投机艺术【迪克森.沃茨】Speculation As A Fine Art

更新时间:2023-06-14 19:18:53 阅读: 评论:0

Dickson G. Watts的《投机艺术》是一本很薄的小册子,薄的你用不了一个小时就能读完。但是页数的单薄并不能掩盖其内涵的丰富。他对交易的洞见,对生活的哲思,无不用平实白描的语言娓娓到来,就像和你一起喝茶的老者,平心静气的谈着自己花费一生得到的真知灼见。这时,请你静下心来,只须侧耳倾听即可。
copyright 1965 traders press new york, n.y.
frar publishing company edition, 1979
2nd printing, 1985 3rd printing, 1987 4th printing, 2003
isbn: 0-87034-056-5
printed in the u.s.a.
you have opened the tomb of a great man. his name, his hooks and his exchange have almost vanished. dickson g. watts, author of speculation as a fine art and thoughts on life, was a charter member and president of the new york cotton exchange.
the revival of edwin lefevre's book, reminiscences of a stock operator, has renewed interest in the book becau "old dickson" wrote the bible for successful speculators. reference is constantly made of speculation as a fine art, yet there is not a copy in the library of congress or the new york public library. this was one of the few books written on speculation by a successful speculator.
dickson g. watts was president of the new york cotton exchange between 1878 and 1880. this exchange was one of the greatest arenas of speculation in america. ats sold for as much as $45,000. at this writing, the bid is $770 and the trading ring is derted. the epitaph of the cotton exchange is that our great society of free enterpri supports the price of cotton above the world market. speculators cannot out-bid the government, so the price cannot go up. the price cannot drop becau uncle sam has unlimited funds. there is a remote possibility that the cotton producers will grow cotton faster than the government can print money and the market will be free again.
pandora's box is open. you have parts of thoughts on life and speculation as a fine art in your hands.
did "old dickson" originate the quotations and rules of speculation or did he just pass them along? at any rate, he ud the knowledge to good advantage. can you?
j.r.l. 3/16/65
this reprint of a wall street classic is by permission of jack r. levien who was owner of traders press when it was functioning in new york. i first ran across jack in early 1965 when he was reprinting old wall street classics, as we do the days, and since then i hav
e kept track of his adventures away from wall street to holland and finally back to route 1, box 18, mcdowell, virginia 24458 where he now resides, keeping his fertile mind working in numerous areas.
one of the areas has been for years his love and care for miniature books. he has produced over 40 of them, with a great variety of subject matter, typography and bindings. in past lives, jack was a printing salesman and later a stockbroker. he came first from richmond, virginia to new york and began to collect books relating to the stock market.
his first miniature format was in 1967, with the results being stock market manipulation by edwin lefevre. the results he received from publication of this small book led him to study miniature books and publish more of them. his first five miniature publications were under the traders press label while he lived in brooklyn, new york. in holland he published under his own name and he is now back in virginia, his native land.
james l. frar
burlington, vermont
Speculation As A Fine Art
What Is Speculation?
before entering on our inquiry, before considering the rules of our art, we will examine the subject in the abstract. is speculation right? it may be questioned, tried by the highest standards, whether any trade where an exact equivalent is not given can be right. but as society is now organized speculation ems a necessity.
is there any difference between speculation and gambling? the terms are often ud interchangeably, but speculation presuppos intellectual effort; gambling, blind chance. accurately to define the two is difficult; all definitions are difficult. wit and humor, for instance, can be defined; but notwithstanding the most subtle distinction, wit and humor blend, run into each other. this is true of speculation and gambling. the former has some of the elements of chance; the latter some of the elements of reason. we define as best we can. speculation is a venture bad upon calculation. gambling is a venture without calculation. the law makes this distinction; it sustains speculation and condemns gambling.

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