Test 1 Exam practice/Writ防控疫情内容ing
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the parate answer sheet.
●In your English class you have been talking about different kinds of sport. Now your English teacher asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
"It is better for young people to take part in team sports at school than to practi individual sports (e.g. tennis, gymnastics). 'Do you agree? Notes Write about. 1. enjoying the activity 2. learning to be responsible 解释的英文3. …………………………………(your own idea)(different abilities) |
Sample answer
●School students generally participate in team sports, like football or hockey, and individual sports, like running or swimming. But are the former more worthwhile than the latter?
●In my opinion, it is more fun to take part in team sports at school, becau you spend time with your classmates doing something apart from studying, and learn new skills together outside the classroom Individual sports are enjoyable, too, but lack the element of cooperation that makes being in a team such a special experience.
●生肖属性表Indeed, playing with others in a team means having to do your best, even when you may not feel like it, so as not to let your team-mates down. People have to turn up to practice ssions on time, or the performance of the whole team can suffer. If you are doing sport as an individual, nobody relies on you in this way.
●Of cour, not all students are good at sport, but being in a team gives everyone an opportunity to join in, whatever their individual ability.
●英语四级分值All in all. I believe that team sports are better for school students than individual sports.
(187 words)-----p205
Test 2 Exam practice/Writing
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the parate answer sheet.
●关于革命的诗In your English class you have been talking about robots and computers. Now your English teacher has asked you to w隐密的诱惑rite an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
In the future, robots and computers may be able to do most things that humans do now. What would the advantages and disadvantages be for teenagers? Note Write about: 1. school 2 home 3. ……………………单核细胞百分比低.(your own idea)(entertainment/transport) |
Sample answer
简单的快乐●Robots and computers are doing more and more things that humans have traditionally done. In the future, this may bring benefits for teenagers, but there may also be disadvantages.
●Take school, for example, Human teachers may no longer be necessary, and teenagers might simply stay at home and learn everything online, In my opinion, it would be a shame not to interact with our friends and with our teachers face to face, in the same room.
●In the home, houhold chores may soon all be done by robots. Not having to cook meals or clean the hou would leave parents with more time to spend with their children, and few teenagers would miss doing their share of the houwork.
●As regards transport, cars may soon not need human drivers, so the roads would be safer. However, relying entirely on robots and computers could be a problem if there were power cuts or if the software were attacked by a virus.
●Nowadays, most adults know how to drive and cook. If teenagers never had to learn the and other skills, they would be helpless in the future if anything went wrong.
(190 words)-------p220
Test 3 Exam practice/Writing
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the parate answer sheet.
●In your English class you have been talking about school holidays. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
Some people say that school holidays are too long, and school students should only have a three-week break in the summer. What do you think? Notes Write about 1. how much students need to learn 2. whether having a routine s important 3. ………………….(your own idea) (parents working/boredom during the holidays) |
Sample answer
●Some people recommend that school students have a shorter, three-week break in the summer. There are some good arguments both for and against this idea
●Nobody can deny that we have a lot to learn and shorter holidays would give us more time to study important topics. However, most students would probably be horrified at the thought of shorter summer holidays. That's becau after months of hard work, we all need a holiday. People are said to learn better when they have good breaks too.