意外事故证明The limits of Riemann solutions to the relativistic我凭什么上北大
van der Waals fluid
包皮好处期刊名称: Applicable Analysis
作者: Yu Zhang,Jinhuan Wang
牵手图片唯美>关于中秋节的古诗年份: 2019年
期号: 第654期
谦抑性关键词: M. Mei;Relativistic Euler equations;van der Waals gas;Riemann
problem;delta-shock wave;vanishing pressure limit;35L65;35L67;76N10;76N15
摘要:By a Riemann problem, we identify and analyze the phenomena of concentration and cavitation and the formation of delta-shock waves and vacuum states in solutions to the relativistic van der Waals fluid as the pressure and molecular excluded volume drop to zero simultaneously. Particularly, the geo
metric properties of elementary wave curves and the formation process of delta shocks and vacuums, influenced by the parameter of pressure perturbation εand the van der Waals excluded volume b, are characterized and clarified completely. It is rigorously shown that the Riemann solution of the relativistic van der Waals fluid containing two shocks and two-rarefaction waves respectively tend to the delta-shock solution and vacuum state to the pressureless relativistic Euler equations as both pressure and molecular excluded volume vanish.女王英语怎么说