Making Correct and Effective Sentences

更新时间:2023-06-14 00:23:17 阅读: 评论:0

Making Correct and Effective Sentences
相当一部分学生一提到用英文写作,就惊恐万分,不知所措。他们不知如何下笔,从何写起,怎样组织。有些考生勉强写了个开头,便思路堵塞,中途搁笔。甚至还有不少考生干脆不用英文写作,而是先想好中文的句子,然后逐句翻译成英文,凑成一篇中文味很浓的英语短文, 即我们称之为的"Chinglish"
  1) S+V (主语+谓语动词)
例如: |The telephone| |rang|.
      S   V
|The train| |will soon be arriving|.
  S      V
  2) S+V+P (主语+谓语动词+表语)
例如: |Mr. Brown| |is| |a detective|.
     S   V   P
|Her plan| |sounds| |perfect|.
  S   V    P
  3) S+V+O (主语+谓语动词+宾语)
例如: |She| |opened| |the windows|.
   S  V    O
|I| |have been looking for| |my lost bicycle|.
 S     V       O
  成语大全集4) S+V+Oi+Od (主语+谓语动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)
例如: |She| |nt| |him| |a telegram|.
   S  V  Oi   Od
|Mrs.Blake| |bought| |her husband| |a tie|.
  S    V    Oi   Od
  5) S+V+O+C (主语+谓语动词+宾语+补语)
例如: |The jury| |finds| |him| |guilty|.
    S   V  O   C
|They| |have elected| |her| |president|.
 S    V   O   C
  There is a map on the wall.
  There ems to be no doubt about it.
  (此类句型也称为"带引导词 there "结构。)
  1) 简单句:只包含一个主谓结构的句子。例如:
  He died.
  Jane didn't come to my birthday party.
  2) 并列句: 用并列连词把两个或两个以上简单句连接在一起的句子。例如:
  John will sing in the party and Mary will dance.
  I want to go with you, but I'm not a member of the club.
  常见的并列连词有: and, or, but, and, ,neither. ..nor, but (also), as well as, more than;
  3) 乡村男教师复合句:用从属连词等连接主句和从句的句子。例如:
  Jane and Susan were great friends when they were at school.
  What impresd us most was his skill and knowledge.
  常见的从属连词有: after, although, as, becau, before,if,lest, once, since, that, till, until, when, where, whereby, whereupon, whether, while;
  关系代词 who, whom, who, which, that 和关系副词 when, where, why, how 等也可以担任从属连词;
  一些搭配也可以担任从属连词, 例如: as far as, as if, as long as, as soon as, as though, except that, for all that, for fear that, in ca, in order that, in that, no matter who (how/when/where), now (that), on condition that,provided that, providing that, so far as, so long as, so that, the moment (minute/instant) that 等等。
  1) 陈述句:用以表明观点或者陈述事实。例如:
  He is to blame for the accident.
  I usually don't go to work on Saturday.
  2) 疑问句:用以提出问题,主要包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。例如:
  Is Tom a clerk?
  When did the bus leave?
  Are you working in a factory or on a farm?
  You all had a good time, didn't you?
  3) 祈使句:用以发出命令,提出要求或建议。例如:
  Be sure to get there before six. 资信证明是什么
  Let's start right now!
  4) 感叹句:用以表达某种强烈的感情。例如:
  How interesting!
  What a nice boy he is!
Exerci 1: 根据谓语结构, 指出下列句子属于哪一种句型:
  1. He finished in two days.
  2. She dresd her children every morning.
  3. The meeting will soon be over.
  4. This smells really delicious.
  5. Sam didn't understand what she was talking about.
  6. We gave our classroom a thourough cleaning.
  7. I paid him $300 for that cond hand car.
  8. There won't be any more trouble from now on.
  9. We persuaded him to accept our plan.
  10. They found the town unchanged.
Exerci 2: 说出下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句?
  1.I haven't got the book at hand but I'll take it to you later.
  2.I don't think he did it on purpo.
  3.The earth has only one satellite and we call it the moon.
