T P R典型词汇
General Body Movements
1. stand up
2. sit down
3. walk
4. stop
5. turn left
6. turn right
7. turn around
8. walk backwards
9. jump
10. hop
11. bend over是谁家新燕
婴儿喝奶量12. squat
13. walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc.洪碧玲
14. face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.)
15. lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)
16. lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)
17. shake my hand
18. kiss me (on the cheek!)
19. make a fist
体育运动会口号20. clap your hands
21. snap your fingers
22. wave
facial things
23. smile
24. cough
25. laugh
26. cry
27. sneeze
28. open your mouth
29. clo your mouth
30. stick out your tongue
31. put your tongue back in
32. wink
33. blink
34. wiggle your no
General verbs you can u with objects
35. where is
36. touch
37. show me
38. pick up
39. put down
40. put it back (return)
41. drop
42. move
43. give me (give him)
44. take it back
授权委托书怎么写45. throw
46. catch
47. turn over (flip)
48. put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______
49. push
50. pull
51. lift
kitchen table stuff
52. cup
53. plate
54. bowl
55. knife
56. fork
57. spoon
58. napkin / tissue
59. dish