contend [kən'tend] vt./vi. 声称,主张,认为:I would contend that the minister's thinking is flawed on this point.;vi. 竞争;争夺(for):Three armed groups were contending for power.
苹果位置查询content ['kɔntent] n.[C] 容量,内容:She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.;(pl.)目录;adj. [kən'tent] (with)满足的:He had to be content with third place.
context ['kɔntekst] n. [C, U] 上下文;语境;背景,环境,来龙去脉:This speech needs to be t in the context of Britain in the 1960s.
contest ['kɔntest, kən'test] vt./vi. 比赛;竞赛;竞争:Three candidates contested the leadership.;n[C]. 比赛;竞赛:To enter/win/lo a contest.
contract ['kɔntrækt, kən'trækt] n.[C] 合同;合约;契约:a rearch contract;vt. 收缩;订
立合同:The player is contracted to play until August.
contrast ['kɔntræst] n.[C, U] 差异;对比;对照:There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.;vt./vi. 对比;对照:The poem contrasts youth and age.
contact ['kɔntækt, kən'tækt] n.[U] 联系,联络:I don't have much contact with my uncle.;接触:a fear of physical contact.;vt. 联系:I've been trying to contact you all day.
commerce ['kɔmə:s] n.[U] 贸易;商业.
comment ['kɔment] n.[C, U] 评论;意见:She made helpful comments on my work.;vt./vi. 表达意见:I can comment on their decision.
commence [kə'mens] vt. 开始;着手:The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.;vi. (with) 开始:The day commenced with a welcome from the principal.
commend [kə'mend] vt. 推荐;称赞:She was commended on her handling of the situation.
immen [i'mens] adj. 极大的, 巨大的:The benefits are immen.
immer [i'mə:s] vt. 沉浸;使陷入:She immerd herlf in her work.
inviting [ɪn'vaɪtɪŋ] adj. 诱人的;吸引人的:The water looks really inviting.
invite [ɪn'vaɪt] vt. 邀请,招待;招致.
exhaust [iɡ'zɔ:st] vt. 使筋疲力尽;耗尽:Even a short walk exhausted her.关于爱国的名言
exhaustive [ɪg'zɔstɪv] adj. 详尽的;彻底的;全面的:exhaustive rearch/tests.
exhausted [ɪɡ'zɔstɪd] adj. 耗尽的;用完的;筋疲力尽的:to feel completely/utterly exhau
hinder ['hɪndɚ] vt./vi. 阻碍; 妨碍:Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.
render ['rɛndɚ] vt. 报答; 归还; 给予:to render a rvice to sb.;致使;使变得:to render sth harmless/uless/ineffective. 呈献;提交:The committee was asked to render a report.;表演.
tender ['tɛndɚ] adj. 柔软的;温柔的;脆弱的:This meat is extremely tender. n.[C] 投标;vt. 使…变嫩;提供,偿还:He has tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister.
gender ['dʒɛndɚ] n.[C, U] 性;性别;词性:issues of class, race and gender.
slender ['slɛndɚ] adj. 苗条的;细长的:a glass with a slender stem.
surrender [sə'rɛndɚ] vt./vi. 投降, 放弃:They surrendered their guns to the police. n.[U] 投降;屈服;放弃.
pray [prei] vt./vi. 祈祷;恳求;央求:I'll pray for you.
prayer [preə] n.[C] 恳求;祈祷,祷告:prayers for the sick.
prey [prei] vi. (+on)捕食;掠夺:Owls prey on mice.;n. 被捕食的动物;捕食:The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
spray [sprei] vt./vi. 喷洒;喷射:Spray the conditioner onto your wet hair.;n.[C, U] 飞沫;喷剂:a can of inct spray.
pay [pei] vt./vi. 支付;偿还:I'll pay for the tickets.;n.[U] 工资;薪水:Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.
ellip [ɪˈlɪps] n.[C] 椭圆.
u盘系统安装学情分析eclip [i'klips] n.[C] 日食;月食;vt. 遮住…的光;使失色:an outstanding performance that eclipd the previous record.
elap [i'læps] vi. 时间过去;消逝:Many years elapd before they met again.
collap [kə'læps] vi. 倒塌;瓦解;暴跌:The roof collapd under the weight of snow.;n.[C, U] 失败;倒闭;崩溃;倒塌:The walls were strengthened to protect them from collap.
lap [læps] n.[C] 失误,过失;疏忽:a lap of concentration.;vi. 衰退;失效;期满终止:His concentration lapd after a few minutes.
asmble [ə'mbl] vt./vi. 聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装:The shelves are easy to asmble.
remble [ri'zembl] vt. 像…;类似于:She cloly rembles her sister.
evasion [ɪˈveɪʒn] n.[C, U] 规避;逃避;回避;藉口;托辞:His speech was full of evasions.
invasion [in'veiʒən] n.[C, U] 侵犯;入侵,侵略:an invasion of privacy.
innovation [,inəu'veiʃən] n.[C, U] 创新;改革;新思想:an age of technological innovation.