This bulletin rves as a guide for the installation, configuration and operation of the RS232 and RS485 rial communications plug-in cards for the CUB5.The plug-in cards are parately purchad option cards that plug into the main circuit board of the meter. Only one communication card can be ud at a time.
Crimson is a Windows ®bad program that allows configuration of the CUB5meters from a PC. Crimson offers standard drop-down menu commands, that make it easy to program the CUB5 meters. The CUB5 program can then be saved in a PC file for future u. A CUB5 rial plug-in card is required to program the meter using the software.
Bulletin No. CUB5COM-B Drawing No. LP0606
Relead 1/08
The cards plug into the main circuit board of the meter as shown.
形容月亮的词: The Plug-in cards and main circuit board contain static WIRING CONNECTIONS
Connections to the rial communications cards are made through an RJ11modular connector. Connector pin-outs for the RS485 and RS232 cards are shown below.
Type : RS485 multi-point balanced interface (non-isolated)Baud Rate : 300 to 38.4k
Data Format : 7/8 bits; odd, even, or no parity Bus Address : 0 to 99; max 32 meters per line
Transmit Delay : Selectable, 2 mc min. or 50 mc min.
RS232 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS CARD Type : RS232 half duplex (non-isolated)Baud Rate : 300 to 38.4k
Data Format : 7/8 bits; odd, even, or no parity
*Crimson software is available for download dlion/
480096007-bit 8-bit
Module 5 is the programming module for the Serial Communications Parameters. The parameters are ud to match the rial ttings of the CUB5with tho of the host computer or other rial device. The Serial Setup Parameters are only accessible when an optional RS232 or RS485 rial
communications module is installed in the meter.
Set the baud rate to match that of other rial communications equipment.Normally, the baud rate is t to the highest value that all of the rial communications equipment is capable of transmitting and receiving.
Select either 7- or 8-bit data word length. Set the word length to match the other rial communications equipment on the rial link.
This parameter only appears when the Data Bit parameter is t to a 7-bit data word length. Set the parity bit to match that of the other rial equipment on the rial link. The meter ignores parity when receiving data and ts the parity bit for outgoing data. If parity is t to NO , an additional stop bit is ud to force the frame size to 10 bits.
Enter the rial node address. With a single unit, an address is not needed and a value of zero can be ud (RS232 applications). Otherwi, with multiple busd units, a unique address number must be assigned to each meter. The node address applies specifically to RS485 applications.
in respon to a Transmit Value command or a Block Print Request. Select NO for a full print transmission, consisting of the meter address, mnemonics, and parameter data. Select YES for abbreviated print transmissions, consisting of the parameter data only. This tting is applied to all the parameters lected in the PRINT OPTIONS. (Note: If the meter address is 0, the address will not be nt
during a full transmission.)
This parameter lects the meter values transmitted in respon to a Print Request. A print request is also referred to as a block print becau more than one parameter can be nt to a printer or computer as a block.
Selecting YES displays a sublist for choosing the meter parameters to appear in the print block. All active parameters entered as YES in the sublist will be transmitted during a block print. Parameters entered as NO will not be nt.The “Print All” (P-ALL
) option lects all meter values for transmitting (YES ),without having to individually lect each parameter in the sublist.
Note: Inactive parameters will not be nt regardless of the print option tting. For example, the Setpoint value(s) will not be nt unless an optional tpoint card is installed in the meter.
0 to 99
Setpoint 2
SP1NO Setpoint 1SPt-1MIN NO Minimum LO MAX NO Maximum HI INP YES Input INP MNEMONIC
Sending Serial Commands and Data
When nding commands to the meter, a string containing at least one command character must be constructed. A command string consists of a command character, a value identifier, numerical data (if writing data to the meter) followed by a command terminator character, * or $.
Command Chart
Command String Construction
The command string must be constructed in a specific quence. The meter does not respond with an error message to illegal commands. The following procedure details construction of a command string:
1. The first 2 or 3 characters consist of the Node Address Specifier (N) followed by a 1 or 2 character node address number. The node address number of the meter is programmable. If the node address is 0, this command and the node address itlf may be omitted. This is the only command that may be ud in conjunction with other commands.
2. After the optional address specifier, the next character is the command character.
3. The next character is the register ID. This identifies the register that the command affects. The P command does not require a register ID character. It prints all the active lections chon in the Print Options menu parameter.
4. If constructing a value change command (writing data), the numeric data is nt next.
5. All command strings must be terminated with the string termination characters * or $. The meter does not begin processing the command string until this character is received. See Command Respon Time ction for differences in meter respon time when using the * and $ terminator.
Register Identification Chart
烟斗怎么用Command String Examples:
1. Node address = 17, Write 350 to the tpoint 1 value
String: N17VD350*
2. Node address = 5, Read input, respon time of 50 mc min
String: N5TA*
3. Node address = 0, Ret Setpoint 1 output
String: RD*
4. Node address = 31, Request a Block Print Output, respon time of 2 mc min
String: N31P$
Transmitting Data to the Meter
Numeric data nt to the meter must be limited to transmit details listed in the Register Identification Chart. Leading zeros are ignored. Negative numbers must have a minus sign. The meter ignores any decimal point and conforms the number to the scaled resolution. (For example: The meter’s scaled decimal point position is t for 0.0 and 25 is written to a register. The value of the register is now 2.5. In this ca, write a value of 250 to equal 25.0).
Note: Since the meter does not issue a reply to value change commands, follow with a transmit value command for readback verification.
