A. Table
Type E (CI)W F (CJ)A H (CL)d det I (CM)Ht J (CN)h K (CO)OD L (CP)b f M (CQ)b fdet N (CR)B P (CT)ID Q (CU)t w R (CV)t wdet S (CW)t wdet /2
T (CX)t f
The information prented in this spreadsheet has been prepared following recognized principles of design and construction.While it is believed to be accurate,this information should not be ud or relied upon for any specific application without competent professional examination and verification of its acc
uracy,suitability and applicability by a licend engineer or architect.The publication of this information is not a reprentation or warranty on the part of the American Institute of Steel Construction,its officers,agents,employees or committee members,or of any other person named herein,that this information is suitable for any general or particular u,or of freedom from infringement of any patent or patents.All reprentations or warranties,express or implied,other than as stated above,are specifically disclaimed.Anyone making u of the information prented in this publication assumes all liability arising from such u.
Caution must be exercid when relying upon standards and guidelines developed by other bodies and incorporated by reference herein since such material may be modified or amended from time to time subquent to the printing of this edition.The American Institute of Steel Construction bears no responsibility for such material other than to refer to it and incorporate it by reference at the time of the initial publication of this edition.Detailing value of t w /2, in. (mm)
Flange thickness, in. (mm)Variable Detailing value of member depth, in. (mm)
Overall depth of square or rectangular HSS, in. (mm)
Column in
Databa a
Shape type: W, M, S, HP, C, MC, L, WT, MT, ST, 2L, HSS, PIPE G (CK)d Width of the flat wall of square or rectangular HSS, or width of the longer leg for angles, or width of the back-to-back legs of
excel打钩long legs back-to-back double angles, or width of the outstanding legs of short legs back-to-back double angles, in. (mm)
O (CS)b Depth of the flat wall of square or rectangular HSS, in. (mm)
Outside diameter of round HSS or pipe, in. (mm)
Overall width of square or rectangular HSS, in. (mm)
Web thickness, in. (mm)
The shape designation as en in the AISC Steel Construction Manual , 15th Edition. The exception to this is the designation for double angles. There is a parate listing (row) for each back-to-back spacing and configuration. Therefore,the shape designation reflects the two variables. The listings for double angles follow the convention specified in the AISC Naming Convention for Structural Steel Products for U in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), June 25, 2001.
C (CH)AISC_Manual_
Label Boolean variable. A true, T, value indicates that there is a special note for that shape (e below). A fal, F, value indicates
that there are no special notes for that shape.
Special notes:
W-shapes: a value of T for: t f > 2 in.
M-shapes: a value of T indicates that the shape has sloped flanges.
无锡市灵山景区WT-shapes: a value of T for: t f > 2 in
MT-shapes: a value of T indicates that the shape has sloped flanges.
T_F D Nominal weight, lb/ft (kg/m)
Inside diameter of round HSS or pipe, in. (mm)
Detailing value of web thickness, in. (mm)
The shape designation according to the AISC Naming Convention for Structural Steel Products for U in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), June 25, 2001. This information is intended solely for the u of software developers to facilitate the electronic labeling of shape-specific data and electronic transfer of that data.
Cross-ctional area, in.2 (mm 2)
Overall depth of member, or width of shorter leg for angles, or width of the outstanding legs of long legs back-to-back double
angles, or the width of the back-to-back legs of short legs back-to-back double angles, in. (mm)
Flange width, in. (mm)
Detailing value of flange width, in. (mm)
EDI_ STD_Nomenclature B (CG)AISC Shapes Databa v15.0
AISC Shapes Databa v15.0is an update to Shapes Databa v14.1.This version is consistent with shape properties and dimensions tabulated in the AISC Steel Construction Manual,15th Edition,1st P
rinting.The databa contains some additional ction properties that are not included in the Manual .DISCLAIMER
Readme File
November 2017
Dimensions and properties for each shape are listed quentially in a single row. The data in each column is as follows:
Description a写柳树的诗句
zB BV (EZ)
S zC BW (FA)
r ts BX (FB)
h o BZ (FD)
CE (FI)WG i CF(FJ)婴儿体重计算
WG o B. New
Shapes in
The workable gage for the inner fastener holes in the flange that provides for entering and tightening clearances and edge distance and spacing requirements. The actual size, combination, and orientation of fastener components should be compared with the geometry of the cross ction to ensure compatibility. See AISC Manual Part 1 for additional information,
插刀教事件in. (mm)
a Values in parenthes "()" is for metric data.