  4.Making people feel comfortable enough to talk freely is a real art.
  5.The microscope makes objects appear many times larger than they really are.
  病句1:We'll go out for a picnic if it will not rain tomorrow.
时态代替将来时态。因此,尽管本句的条件从句中有一个表示将来的时间状语"tomorrow",但是该从句的谓语动词也不需要用助动词"will",用一般现在时就可以了。此句应改为:We'llgo out for a picnic if it does not rain tomorrow.
  病句2:He was made carry heavy load every day.
  此句的错误原因是由于考生对被动语态的运用规则掌握得不够完整。语法规定:当诸如"let, make,"等动词用在主动语态的句式中, 作其宾语补语的动词不定式符号希尔顿酒店官网"to"应省略;但是当这类动词用作被动语态的谓语动词时, 作其补语的动词不定式的符号"to"则不能省略。所以,该句应改为:He was made to carryheavyload every day.
  病句3:Beingshortofexperience,hischancesofwinningthegame are slim.
  根据语法,分词结构作状语时,其逻辑主语就是主句的主语。在本句中,分词结构"Beingshortofexperience"的逻辑主语应该是主句的主语"hischancesofwinning thegame",但是这样在意思上就说不通了, his chances of winning thegame 怎么能 (are) short of experience ? 考生只想到用一个分词结构来表示原因, 却忽略了逻辑主语的一致, 故此犯了一个语法错误。根据本句的意思,全句应该改为:Being short of experience, hehas little chance of winningthe game.
  病句4:Not only us but also the chairman object the suggestion.
  当使用"but also"的句型时,通常强调的是"but also"引出的部分,因此要求其谓语动词的人称、数要与它相一致。病句4中的谓语动词却忽视了这一点:the chairman 是第三人称单数,其谓语动词应该加"s",即:Not onlyusbut also the chairman objects the suggestion.
  病句5:Every family has their own problems.
  本句的错误是人称的指代前后不一。英语的"family"是一个集体名词,既可以表示一个抽象的""的概念(谓语用第三人称单数),也可以指家庭的全体成员(复数概念)。此句的谓语动词既然用了"has",则把"family"作为一个整体来对待,后面的代词就不能用"their", 而应该用"its",即作为第三人称单数看待。全句应改写成:Every family has its own problems.
  由于英语和汉语属于两个不同的语系,加上社会文化的不同以及思维方式的差异,诸多的因素给我们掌握地道的英语造成障碍。在写作中,尽管一些考生的句子没有任何语法错误,但是由于不符合英文习惯,或者受汉语的影响过深, 所以也是错句。
  病句1:Your pronunciation must be paid great attention to.
  本句使用了被动语态,单纯从被动语态的结构上看, 没有任何语法错误。但是从用法上看,却不符合英文习惯。当"pay attention to "短语用作被动语态时, 习惯上把"attention"提到句首作为被动语态的主语,而不是把"to"后面的宾语提到句首去作被动语态的主语。此句若写成 Great attention must be paid to your pronunciation 就符合英文习惯了。
  病句2:He likes to play football and watching football matches.
  考生可能为了显示自己对动词"like"的搭配掌握得好,先用一个不定式的结构(toplayfootball),再用一个动名词结构(watching football matches ), 分别担任"like"的宾语。然而,该考生却忽略了英文侧重于句子结构的平衡这一特点,用不定式和动名词这两个完全不同的语法结构来担任同一个谓语动词的宾语,从而破坏了该句的平衡, 收到适得其反的效果。该句应改为 He likes to play footballand (to)watch foootball matches 或者 He likes playing footballandwatchingfootball matches.
  病句3:Jane is not at home. She left for a long time.
  本句的错误在后一句, "She left for a long time"带有浓厚的中文味:她离开很久了。在英文里,动词"leave"属于瞬间动词,由于此类动词的动作一般不能延续,通常不可以与表示
一段时间的状语连用,只有那些延续性动词(例如:live,work, read)才可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。在学习英文的动词时, 应注意归类。此病句可以改为:She left along time ago.
