船长 captain
大副 chief officer
二副 cond officer
三副 third officer
代理 ship’s agents
引水员逃生绳的使用方法 pilot
码头调度 loading master
前缆 fore/ head lines
后缆 back/ stern lines
围油缆 oil boom
带紧缆绳 fasten lines
松些缆绳 slack lines
引缆 heave lines
绞缆机 mooring machine
螺丝 screw
垫片 gasket
法兰 flange
扳手 wrench
吊机 crane/ derrick
梯子 ladder
防护网 protection net
盲板 blind fold
大小头 pipe line reducer
回气管 vapor return line
蒸汽管 steam line
热水 warm water
狗跟鼠的属相合不合管道 pipe
接管 connect line
拆管 disconnect line
接管时间 time of line connecting
拆管时间 time of line disconnecting
装货 load cargo
卸货 discharge cargo
结束时间 time of completion discharge
离泊时间 sailing time
氮气 nitrogen
空气 fresh air
加压 increa pressure
减压 decrea pressure
吹扫 purge/ air purge
扫舱 clean the tanks
扫线 clean the lines
验空舱 empty tank survey
取样 take sample
品质化验 quality analysis
商检 cargo survey
拖轮 tug boats
冻住 frozen
堵住 stuck
接地线 earth/ ground line
船舶资料 ship particulars
配载图 stowage plan
保安声明 safety/ curity warrant
现在几点 What time is it now?
大概几点 It’s about … o’clock.
我想见大副,在哪能找到他?I want to e Chief Officer, where can I find him?
现在是退潮 The tide is falling.
杨坚的皇后现在是涨潮The tide is rising.
现在是平潮 The tide slacks.
现在检查 Check right now.
等一下 Wait a minute.
船向前/向后移动2米 Move 2 meters forward/ backward.
准备好了 Everything is ready./ Ready now.
阀门已开 Valve is open.
送出前/后缆 Send out head/ stern lines.
你们几点开工?What time are you going to start working?
你们什么时候完工?When will you finish working?
多长时间卸完(装完)?How long will it take to finish discharging (loading)?
准备好装卸货了吗? Are you ready to load/ discharge?
可以卸货 You may start discharging.
慢一点卸货 Slower down discharge speed.
立即停止卸货 Stop discharging immediately.
最大装/卸货速度是多少? What is the maximum loading/ discharging rate?
请固定好红色书籍推荐 Plea fasten/ fix it.
请问现在压力多少? What is the pressure right now?
在下面放个垫子 Put a pad underneath.西部英雄
别让小船靠过来 Don't allow river boats to get alongside your ship.
商检明天来 Cargo surveyor is coming tomorrow.
商检回办公室/家了 Cargo surveyor returns office/ home.
再吹扫一次 One more purge.
请把软管放下一点 Lower down flexible ho.
开始(慢)泵 Start pumping (slowly).
停泵 Stop pumping.
现在就加热 Heat right now.
请把舱盖都打开 Open all cargo holds hatch covers.
先循环后再取样 Take samples after cargo internal circulation.
上一港是哪里 What is your last port?
温度太高/青春期主题教育低 The temperature is too high/ low.
这票货需要供氮气 The shipment needs to supply nitrogen.
这票货结束要洗舱 The shipment needs tank wash.
我们可以接上输油臂吗? Can we connect loading arms?
输油软管5分钟后接好 Cargo hos will connect in 5 minutes.
1. 调度室通知,你船明天早上八点开船。
The Dispatch Office informs us that your ship will sail at 8 tomorrow morning.
2. 引水员将提前半小时到船。
The pilot will be on board half an hour ahead of time.
3. 请在法兰连接处接好跨越铜片,以便导走静电。
Plea apply copper connector onto flange to relea statics.
4. 现在是低潮,大概龙池小学2小时后会涨潮。
It is low tide now. Tide is coming back around 2 hours.
5. 请将接地线接好。接地线的夹子会刺破油漆的。
Plea connect earth/ ground line. The clamp may rip off paint.
6. 我们岸上已经准备好了。你们可以卸货了。
Everything on shore side is ready. You may commence discharge.
7. 大副,请给我一份配载图和装货港的商检报告。
Chief Officer, we need a copy of loading port stowage plan and quality survey report.
8. 大副,请在舷梯上固定好安全绳。
Chief Officer, plea apply safety net on gangway ladder.
9. 大副,卸货起始压力保持2公斤。等岸罐收到料品后,我会通知你将压力加到5公斤。
Chief Officer, plea keep commencing pressure at 2 kg. We shall advi you to increa pressure to 5 kg when cargo reaches shore tank.
10. 由于现在是雷阵雨,所以我们不能卸货,等雷雨结束后再卸货。
It is raining and lighting. We cannot discharge cargo. We shall commence discharge after raining.
11. 由于雾很大,所以今天封航了。
It is heavy fog. Water way is clo today.
12. 今晚有台风,风速是15米/秒,请加强检查缆绳情况。
Typhoon, with wind speed 15 m/s, is coming tonight. Plea pay special attention to mooring lines.
13. 卸货结束后请吹扫管路,船方吹扫3次,码头吹扫3次,吹扫结束后请立即拆管。
Plea purge line after completion discharge, 3 purges from ship side, 3 times from shore end. Disconnect pipe line after purge.
14. 大副,我们码头有3票货要卸,乙二胺EDA/二乙醇胺DEA/1,4丁二酸1,4BG。请先卸1,4BG,卸货正常后再卸EDA,最后卸DEA。
Chief Officer, there are 3 shipments to be discharged, namely EDA/ DEA/1,4BG, first discharge 1,4BG. EDA after 1,4BG discharge turns normal. DEA the last.
15. 大副,这个货我们需要先快检,快检结束后才能卸货。快检是全分析,大约需要4小时。
Chief Officer, we need to have quality analysis before discharge. It requires about 4 hours.