
更新时间:2023-06-14 20:46:07 阅读: 评论:0

The Ayrshire breed originated in the County of Ayr in Scotland, prior to1800. Regardless of the details of origin, the early breeders carefully crosd and lected the various strains of cattle to develop the cow we now know as the Ayrshire. She was well suited for the land and climate in Ayr. She was an efficient grazer; noted for her vigor and efficiency of milk production. She was especially noted for the superior shape and quality of her udder. The composition of her milk made it ideally suited for the production of butter and chee by the early Scottish dairymen. The first importations of Ayrshires to the United States was believed to have been made by  Henry W. Hills, of Windsor, Connecticut, around 1822.
Ayrshires are red and white, and purebred Ayrshires only produce red and white offspring. Actually, the red color is a reddish-brown mahogany that varies in shade from very light to very dark. On some bulls, the mahogany color is so dark that it appears almost black in contrast to the white. There is no discrimination or registry restriction on color patterns for Ayrshires. The color markings vary from nearly all red to nearly all white. The spots are usually very jagged at the edges and often small and scattered over the entire body of the cow.
For many years, the Ayrshire horns were a hallmark of the breed. The
小豆芽成长记horns often reached a foot or more in length. When properly trained, they gracefully curved out, and then up and slightly back. When polished for the show ring, the Ayrshire horns were a spectacular sight. Unfortunately, the horns were not very practical, and today almost all Ayrshires are dehorned as calves.
Ayrshires are medium-sized cattle and should weigh over 1200 pounds at maturity. They are strong, rugged cattle that adapt to all management systems including group handling on dairy farms with free stalls and milking parlors. Ayrshires excel in udder conformation and are not subject to excessive foot and leg problems. Few other breeds can match the ability of the Ayrshire to rustle and forage for themlves under adver feeding or climatic conditions.  Ayrshire cattle will do better under pasture conditions than will the other major  dairy breeds and, when pastures are poor, they need less grain to keep them in air condition.  Another traits that make Ayrshires attractive to the commercial dairyman include the vigor of Ayrshire calves.
Ayrshires average 14,430 pounds of milk with 3.85[%] butterfat.
Brown Swiss
The Brown Swiss breed is one of the oldest of the dairy breeds in the world.  It is descended from ca
ttle ud in the valleys and mountain
slopes of Switzerland since before historic records began. It was here that certain breed characteristics became so firmly established that they are still evident to this day. Brown Swiss in the United States are probably the purest of all recognized breeds of dairy cattle. It is definately believed that there has been little or no infusion of foreign blood, no apparent crossing with other cattle throughout the establishment of the breed. Swiss cattle were grazed throughout the summer at 3,000 to 8,500 feet above a level.  The unusual physical exertions and high altitude under which generation after generation of the cattle were developed has played an important part in the lection for strength and ruggedness as found in the Brown Swiss breed today.
The first recorded Brown Swiss cattle to be introduced into America were brought in by Henry M. Clark, of Belmont, Massachutts, in the winter of 1869 and 1870. This first importation consisted of one bull and ven females.
As the breed was expanding across the country and world and growing in numbers, the cow herlf was also improving. At the 1898 Annual Meeting of the Association in Chicago Brown Swiss was declared a dairy breed and the wheels were turning for breed progress.
Brown Swiss average 15,974 pounds of milk with 4.04[%] butterfat. Guerny
空调拆机The Isle of Guerny, a tiny island in the English Channel off  the
石桥拼音coast of France, is the birthplace of the Guerny cow.  Introduction夫妻观灯
of the Guerny to America occurred around September 1840, when Captain
Belair of the Schooner Pilot brought three Alderney cows to the port of
New York. Later, Captain Prince imported two heifers and a bull from the
Island. The animals were the original stock of a great majority of the儿童的诗句
Guernys that make up the national Guerny herd today.
With the understanding that positive identification is crucial to
prerving the purity of the breed, a group of Guerny breeders founded
the American Guerny Cattle Club in 1877. Since then, the organization
has registered over three million Guernys. Now the American Guerny
Association, the national organization for the registration and promotion
of Guerny cattle, has introduced many other programs for the advancement
of the breed.
The Guerny cow is known for producing high-butterfat, high-protein
milk with a high concentration of betacarotene. Being of intermediate size,
Guernys produce their high quality milk while consuming 20 to 30 perce

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