  病句4:I have gone to Beijing for three times.
  此句想表达的中文意思是"我去过北京三次"。可能考虑到是先后三个不同的时间去的,并且想强调对现在的影响,所以时态使用了现在完成时,似乎全句不应该有什么错误。但是此句不符合英文的习惯。当表示"去过某地(多少次)"的意思时,英文习惯上用"to havebeen to ..."的结构,而不用"to have gone to ..."的结构。此句应改写为: I have been to Beijing for three times.
  病句5:All of us lived very interestingly duringour short stay here.
  此句的问题也在于不符合英文的习惯,完全是按照中文的意思硬翻过去的:在这儿短暂逗留期间, 我们都过得很有意思。在英文里, live 既可以作为及物动词使用,构成 live a happy/poor/mirable life 等短语, 也可以作为不及物动词使用, 由副词来修饰它, livehappily/poorly/mirably,但习惯上不用 interestingly这样的副词来修饰动词 live。若想表达"过得很有意思",应该用符合英文习惯的表达方式,如:to enjoy onelf, to have a g
北宋谁发明的活字印刷术比欧洲早400多年ood time 等。此句可改为:All of us had a good time during our short stay here.
  在写作中,由于对英文的标点符号的用法不甚了解,或者下笔时不够细心, 写出的句子往往结构不完整, 句子显得支离破碎。下面列举几类比较典型的错误:
  病句1:Yesterday, I went to a book store,Ifounda detective story book, I liked it very muchso I bought it
  英语与汉语在标点符号使用上的一个明显区别就是英语很少用逗号连接句子,句子与句子之间通常都用句号,不用逗号。而且,较短的状语( yesterday)可以不用逗号分开。另外,英语的句号是实心的圆点"."。此段应改为:Yesterday I went to a bookstore.I found a detective story book. I liked itvery much.So I bought it.
  病句2:They export a lot of fruit. Such as oranges, apples and lemons.
  """for example"等都是短语, 不能作为一个句子来对待,即不能开始一个句子。但是中国学生容易忽视这个问题,经常在写作中出现此类错误。此句应改写为:They exporta lotof fruit,such as oranges, apples andlemons.
  病句3:There are veral boys in our class want to go fishing.
  此句的毛病出在 want to go fishing 的修饰关系上, 它应该是修饰 boys ,但是这里却缺少一个关系代词"who"。这也是中国学生在使用"there be"句型中最容易犯的一个错误, 一定要记住当有一个定语从句修饰主语时, 千万不能丢掉关系词!此句应加上关系词:Thereare veral boys in our class who want to gofishing.
  病句4:Tho have finished can go now.
  "have finished"是一个动词,"can go now "也是一个动词,两者之间属于什么关系?与主语"tho"又是什么关系?很显然,此句在结构上缺少了某个成分,即关系代词"who", 应补上: Thowhohave finished can go now.
  病句5:Many pasngers who were drown before they swam to the shore.
  有一些错误的原因并非是因为考生的英语水平不高,而是由于考生的语言功底不够扎实、应试时心情紧张或者粗心大意而造成的,这种情况在日常的作业中也时而发生,病句5便是一个典型的例子。此句乍看似乎没有错误,其实在语法上有一个结构错误,既然用"who"引出了一个从句, 那么主句在哪? 此句可改写为: There were many pasngers who were drown before they swam to the shore 或者 Many pasngers were drown before they swam to the shore.
  语意不清也是写作中一个比较突出的问题。由于对英文接触得少, 听、读的量不够,缺乏语言上的积累,就产生不出语感,结果在遣词造句时就容易出现用词不当的错误,造成句子的意思模糊不清,不合逻辑。
  病句1:I am sorry, but I'll improve my mistake.
      (意为: 对不起, 我会改正我的错误的。)
  "improve"一词的本意是"makeorbecome better","改善,提高"那么, "improve my mistake"的意思岂不就变成了"改进、提高我的错误(水平)"? 这显然不是作者的本意, 作者是想表达"改正自己的错误",应该用"correct"这个动词, 正确的表达是: I'm sorry, but I'll correct my mistake.