Fig. 1. Location of warping statical
moment for W-, M-, S- and HP-shapes.Fig. 2. Location of warping statical moment for C- and MC-shapes.Fig. 3. Location of Point A, B and C for single angles.
Shape perimeter minus one flange surface (or short leg surface for a single angle), as ud in Design Guide 19, in. (mm)BY (FC)
P A Single angle shape perimeter minus long leg surface, as ud in AISC Design Guide 19, in. (mm)Shape perimeter, as ud in AISC Design Guide 19, in. (mm)Box perimeter minus one flange surface, as ud in Design Guide 19, in. (mm)Box perimeter, as ud in AISC Design Guide 19, in. (mm)Elastic ction modulus about the z -axis at point C on cross ction, as shown in Figure 3, in.3 (mm 3 /103)Effective radius of gyration, in. (mm)Distance between the flange centroids, in. (mm)Distance between web toes of fillets at top and bottom of web, in. (mm)Shape
上课睡觉Section Size Elastic ction modulus about the z -axis at point B on cross ction, as shown in Figure 3, in.3 (mm 3 /103)Pipe
Pipe26STD, Pipe24STD, Pipe20STD, Pipe18STD, Pipe16STD, Pipe14STD, Pipe26XS, Pipe24XS, Pipe20XS, Pipe18XS, Pipe16XS,Pipe14XS, Pips12XXS, Pipe10XXS HSS24X12X3/4, HSS24X12X5/8, HSS24X12X1/2, HSS22X22X7/8, HSS22X22X3/4, HSS20X20X7/8, HSS20X20X3/4, HSS20X20X5/8,HSS20X20X1/2, HSS20X12X3/4, HSS18X18X7/8, HSS18X18X3/4,
HSS18X18X5/8, HSS18X18X1/2, HSS16X16X7/8, HSS16X16X3/4,HSS16X12X3/4, HSS14X14X7/8, HSS14X14X3/4, HSS12X12X3/4, HSS10X10X3/4
2L12X12X1-3/8, 2L12X12X1-3/8X3/4, 2L12X12X1-3/8X1-1/2, 2L12X12X1-1/4, 2L12X12X1-1/4X3/4, 2L12X12X1-1/4X1-1/2, 2L12X12X1-1/8,2L12X12X1-1/8X3/4, 2L12X12X1-1/8X1-1/2, 2L12X12X1, 2L12X12X1X3/4, 2L12X12X1X1-1/2, 2L10X10X1-3/8, 2L10X10X1-3/8X3/4,2L10X10X1-3/8X1-1/2, 2L10X10X1-1/4, 2L10X10X1-1/4X3/4, 2L10X10X1-1/4X1-1/2, 2L10X10X1-1/8, 2L10X10X1-1/8X3/4, 2L10X10X1-1/8X1-1/2, 2L10X10X1, 2L10X10X1X3/4, 2L10X10X1X1-1/2, 2L10X10X7/8, 2L10X10X7/8X3/4, 2L10X10X7/8X1-1/2, 2L10X10X3/4,2L10X10X3/4X3/4, 2L10X10X3/4X1-1/2
2L W40X655, W36X925, W36X853, W36X802,W36X723, W21X275, W21X248, W21X223, W14X873, W14X808HP12X89WT L
WT20X327.5, WT18X462.5, WT18X426.5, WT18X401, WT18X361.5, WT10.5X137.5, WT10.5X124, WT10.5X111.5, WT7X436.5, WT7X404
L12X12X1-3/8, L12X12X1-1/4, L12X12X1-1/8, L12X12X1, L10X10X1-3/8, L10X10X1-1/4, L10X10X1-1/8, L10X10X1, L10X10X7/8,L10X10X3/4HSS The bolt spacing between inner and outer fastener holes when the workable gage is compatible with four holes across the
flange. See AISC Manual Part 1 for additional information, in. (mm)
C. New Variables in v15.0
• P A2
• P c
• P d
• T
公司聚会• W gi
• W go
D. Variables Removed in v15.0 • Q s