Receiving Data From The Meter
Data is transmitted from the meter in respon to either a transmit command (T), a block print request command (P) or a Ur Input print request. The respon from the meter is either a full field transmission or an abbreviated transmission, depending on the lection chon in Module 5.
Full Field Transmission
* The characters only appear in the last line of a block print.
The first two characters transmitted are the meter address. If the address assigned is 0, two spaces
are substituted. A space follows the meter address field.The next three characters are the register mnemonic, as shown in the Register Identification Chart.
The numeric data is transmitted next. The numeric field (bytes 7 to 15) is 9characters long. When a requested display value exceeds the meter’s display limits, decimal points are nt in place of numerical data to indicate a display overrange.
The remaining 7 positions of this field consist of a minus sign (for negative values), a floating decimal point (if applicable), and five positions for the requested value. The data within bytes 9 to 15 is right-aligned with leading spaces for any unfilled positions.
The end of the respon string is terminated with a <CR> and <LF>. After the last line of a block print, an extra <SP>, <CR> and <LF> are added to provide paration between the print blocks.
Abbreviated Transmission
* The characters only appear in the last line of a block print.
The abbreviated respon suppress the node address and the register mnemonic, leaving only the numeric part of the respon.
Meter Respon Examples (Analog models):
1. Node address = 17, full field respon, Input = 875
17 INP 875 <CR><LF>2. Node address = 0, full field respon, Setpoint 1 = -250.5SP1 -250.5<CR><LF>
3. Node address = 0, abbreviated respon, Setpoint 2 = 250, last line of block print 250<CR><LF><SP><CR><LF>
1, 2 2 byte Node Address field [00-99]3<SP> (Space)
4-6 3 byte Register Mnemonic field
7-1516<CR> (carriage return)17<LF> (line feed)18<SP>* (Space)19<CR>* (carriage return)20
<LF>* (line feed)
9 byte data field; 7 bytes for number, one byte for sign, one byte for decimal point
1-99 byte data field, 7 bytes for number, one byte for sign, one byte for decimal point 10<CR> (carriage return)11<LF> (line feed)12<SP>* (Space)13<CR>* (carriage return)14
<LF>* (line feed)
Command Respon Time
The meter can only receive data or transmit data at any one time (half-duplex operation). During RS232 transmissions, the meter ignores commands while transmitting data, but instead us RXD as a busy signal. When nding commands and data to the meter, a delay must be impod before nding another command. This allows enough time for the meter to process the command and prepare for the next command.
At the start of the time interval t1, the computer program prints or writes the string to the com port, th
us initiating a transmission. During t1, the command characters are under transmission and at the end of this period, the command terminating character (* or $) is received by the meter. The time duration of t1 is dependent on the number of characters and baud rate of the channel.躬自厚而薄责于人
t1= (10 times the # of characters) / baud rate
At the start of time interval t2, the meter starts the interpretation of the command and when complete, performs the command function. This time interval t2varies. If no respon from the meter is expected, the meter is ready to accept another command.
If the meter is to reply with data, the time interval t2is controlled by the u of the command terminating character. The ‘*’terminating character results in a respon time of 50 mc. minimum. This allows sufficient time for the relea of the nding driver on the RS485 bus. Terminating the command line with ‘$’results in a respon time (t2) of 2 mc. minimum. The faster respon time of this terminating character requires that nding drivers relea within 2 mc. after the terminating character is received.
At the beginning of time interval t3, the meter responds with the first character of the reply. As with t1, the time duration of t3is dependent on the number of characters and baud rate of the channel. At
the end of t3, the meter is ready to receive the next command.
t3= (10 times the # of characters) / baud rate
The maximum rial throughput of the meter is limited to the sum of the times t1, t2and t3
Communication Format
Data is transferred from the meter through a rial communication channel. In rial communications,
the voltage is switched between a high and low level at a predetermined rate (baud rate) using ASCII encoding. The receiving device reads the voltage levels at the same intervals and then translates the switched levels back to a character. The voltage level conventions depend on the interface standard. The table lists the voltage levels for each standard.
Data is transmitted one byte at a time with a variable idle period between characters (0 to ∞). Each ASCII character is “framed” with a beginning start bit, an optional parity bit and one or more ending stop bits. The data format and baud rate must match that of other equipment in order for communication to take place. The figures list the data formats employed by the meter.Start Bit and Data Bits
Data transmission always begins with the start bit. The start bit signals the receiving device to prepare for reception of data. One bit period later, the least significant bit of the ASCII encoded character is transmitted, followed by the remaining data bits. The receiving device then reads each bit position as they are transmitted.
Parity Bit
After the data bits, the parity bit is nt. The transmitter ts the parity bit to a zero or a one, so that t
he total number of ones contained in the transmission (including the parity bit) is either even or odd. This bit is ud by the receiver to detect errors that may occur to an odd number of bits in the transmission. However, a single parity bit cannot detect errors that may occur to an even number of bits. Given this limitation, the parity bit is often ignored by the receiving device. The CUB5 meter ignores the parity bit of incoming data and ts the parity bit to odd, even or none (mark parity) for outgoing data.
Stop Bit
The last character transmitted is the stop bit. The stop bit provides a single bit period pau to allow the receiver to prepare to re-synchronize to the start of a new transmission (start bit of next byte). The receiver then continuously looks for the occurrence of the start bit. If 7 data bits and no parity is lected, then 2
stop bits are nt from the meter.
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