  病句2:Mrs. Carter said to her daughter that she was wrong.
  句中的指代关系不清, 代词"she"是代指"Mrs. Carter"墙的作文,还是代指"herdaughter",似乎都可以说得通。这种模糊的指代在写作中应当尽量避免。此句可根据不同的意思改为: Mrs. Carter acknowledgedtoher daughterthat she was wrong. 或者 Mrs. Carter said to her daughter,"You are wrong."
  病句3:The master skimmed through my composition very carefully.
  "skim through sth."短语的意思为"read quickly, noting only the chiefpoints",即"快速地阅览某内容以了解其梗概"。此句既然用了"skim through",后面怎么还能再用"very carefully"?岂不前后矛盾? 此句应作相应的变动: Themaster read my composition very carefully.
  病句4:I often make English mistakes becaumy grammar isnot very strong.
  "make English mistakes"是想表达什么意思?是指"犯英(国)式的错误"还是指"犯英语语言方面的错误"?表达得含糊不清。此外,"mygrammaris not very strong"一句的意思也不准确。应该说得清楚些:I oftenmake mistakesinmyEnglish studies becau I am not very strong in grammar.
  病句5:The doctor cured her illness, but at last failed.
  "cure"的意思是"bring (a person) back to health""使(人)恢复健康; 治愈"。依照该句英文, 中文就要翻译成:"医生治愈了她的病,但是终于失败了"。既然医生治愈了她的病,怎么又失败了呢?显然考生没有领会"cure"的确切词义, 把它简单地理解为"治疗"的意思了, "treat"混为一谈,结果造成了前后句的意思相互矛盾。另外,"at last""结果"
时,往往带有一定的感情色彩,放在这儿使用也是不合适的。全句应改为:Thedoctortried to cure her ofthe dia,but failed in the end.
Exerci 3: 纠正下列句子中存在的语法、语意不清或不符合习惯等方面的错误。
  1. Any modern novelist would be thrilled to have his stories compared with Dickens.
  2. He was such an indecisive sort of person that scarcely had he uttered the words than he began to regret it.
  3. Becau some of the reprentatives still not there, the conference is put off until further notice.
  4. The president of the colllege, together with the deans, are planning a conference for the purpo of laying down certain regulations.
  5. My name is William, and most of my friends call me Bill for short.
  6. A t of the company's documents is in the reference room so that any one of the office is able to u them at all times.
  7. Jim spent his summmer vacation going to New York, flying to Hawaii and then to sail to Japan.
  8. As I haven't en this film, it's impossible for me to tell you how I think of it.
  9. The library is very popular with students becau of a good collection of books and becau it offered comfortable surroundings.
  1. I told him that I really liked.
   (从句表达的思想不完整, like 什么? 后面应该加上宾语。)
  2. He wrote a letter to me and he was thirsty.
   (并列句表达的是两个截然不同的思想内容,相互之间没有任何联系,却用and 连接在一起, 非常牵强。)
  3. The electrical power is most important becau we are short of it.
  4. Everyone tries to achieve success in his career no matter when he has his lunch.
  5. Tom bought a stereo and he went abroad.
  6. Jane often writes home and tells her parents.
   (句子表达的思想不完整, tell 什么?
  7. Traffic accidents can only be avoided by careful driving and I don't think there is any need for people to buy a car of their own.
   (前后句表达的思想内容互不相干, 无法用 and 连接在一起。)
生孩子的祝福语  8. I am so interested in stamp-collecting that I don't go to the super market where there are lots of people.
   (主从句表达的思想内容不统一,尤其是 where 引出的从句, 与主题毫不相关, 纯属多余。)
元宵对联  9. Physical exercis can increa the circulationof the blood which is needed by everyone of us.
   (主从句表达的思想内容不统一,which 引出的从句, 在意思上显得牵强,应当删去。)
  10. I believed that science was a great force to push our society forward and I wouldn't burn the midnight oil.

本文发布于:2023-06-14 00:23:17,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:句子   动词   谓语   表达   错误
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