、伙食 crew’s wages and maintenance
船员名单 crew List
真正的英语船员休息日 amen’s leave days
船员雇用合同 crew’s employment contract
船员遣返 repatriate of crew
船员遣返费用 repatriatation expens
船员惩戒 punishment for the crew
船员就业规则 rule of employment of amen
船员服务簿 amen’s record book
船员特殊培训 special training for afarers
船员疾病伤亡补偿 compensation for illness injury and loss of life of amen
海上货物运输合同 contract for the carriage of goods
承运人 carrier
实际承运人 actual carrier
托运人 shipper
收货人 consignee
提单 Bill of Lading, 简称:B/L
正本提单 original Bill of Lading
副本提单 copy Bill of Lading
已装船提单 Shipped B/L or on Board B/L
收货待运提单 Received for Shipment B/L
记名提单 Straight B/L
不记名提单 Blank B/L; Barer B/L
提示提单 Order B/L
清洁提单 Clean B/L
不清洁提单 Unclean B/L
简式提单 Short Form Bill of Lading
最终证据 conclusive evidence
初步证据 prima facie evidence
保函 letter of indemnity
件杂货 general cargo; break bulk
承运人对货物的责任期间 period of carrier’s responsibility
承运人责任限制 carrier’s limitation of liability
承运人的责任 carrier’s responsibilities
承运人的免责 carrier’s Exemption
大副收据 Mate’s Receipt;简称M/R
大副批注 Mate’s Remark
倒签提单 Anti-dated Bill of Lading
预借提单 Advanced Bill of Lading
班轮运输 liner shipping
班轮订舱 booking
班轮公会 line conference
积载 stowage
双方有责碰撞条款both-to-blame collision clau
无船承运人 Non Vesl Carrier Cooperation;简称NVOCC
多式联运经营人 Multimodal Transport Operator, 简称MTO
航次租船 voyage-charter party
承租人 charterer
亏舱费 dead freight
不定期船 tramp ship
代替船 substituted vesl
连续日 running days; concutive days
晴天工作日 weather wirdubg day
私人承运人 private carrier
每天每舱口装卸定量 per hatch per day
转租 subletting
到达船 arrived ship
不论靠泊与否 whether in berth or not
除非已使用 unless ud
一旦滞期,永远滞期 once on demurrage always on demurrage
运费率 pro-rate freight
整船包价 lumpsum freight
地理航线 geographical rotation
航次受阻 frustration of voyage
定期租船合同 time charter party
装载容积 cubic capacity
总登记吨 Gross registered tonnage G.R.T. grt.
租期 duration
交船检验 on hire surrey
危险货物 dangerous cargo
航区条款 trading limits
燃油 bunker
租金率 rate of hire
租金支付 hire payment
宽容期 grace Period
垫付 cash advance
停租 off hire
米粉泡多久可以炒入坞 drydocking
光船租赁 Bareboat Charter or Demi-charter Party
拖轮 tug or tugboat
拖航 towage
拖航合同 towage contract
拖航责任 liabilities of tugowner
顶推 pushing tow
拖驳船队 tug-barge combination
日租程拖带 towage by daily hire
承包型拖航合同 lump-sum towage contract
承拖方 towing party
国际海上拖航 interantional towage at a
适拖 towworthiness
适拖保证 towworthiness guarantee
适拖证书 certificate of towworthiness
起拖 commencement of towage
被拖方 tow party
被拖物体 object towed
船舶碰撞 collision at a护肤霜
船舶碰撞引起的损失 loss or damage caud by collision
船舶碰撞法 The Law of Collision at Sea
船舶碰撞实际过失 actual fault in collision
不可抗力的碰 collision caud by force majeure
驾驶船舶过失 negligence of navigation
航行规则 rules of navigation
直接碰撞 direct collision
间接碰撞 indirect collision
第三方损失 third party damage
损失的范围 categories of loss
互有责任碰撞条款 both to blame collision clau
海难救助 salvage at a
人命救助 life salvage
义务救助 salvage under obligation
无效果无报酬 No Cure No Pay
救助人 salvor
安全网条款 safety net provision
先行支付 interim payment
合同救助 contractual salvage
纯救助 pure salvage
被救助人 salvee
获救财产 salved property
获救价值 salved value
救助标的 subject of salvage
救助款项 salvage payment
强制救助 mandatory salvage
共同海损 general average
共同海损分摊 contribution to general average
糖炒核桃共同海损百分率 general average percentage