2.1 Liquid Chilling Package
A factory asmbled unit, designed to cool liquid, using a compressor, an evaporator and an integral and appropriate controls.
Definitions in red are in accordance with EN14511-1 (2011)
2.2 Cooling capacity
Heat given off from the heat transfer medium to the unit per unit time (kW).
2.3 Power Input
Average electrical power input of the liquid chilling package within the defined interval of time obtained from:
a) the power input for operation of the compressor(s) and any power input for defrosting;
b) the power input of all control and safety devices of the unit;
c) proportional power input of the conveying devices (e.g. fans, pumps) for ensuring the transport of the heat transfer media inside the unit.
2.4 Energy efficiency Ratio (EER)
Ratio of the cooling capacity to the power input of the unit.
2.5 Part load
Operation at partial capacity
2.6 Load rate (noted LR only for the cooling mode of air conditioning chillers)
The ratio of the cooling capacity at partial capacity and reduced condenr inlet water or air temperature to the cooling capacity at the standard rating conditions with the following rating conditions:
- For air cooled chillers:
1. The leaving water temperature is t at 7°C
2. The evaporator water-flow rate is equal to the standard rating water-flow rate.
3. The air-flow rate is controlled by the chiller
- For water cooled chillers:
1. The leaving water temperature is t at 7°C
2. The evaporator and condenr water-flow rate is equal to the standard rating water-flow rates
3. The condenr water flow rate is controlled by the chiller. If the chiller doesn’t control it, the condenr water flow rate will be equal to the standard rating water flow rate.
2.7 ESEER (only for the cooling mode of air conditioning chillers)
The European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is a weighed formula enabling to take into account the variation of EER with the load rate and the variation of air or water inlet condenr temperature.
2.8 Heating capacity
Heat given off by the unit to the heat transfer medium per unit of time (kW).
2.9 Coefficient of Performance (COP)
Ratio of the heating capacity to the power input of the unit.
2.10 Liquid pressure drop on evaporator
Chilled liquid internal pressure difference between inlet and outlet of evaporator.
2.11 Liquid pressure drop on condenr
Condenr liquid internal pressure difference between inlet and outlet of condenr.
2.12 Available pressure
Available liquid pressure for units with integrated pump.
2.13 Air pressure drop on condenr
Condenr air internal pressure difference between inlet and outlet.
2.14 A-weighted sound power level
Sound power level radiated by the air cooled chiller.
2.15 Gross Energy Effeciency Ratio (EER gross)
Ratio of the cooling capacity (measured while the pump is noy running for chillers with integral pump) to the power input of the unit(excluding the power consumption of integral pump)
- This performance was certified by Eurovent before the revision of water pumps correction in EN14511 (2011).
2.16 Gross Coefficient Of Performances (COP gross)
Ratio of the heating capacity (measured while the pump is not running for chillers with int
egral pump) to the power input of the unit(excluding the power consumption of integral pump)
- This performance was certified by Eurovent before the revision of water pumps correction in EN14511 (2011).
Standard ratings are established at the Standard Rating Conditions and verified by tests conducted in accordance with the following standards :
3.1 Cooling and heating capacity
EN 1451-2011
"Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling".
3.2 Sound power level
ISO 9614
"Determination of sound power levels of noi sources using sound intensity".
医院工作证明ISO 3744
"Determination of sound power levels of noi sources using sound pressure - Engineering method in an esntially free field over a reflecting plane".
For capacity tests Standard Rating Conditions, e the following table:
| Temperatures |
剪喜字怎么剪Cooling | Heating |
Application | Code | Evaporator | Condenr | Evaporator | Condenr |
Air conditioning | LCP/A../AC Air / Water | 12/7 | 35a | 40/45 | 7(6) |
LCP/W../AC Water / Water | 12/7 | 30/35 | 40/45 | 10/7 |
LCP/W../AC-MB Water / Brine | 12/7 | 30/35 | 40/45 | 0/-3 |
LCP/T../AC without flasheconomir | 12/7 | 45-40c | - | - |
LCP/T../AC with flasheconomir | 12/7 | 45d | - | - |
Medium Brine | LCP/A../MB Air / Water | 0/-5 | 35a | 40/45 | 7(6) |
LCP/W../MB密钥怎么获取 Brine / Brine or Brine / Water | 0/-5 | 30/35 | 40/45 | 10/7 |
LCP / T../MB without flasheconomir | 0/-5 | 45-40b | - | - |
网易云在线听歌LCP/T../MB with flasheconomir | 0/-5 | 45d | - | - |
Low Brine | LCP/A../LB Air / Water | -10/-15 | 35a | 40/45 | 7(6) |
LCP/W../LB Brine / Brine or Brine / Water | -10/-15 | 30/35 | 40/45 | 10/7 |
LCP/T../LB without flasheconomir | -10/-15 | 45-40b | - | - |
LCP/T../LB with flasheconomir | -10/-15 | 45d | - | - |
Cool-heating Floor | LCP/A../CHF Air / Water | 23/18 | 35a | 30/35 | 7(6) |
LCP/W../CHF Water / Water | 23/18 | 30/35 | 30/35 | 10/7 |
LCP/W../CHF-MB Brine / Brine or Water / Brine华硕进入bios按哪个键 | 23/18 | 30/35 | 30/35 | 0/-3 |
| | | | | |
a Dry bulb
b Measurement with the same water flow as in cooling mode
c The temperature corresponds to compressor discharge pressure (bubble point) – liquid at expansion valve
d The temperature corresponds to compressor discharge pressure
The following characteristics of Liquid Chilling Packages are verified by tests at Standard Rating Conditions and at one of Application Rating Conditions lected by Eurovent:
a) cooling capacity
b) energy efficiency (EER)
c) the European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER)
d) water pressure drop or available pressureat evaporator in cooling
e) water pressure drop or available pressure at condenr in cooling
f) heating capacity for rever cycle unit
g) energy efficiency (COP)
h) water pressure drop or available pressure at evaporator in heating
i) water pressure drop or available pressure at condenr in heating
j) A-weighted sound power for Air Cooled Units
All characteristics are for a fouling factor equal to zero.
