HNA Hydrophones
微波炉不加热的故障排除1998年五行属什么The HNA ries needle hydrophones are the result of an extensive development to
combine good spatial resolution with the ability to withstand high acoustic intensities
such as encountered in mapping HIFU acoustic fields. Its ruggedness also opens
possibilities for u inside tissue or phantoms.
领导班子建设∙ Rugged
∙ Small size
∙ Broadband
∙ Very stable
Technical Specifications
* EOC ("end of cable") is the open-circuit output nsitivity of the hydrophone.
Calibration with an amplifier can be determined from the gain and input impedance
of the amplifier.
Provided with traceable calibration 1-20 MHz at 50 KHz intervals. For other
calibrations available visit our web site.
The HNA hydrophone can withstand very high pressures (e rever) but damage is
caud by inertial cavitation and not incident field pressure per . The same incident
pressure may be safe or result in cavitation depending on water purity, gas content,
temperature, agitation, and many other factors. The ur is advid to watch for and
avoid exposing this device to inertial cavitation.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Putting Confidence in Ultrasound
Onda_HNA_DataSheet_090917 HNA Hydrophone
HNA-0400 Frequency range (±6dB)
1-10 MHz * EOC Nominal Sensitivity [nV/Pa]
70 * EOC Nom. Sens. [dB re 1V/uPa]
-263 Effective Diameter
400 μm Capacitance
80 pF Max. Operating Temperature 50 ºC
592 Weddell Drive, Suite 7, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA | Tel: 408.745.0383 | Fax: 408.745.0956 | Typical Sensitivity Plot
Each HNA hydrophone is "stress-tested" prior to sale by exposing it to a high-intensity ultrasound fiel
d for one hour, and verifying that it survives without any changes either in appearance or in its spectral respon between 1 and 20 MHz.
The stress test conditions are provided at the focus of a 1.5 MHz source, operated at 50% duty cycle in deionized, degasd water at 23C. This provides an exposure intensity of 715 W/cm 2 temporal-average and 1430 W/cm 2 pul-average, corresponding to 15 MPa peak compressional and 3.7 MPa rarefactional pressure .形容校园>彷徨
Further details can be found in "HIFU Transducer Characterization Using a Robust Needle Hydrophone", Proceedings of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, Oxford, UK, Aug. 29- Sept 2, 2006—in press—plea contact Onda for a copy of this paper. Mechanical Specifications
Note that HIFU fields may contain significant harmonics beyond the frequency range in which the
hydrophone's respon is specified.