摘 要
静默的意思在《觉醒》中,埃德娜厌倦了传统的生活,她离开丈夫和孩子独自生活。不幸的是她没能获得她期待的自由和幸福。死亡成了她最后的归宿。《金色笔记》中的安娜也有相似的经历。离婚之后她和孩子住在自己的公寓里。她经济独立,有自己的职业并且对政治曾有很大热情。尽管作为一个自由女性,在她的觉醒之路还是有很多荆棘。幸运的是,她最后能够明白:生活在充满矛盾和对立的社会,男人和女人的关系不应该再是敌对和怨恨,而应该是互相的理解和支持, 否则他们终将陷入孤独恐惧和混乱之中而无力自拔。她最后克服了写作障碍并且开始了新的生活,也最终形成了和男性和谐共处的模式。
该论文通过分析两个女主人公相似却又不同的觉醒之路,意在向读者展示女权主义从19世纪到20世纪的发展。 同时也可以看出20世纪的女权主义者为了
Kate Chopin is a brilliant female writer who has made great contribution to the development of feminism in the nineteenth century. The Awakening is Kate Chopin’s best-known work, which talks about a woman trapped in the confines of an oppressive society. What the heroin Edna has achieved in the novel wakes up both her counterparts and the later generations who are keen on feminist rights.轰趴馆
Doris Lessing is always among the most influential female writers in the 20th century. Her most famous work The Golden Notebooks, which is published in 1962, brings her worldwide reputation and fame. It is a novel about tho free women who are determined to pursue their own identity and independence.
Both Edna and Anna are the reprentatives of tho women who are aware of their position in the society and desperately need a new kind of life which the traditional women never experienced. This thesis explores the experiences tho two women have on their way of awakening and makes a comparative study on the reasons of their different destinations.
In The Awakening, Edna is tired of the traditional roles as a mother and wife, and leaves her husband and children to live on her own. Unfortunately, she fails to gain the freedom and happiness she is longing for. Death is her only destination. Anna in The Golden Notebooks has similar experience. She is divorced and lives with her child in her own flat. She is economically independent and has a career and political enthusiasm. As a free woman, Anna is also faced with troubles on her way of
xxx幼awakening. Fortunately, she is able to have a better understanding about the relationship between men and women. She succeeds in establishing a harmonious relationship with the male and the society.
Through analyzing their similar yet still different ways of awakening, we are able to have a better understanding of the development of feminism from 19th century to 20th century, and the efforts tho feminists have made in writing as well.
Key words: awakening, feminism, The Awakening, The Golden Notebooks