1. According to the mode
Ba on energy conversion R
A power plant tries to W
The power plant generating R
A power net pian fou short W
Two important factors R
Environmental protection W
水吧Water sources and transportation W
The total capacity in anewly R
The number of units W
The ranks of capacity R
2. Australia is a vast contin…
Australia is a large country W
The majority of people living R
The delivery of education W
The attempt to provide R
The schoolwork was delivered W
3. Among the criticisms of
The Obama administration’s bank W
The word “成的成语开头float”(para。3)W
According to the author R
The bailout plan is so W
The last paragraph R
4. Biomass is a cost-effective
As a source of energy R
One of the advantages of R
Biomass doesn’t produce W
Despite its advantages R
Only treer and crops W
5. Connecting electric
Grounding is bad on the R
The grounding modes are W
Working grounding is udR
The resistance value W
The lighting …shoule W
The lighting …is ud to lead R
The lighting …is also ud to R
A protective groud is to R
A grounding resistance for W
The passage is about 3 R
6. Do you know the key to the
Paper was invented and made in R
An ancient Chine found that the W
America,Canada,Sweden and japanW
50%of paper is ud for publishing R
Much more paper u means more R
It is time we saved paper R
7. do you know the key to the
in the beginning of the 19th R
范文库as compared to 1900 W
Chine people knew how 啤酒鸭R
at firet people knew 关于嫦娥的故事R
It wasn’t until about 1100 that R
Sweden is an important country R
Most of the paper is ud for R
To save resources ,paper R
Saving paper has nothing to do W
If we keep wasting paper, R
8. Electricity may be dang…
Electricity is not dangerous W
Dry wood can carry electricity W
Conductors like metal or water R
Human body is a good W
You can u a hairdryer R
Wet hands are good conductors R
The best tool to push R
9. Electricity is carried in
Each electron has a negative R
Not all atoms have electrons W
Static electricity can only W
When we run a comb through W
Electricity needs conductors to R
Electricity always takes the longest W
Water makes up a small part W
If your hands are wet R
If you e someone shocked, W
Metal is a conductor while R
10. Marx once quoted a fa…
The work Capitalism is R
For 20% profit, capital W
For 100%,capital dares R
For 200%,capital dares W
The pursuit of profits forces R
The pursuit of profit is much W
There are two ownerships R
Only bright manufacturer W
11. Nuclear power’s danger
The mystery about nuclear R
We cannot n radio W
Common radio waves are R
Even at the lowest levels W
Victims of nuclear radiation R
12. Optical fiber commun…
A kind of information 鸡内金怎么服用R
The composite optical W
One of the transmission R
Optical fiber communication R
Large capacity of communication W
The communication capacity W
The carrier frequency of power R
The carrier frequency of W
The main problem of R
The cables made by optical W
13. Taking a general view of
The 1 000MW grade high R
The temperature of main W
The tube wall temperature R
The anti-high temperature R
The anti-high temperature flue W
The temperature limit ofT91 R
The temperature limit ofT92 W幼儿英语游戏
The temperature of austenite R
The temperature limit of austenite W
Only heat-resisting steel W
14. The clod loop
The clod loop operation is the R
A ring system is a single –ring W
A power grid can only transmit W
The positive effects of the clod- 十大品牌床R
The clod-loop operation can not W
Pha and its order can not W
The vaiiety of elements in a loop R
The voltages of different lines R
The stable state must R
The relaying control can not alwaysW
15. The condenr is a
A condensing is a heat R
It is suggested that the water R
The saturation temperature W
It is unnecessary to reduce W
The condenr does not W
The important factor controlling R
The temperature of cooling R
The terminal difference R
The temperature increa W
The exhaust steam temperature W
16. The earth is the home for
The earth turns itlf once a week W
The popole all over the world W
The earth moves round the sun R
As the earth goes round the moon,W
The asons in some places on R
17. The high voltage circuit
Contactors,arc-extinguishing R
The insulation structure R
The arc-extinguishing medium W
An oil circit breaker R