Medial epicondylitis: is ultrasound guided autologous blood injection an effective treatment?
大学个人规划期刊名称: Bulletin British Association of Sport & Medicine
作者: S P Suresh,K E Ali,H Jones,D A Connell,D P Beall,Andrea S Klaur
年份: 2006年
期号: 第11期
关键词: autologous blood;medial epicondylitis;treatment;ultrasound
摘要:Objective: To asss if ultrasound guided autologous blood injection is an effective treatment for medial epicondylitis. Methods: Twenty patients (13 men, 7 women) with refractory medial epicondylitis with symptom duration of 12 months underwent sonographic evaluation. Tendinosis was confirmed according to three sonographic criteria: echo texture, interstitial tears and neovascularity. The tendon was then dry needled and autologous blood was injected. Patients were reviewed at 4 weeks and at 10 months. VAS scores and modified Nirschl scores were assd pre-procedure and post-procedure. R
esults: There was significant reduction in VAS pain score between pre-procedure and 10 months post-procedure when it had a median (IQR) of 1.00 (1–1.75), range 0–7. The median (IQR) Nirschl score, which at
关于春节的作文600字权志龙壁纸pre-procedure was 6.00 (5–7), range 4–7...