Vincent’s Story
It was a rip-off
I went to Buynow to buy some office supplies this afternoon. Actually, I’ve been meaning to get an ink-jet printer and a recorder. The print store in the neighborhood is absolutely overpriced. 1 rmb each page is ridiculous. Plus, as I will leave my job by the end of March, I can’t u the company’s recorder anymore. I need to get one of my own. When I arrived there, my friend Jack was waiting there for me. The shopping mall was packed with people.
We toured around the place for like 15 minutes before we got to the printer store. I cho an EPSON ink-jet printer at a price of 350. its not expensive, but the consumable-ink cartridge was a rip-off. Then we decided to get a modified one(改装的), which would save me a lot of money to be spent on the ink cartridge. Then I got a MP4 which could also work as a recorder and a KOSS earphone. It cost me an arm and a leg.
1)Ask: what is your favorite color?
Color | Positive | Negative |
Blue | Truthful/ | Dishonest |
Green (green with envy, green-eyed ) | Jealous | Generous |
Yellow | Happy | 吉林大学农学部简历项目经验Sad |
Orange | Fun | Boring |
Red (the company will go out of business soon, as it’s have been in the red for 3 years straight) | Exciting | Tedious |
Pink (got pink slip) | Loving | Hateful |
写新闻的作文Purple (turned purple with anger) | Mysterious/noble | Mundane/angry |
早上祝福语Brown (brown-nod) | Friendly | Flattery |
工作用英语怎么说Black | Sad/casual | Lovely/formal |
Gray | Boring | Technological |
White (as white as snow) | Pure | Dirty |
| | |
2) Ask student to say colors in English: what does each color mean to you. Try to think of an adjective for each color.
3) Assume that you are invited to a big party hosted by your boss. There will be a lot of businessmen and government official attending. What color dress would you wear to the party? Why?
Look at the pic, ask: guess who they are? ( a couple) where are they( jewelry store), what are they doing? (Picking earrings) why they want to buy some jewelries?
Write on the WB: 1. what color necklace do they buy? 2. How does Maria like yellow? 3. How much is the blue necklace? 4. why does Steve buy the necklace?
Ask: when is your parent /husband /bf’s birthday? What would you give him/her as a gift?
3. earrings, roommate, eardrop, pendant
4. they look perfect on you. I’m the perfect fit for the position. You are perfect for each other.
5. overpriced, pricey. It’s rip-off. It costs me an arm and a leg!
6. gift. Bracelet, anklet, pendant, pin
Listen to rest of the conversation, and find out “what el do they buy? Who pays for it?
7. LISTENING Look at the!
Tim and Sandra are shopping. They want to know the prices of four things. Now we will listen to 4 dialogues between them.
New vocabulary:
In-line skates: 单排旱冰鞋
When you are listening, plea complete the chart on page 18.
Share your experience when you buy something you don’t need at all. Or something so expensive that you regret for getting it for a week. Why do you think women always buy something they don’t need at all? Do you think women are more material?
Ok. Let’s do a simply role play practice. Who wants to be a store clerk? You should try your best to talk your customer into buying your items. Who wants to be the customer? You should try your best to drive a hard bargain.
Kenji: Hello, my car was stolen and I want to report it.
Officer: Where was it when it was stolen?
Kenji: It was parked outside of my apartment building. I went outside this morning to drive to work, and it was gone.
Drive to work: 开车去上班就这么说啊
路上(开车)小心是drive safe 或者drive carefully
你到底想说什么? What are you driving at?
Officer: Okay, you need to fill out this form. Put down the make and model of the vehicle, the year, and the color. You’ll also need the licen plate number. Do you know the vehicle’sVIN number?
Make and model and year of a car 汽车的牌子、型号和年份
Licen plate number:
VIN number:车辆识别代码
Kenji: No, I don’t.
Officer: That’s okay. Just fill it out and we’ll launch an investigation.
还可以用Conduct, carry out和investigation 搭配
Kenji: What do you think the chances are that I’ll recovermy car?
Officer: That’s hard to say. If it was stolen by some kids who wanted to take a joyride, they’ll abandon it afterwards and you may get it back in one piece. If it was taken by professional car thieves, that’s a different story. They usually strip the cars of their parts and ll them to chop shops. You may not want your car back after it’s been stripped.