砖砌烟囱>大寿The opening ceremony of the Beijing Games in 2022 is telling a different story to the one that China told the world in the Beijing 2008 Olympics, said movie director Zhang Yimou, who directed both opening ceremonies. In 2008, China was desperately trying to tell the world "who am I", but this time we are trying to highlight the idea of "us".手机摄影技巧
In a display of color, coordination and pyrotechnics, the celebrated director announced the country's arrival on the world stage in dramatic fashion, complete with performers "painting" on an LED scroll, an ode to China's space program and 2,008 drummers chanting and playi其高
ng bronze "fou" drums in unison. 在一场展现色彩、协调和烟火表演中,著名导演张艺谋以戏剧性的方式宣布中国登上世界舞台。表演者在LED卷轴上“作画”,颂扬中国的太空计划,还有2008名鼓手齐声吟唱击缶。
If the breathtaking 2008 Games ceremony was China’s coming out party, Friday’s 2022 gala, both designed by creative mu Zhang Yimou, rved to magnify Beijing’s achievement of becoming the only city to host the Summer and Winter Olympics despite the gargantuan challenges pod by an unrelenting coronavirus pandemic. 如果令人惊叹的2008年北京奥运会开幕式是中国向世界的首秀,那么同样由创意大师张艺谋所导演的2022年的盛会,则旨在放大北京的成就——即在无情的新冠病毒所带来的巨大挑战下,成为唯一一个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。
古筝选购The 2008 Summer Games were a spectacular celebration, a sort of coming-out party for China, and a chance for the rapidly rising powerhou to woo the world. 2008年夏季奥运会是一场壮观的盛会,是中国的首秀,也是这个迅速崛起的大国向世界招手的机会。 Almo
高古瓷st 14 years later, the contrast is as stark as the difference between winter and summer. The country hosting the 2022 Winter Games is no longer rising — China has rin, confident in its place in the world as an economic and political power. 近14年后,差异就像冬天和夏天的区别一样鲜明。2022年冬奥会的主办国不只是崛起——中国已经崛起,对自己作为一个经济和政治大国在世界的地位充满信心。
The country is richer, more confident, and more asrtive than it was when the 2008 Summer Games were held in Beijing. 与2008年夏季奥运会在北京举行时相比,这个国家更富有、更自信、更有底气。