1. The word protocol is often ud to describe diplomatic relations。 Give an example of a diplomatic protocol。
2. What is the difference between a host and an end system? List the types of end systems. Is
a We
b rver an end system?
3. List six access technologies. Classify each one as residential access, company access, or mobile access。
4. What is a client program? What is a rver program? Does a rver program request and receive rvices from a client program?
5. List the available residential access technologies in your city。 For each type of access,provide the advertid downstream rate, upstream rate, and monthly price。
答:光纤接入(HFC) 100Mbits/s 20Mbits/s 20RMB/月
6. What are some of the physical media that Ethernet can run over?
8.Describe the most popular wireless Internet access technologies today。 Compare and contrast them。
* IEEE 802。11技术无线LAN接入,用户距离接入点的几十米的范围内。通过连接到有线网的基站间接将用户连接到有线网上。
* 3G与LET网络。在这些系统中通过用于拨打电话的网络硬件设施,为在基站范围内的用户提供无线网络接入。
9。Dial—up modems, HFC, and DSL are all ud for residential access。 For each of the access technologies, provide a range of transmission rates and comment on whether the transmission rate is shared or dedicated。
品质标语口号大全10。What is the transmission rate of Ethernet LANs?…….
11。Suppo there is exactly one packet s witch between a nding host and a receiving host……
14.Suppo urs share a 2Mbps link。 Also suppo each ur requires 1Mbps when transmitting。.。
答 a:2个,一人分1Mbps的专有带宽;b:当有两个人或一个人使用网络时,最高带宽占用为2Mbps,所以绝对不会有排队延时出现。但是,当3个及以上人使用时,最高需要3Mbps,但是最高提供2Mbps,所以会出现延时;c:0。2;d:3人同时传输的概率是0。008;所以时间增长的时间出现也是0.008
15。Why is it said that packet switching employs statistical multiplexing?..。.。.。
17.Consider nding a packet from a source host to a destination host over a fixed route。 List the delay components in the end-to—end delay. Which of the delays are constant and which are variable?
18. Suppo Host A wants to nd a large file to Host B. The path from Host A to Host B has three links, of rates R1 = 250 kbps, R2 = 500 kbps, and R3 = 1 Mbps。
答:a:R = min{R1,R2,R3} = min{500kbp,2Mbps,1Mbps} = 500kbps
b:T = 4000KB / (500Kbps / 8) = 64s
c:R = min{R1,R2,R3} = min{500kbps,100kbps,1Mbps} = 100Kpbs;
T = 4000KB / (100Kbps / 8) = 320s
20.How long does it take a packet of length 1,000 bytes to propagate over a link of distance 2,500 km, propagation speed 2。5 · 108 m/s。.。
答:10 ^ —5 s; L/s;否;否
21。Suppo end system A wants to nd a large file to end system B。 At a very high level, describe how end system A creates packets from the file. When one of the packets arrives to a packet switch, what information in the packet does the switch u to determine the link onto which the packet is forwarded? Why is packet switching in the Internet analogous to driving from one city to another and asking directions along the way?
22.Which layers in the Internet protocol stack does a router process? Which layers does a link-layer switch process? Which layers does a host process?
23.List five tasks that a layer can perform. Is it possible that one (or more) of the tasks could be performed by two (or more) layers?
25. What are the five layers in the Internet protocol stack? What are the principal responsibilities
of each of the layers?
答: 应用层:应用层是网络应用层协议存留的地方;运输层:因特网的运输层在应用程序端点之间传输报文;网络层:因特网的网络层负责将成为数据报的网络层分组从一台主机移动到另一台主机;链路层:因特网的网络层通过源和目的地之间的一系列路由器路由数据报;物理层:将帧的一个个比特从一个结点转移到另一个结点。
1 Consider the circuit-switched network in Figure 1。8。 Recall that there are n circuits on each link
答 a:4n;b:2n。
美容有哪些项目2.Consider an application that transmits data at a steady rate (for example, the nder generates an N—bit unit of data every k time units, where k is small and fixed). Also, when such an applicatio
n starts, it will continue running for a relatively long period of time。 Answer the following questions, briefly justifying your answer:
3。Review the car—caravan analogy in Section 1.4. Assume a propagation speed of 100 km/hour。
a. Suppo the caravan travels 150 km, beginning in front of one tollbooth, passing through
a cond tollbooth, and finishing just after a third tollbooth。 What is the end—to-end
b。 Repeat (a), now assuming that there are eight cars in the caravan instead of ten.
答: 2min+60min+2min+60min=124min;1。4min+60min+1.4min+60min=122。8min
5。 This elementary problem begins to explore propagation delay and transmission delay, two central concepts in data networking. Consider two hosts, A and B, connected by a single link of rate R bps. Suppo that the two hosts are parated by m meters, and suppo the propagation speed along the link is s meters/c。 Host A is to nd a packet of size L bits to Host B.
答:dprop=m/s;dtrans=L/R;end—to—end delay = m/s+L/R;刚刚离开host A;还在链路上,未到达host