Political Opportunity Structure and Study on Social Movement 類 論
斑蝥胶囊622 林 里 32 886-05-2721007 ext 5309
# 年 2003年11 29-30 北
論 念 念 兩 論 見 念 歷 論 領 流 年 來 念 濫 論 了 列 1 論更 2 論 異 3 說 4 論 論 立 論 更
論 論
Political process theory is one social movement study approach, focusing on the interaction between m
ovement and state. Political opportunity structure, or the degree of openness of political system for collective actor, is the key concept in this theory. This paper takes a critical analysis of this concept by first reviewing the diver rearch trends leading to the discovery of political process theory, and condly, meeting contemporary criticism by clarifying some misunderstandings. For the former goal, this paper reviews American urban politics study, historical sociology, study on European new social movements, and criticism of resource mobilization theory in order to bring into picture how different rearch areas facilitated the rediscovery of politics in social movement. Regarding the current theoretical challenges, this paper puts forward the following suggestions. First, political process theory should delimit its application range in advance and focus on only tho state-related movement. Second, the statist assumption is central in defining political opportunity structure, and helps to distinguish resource and opportunity. Third, open and clod is relative terms to describe the political opportunity structure. Social movement is suggestible to multi-dimensional influences. Last, rearch on political opportunity structure should avoid determinist stand and focus on the interaction in stead. Short-term events, making opportunity, and middle level of causal mechanism should be re-integrated in to the rearch agenda.
博山美食Keywords: Political opportunity structure, political process theory, social movement, resource mobilization theory, state
1994年 行 Marx and McAdam
截图快捷键电脑(proper political channels)
香槟玫瑰花语是什么意思(Marx and McAdam 1994: 83)
六 年 理 行 來 異 理狀 例 不 離 不 來 不 說 不 了 力 不 論(political process theory) 連 理 1 來 力 不 度 力 行 聯 利 連串 不 了 力 說 論
論 年 年 流 若 不 狀 了 論 來 什 論 例 女 (personal is political) 理論(new social movement theory) 論 什 不 念 易 略 論 念 (political opportunity structure) 度 了 念 念 不 了 切 了
1 論 論 年 Bert Klandermans, Hanspeter Kriesi, Doug Mc
Adam, John McCarthy, Sidney Tarrow ,Charles Tilly, Mayer Zald 年 Edwin Amenta, Elisabeth Clemens, Macro Giugni, Ruud Koopmans, Dviad Meyer, Cathy Schneider, Christian Smith, Suzanne Staggenborg 列 論 (Goodwin and Jasper 1999: 28) 不論 Goodwin and Jasper 論 論 Tilly 歷 來 McAdam(1982: 36-59) 了 見 論 來 McAdam 理論
紐 Jeff Goodwin James M. Jasper 1999年 論 (Sociological Forum) 了 論 念 臨了 兩 列 (Goodwin and Jasper 1999: 30) Goodwin Jasper 了 烈 論 Tilly Polletta Tarrow Meyer Koopsman 論 論 論 流 論 論 連 念( ) 切 (McAdam 1982: 32; Kitschelt 1991: 336)
换个角度看问题念 流行 論 不 不 度 (lf-naming) (Jenson 1995: 115) 良 (Gamson and Meyer 1996: 287) 女 不 立 (gendered) (Ferree and Roth 1998: 634; McCammon et al. 2001: 53-5) 念 度 論
念 兩 念 不 領 流 論 論 念 論 理論 立 不 論 來
來 Peter Eisinger(1973) 不 了 異 利 Eisinger 論 (paradox of protest) 不 易 易 Eisinger 理論
來 狀 行 (Eisinger 1973: 12)
論 Eisinger(1971,1973,1974) 兩 了 念 論 來 行 來 力 Wilson(1961) Lipsky(1968) 念 Wilson Lipsky 來 (the powerless) 來 利 力 來 力2 (bargaining) 來 不 說 不 力 (Wilson 1961:291, 294) 了 (inducement) 不 (Wilson 1961: 292) 切 (Lipsky 1968: 1145) 論 論 不 度 了 利 行 來 利 了 六 年 降 了 (mobilization of bias) 若 利 了 論 (Schattschneider 1960) 力 不 參 更 (non-decision) 度 了 參 (Bachrach and Baratz 1962)
2 Eisinger(1974: 601-4) 狀 (the powerlessness)連 不 異 (extraordinary) 見 行 類 (1) (2) 參 參 (3) 參 參 更 連 來 (normal) 不 (integral) Eisinger
Wilson Lipsky 說 不 狀 來 Eisinger 論 若 Eisinger 論 理 Wilson Lipsky 不 論 Eisinger 更 行 理論 來 Wilson Lipsky 狀 理 狀 Eisinger 狀 行 Lipsky(1968: 1144n) 說 度 不 行 狀 不 了Eisinger(1974) Wilson, Lipsky, Eisinger