Chillers usually operate at full load only during a limited period of time during a year.
Therefore the part load performance is much clor to reality and Eurovent decided to certify, together with full load efficiency, an average annual part load efficiency of chillers.
A study partly funded by the European Commission through SAVE Programme was performed and an index called ESEER – Seasonal energy efficiency ratio- has been defined.
This index similar to IPLV – Integrated part load value - ud by ARI in the US, takes into account veral parameters in order to establish an average u of chillers throughout Europe: weather data, building load characteristics, operational hours etc. Therefore the
ESEER is realistic tool, much better than full load EER, to be ud to compare average efficiency of two chillers. However it must be kept in mind that ESEER cannot be ud to calculate exact energy consumption for a particular u in a particular geographic position.
In order to compute ESEER the three part load EER for 25%, 50% and 75% load are combined with full load EER. This global single figure is published in the Eurovent Directory of certified products together with cooling capacity and power input for standard conditions at full load. The operating temperatures and average weighting coefficients for Europe are given in the table below.
Method of calculation has been established for chillers not able to operate at fixed part load.
Operative ESEER temperatures and coefficients for air cooled and water cooled chillers in Europe:
| ESEER parameters |
Part Load Ratio | Air temperature (°C) | Water temperature (°C) | Weighting coefficients |
100 | 35 | 30 | 3 % |
75 | 30 | 26 | 33 % |
50 | 25 | 22 | 41 % |
25 | 20 | 18 | 武警学院 23 % |
| | | |
ESEER is calculated as follows:
ESEER = A.EER100% + B.EER75% + C.EER50% + D.EER25%
With the following weighting coefficients:
A = 0.03 ; B = 0.33 ; C = 0.41 ; D = 0.23
Energy efficiency classification:
The purpo of Eurovent Energy Efficiency Class is to simplify the lection of the best
units for each type of Chillers. The classification is entirely voluntary, not related to any European Directive.
It is not “labelling”, as no label will be ud. The energy efficiency of chillers is designated by “Eurovent Class A” or “Eurovent Class B” in catalogues and in the prent Eurovent Directory of Certified products.
Bad on existing chillers prented to Eurovent certification the following limits between class are defined:
Cooling Mode |
EER Class | Air Cooled | Air Cooled ducted | Air Cooled Floor | Water Cooled | Water Cooled Floor | Remote Condenr |
A | ≥ 3.1 | ≥ 2.7 | ≥ 3.8 | ≥ 5.05 | ≥ 5.1 | ≥ 3.55 |
B | 2.9 - 3.1 | 2.5 - 2.7 | 3.65 - 3.8 | 4.65 - 5.05 | 4.9 - 5.1 | 3.4 - 3.55 |
C | 2.7 - 2.9 | 2.3 - 2.5 | 3.5 - 3.65 | 好看的小说言情古代4.25 - 4.65 | 4.7 - 4.9 | 3.25 - 3.4 |
D | 2.5 - 2.7 | 2.1 -2.3 | 3.35 - 3.5 | 3.85 - 4.25 | 4.5 - 4.7 | 3.1 - 3.25 |
E | 2.3 - 2.5 | 1.9 - 2.1 | 3.2 - 3.35 | 3.45 -- 3.85 | 4.3 - 4.5 | 2.95 - 3.1 |
F | 2.1 - 2.3 | 1.7 - 1.9 | 3.05 - 3.2 | 3.05 - 3.45 | 4.1 - 4.3 | 2.8 - 2.95 |
G | < 2.1 | < 1.7 | < 3.05 | < 3.05 | < 4.1 | < 2.8 |
| | | | | | |
Heating Mode |
COP Class | Air Cooled | Air Cooled Ducted | 高中排列组合公式 Air Cooled Floor | Water Cooled | Water Cooled Floor |
A | ≥ 3.2 | ≥ 3.0 | ≥ 4.05 | ≥ 4.45 | ≥ 4.5 |
B | 3.0 - 3.2 | 2.8 - 3.0 | 3.9 - 4.05 | 4.15 - 4.45 | 4.25 - 4.5 |
C | 2.8 - 3.0 | 2.6 - 2.8 | 3.75 - 3.9 | 3.85 - 4.15 | 4.0 - 4.25 |
D | 2.6 - 2.8 | 2.4 - 2.6 | 3.6 - 3.75 | 3.55 - 3.85 | 3.75 - 4.0 |
E | 2.4 - 2.6 | 2.2 - 2.4 | 3.45 - 3.6 | 3.25 - 3.55 | 3.5 - 3.75 |
F | 2.2 - 2.4 | 2.0 - 2.2 | 3.3 - 3.45 | 2.95 - 3.25 | 3.25 - 3.5 |
G | < 2.2 | < 2.0 | < 3.3 | < 2.95 | < 3.25 |
| | | | | |
For “low noi” chillers, the class corresponds to operation with maximum fan speed. The
same class is ud for lower fan speeds. Classification concerns EER and COP according to EN 14511:2011 at full load operation.