
更新时间:2023-06-13 10:56:28 阅读: 评论:0

the product of dimentary process in rivers, resulting in the deposition of alluvium (soil deposited by a river).
a substance that contains gold.
the process of adding value to gold products by transforming gold bullion into fabricated gold products.
Brown fields project:褐色地带项目(有已知矿产资源具有开发潜力的矿区)
a potential mining site with known mineral resources.
Call option:购买选择权
a contract that permits the owner to purcha an ast at a specified price on or before a specified date.
Capital expenditure:支出费用
the expenditure on mining asts to both maintain and expand operations.
Cash cost:直接费用
a measure of the average cost of producing an ounce of gold, calculated by dividing the total cash working costs in a period by the total gold production over the same period. Working costs reprent total operating costs less certain administrative expens, royalties and depreciation. In determining the cash cost of different elements of the operations, production overheads are allocated pro rata.
Channel width:通道宽度(可开采矿床总厚度,包括夹石,但不包括矿床外废石)
the total thickness of the entire reef unit to be mined, including internal waste, but excluding external waste.
Contained ounces:载金量(矿石在选矿提炼之前的金含量)
gold ounces from which neither extraction, dilution nor processing recovery loss have been deducted.
Cut-off grade:边界品位
the cut-off grade is determined using the company’s Optimizer computer programmed which requires the following as input: the databa of measured and indicated resource blocks (per shaft ction); an assumed gold price which, for this ore rerve statement, was taken as R115 000/kg; planned production rates.
the decrea in quantity of ore in a deposit or property resulting from extraction or production.
Activities (including shaft sinking and on-reef and off-reef tunneling) required preparing for mining and maintaining a planned production level and tho costs to enable the conversion of mineralized material to rerves.
activities associated with ascertaining the existence, location, extent or quality of mineralid material, including economic and technical evaluations of mineralid material.
the process of fracturing that produces a displacement of rock.
the underlying side of a fault, ore body or stope.
Forward contract:期货合同
an agreement for the sale and purcha of an ast at a specified future date at a fixed price.
Forward currency sale contract:远期外汇买卖合约
an agreement for the sale of a specific quantity of one currency for another currency at a specified future date at a fixed exchange rate.
Forward purcha:预购
an agreement for the purcha of a commodity at a specified future date at a fixed price.
Forward sale:预售
the sale of a commodity for delivery at a specified future date and price.
Gold asts:黄金资产
the after-tax net ast value of the company’s gold asts including gold exploration properties and hedging gains or leas.
Gold rerves:黄金储备
the gold contained within proven and probable rerves on the basis of recoverable material (reported as mill delivered tonnes and head grade).
the average amount contained in a tonne of gold, leaving ore expresd in grams per tonne of ore.
a potential mining site of unknown quality. 人像摄影po
the overlying side of a fault, orebody or stope.
Head grade:冶炼入选品位(选场入选品位为feed grade)
the grade of the ore as delivered to the metallurgical plant. 零花钱花
In situ:原位
in place, i.e. within unbroken rock or still in the ground.
the number of years that an operation is planning to mine and treat ore, taken from the current mine plan.
internal rate of return, the investment appraisal that takes the time value of money fully into account.
the workings or tunnels of an underground mine that are on the same horizontal plane.
the current fair value of a derivative bad on current market prices or to calculate the current fair value of a derivative bad on current market prices, as the ca may be.
conversion factors from metric units to U.S. units are provided below.
Metallurgical plant:冶炼厂
a processing plant ud to treat ore and extract the contained gold.
in the context of mining, the science of extracting metals from ores and preparing them for sale.
Mill delivered tonnes:选矿吨(矿石运往冶炼厂时矿石数量单位)
a quantity, expresd in tons, of ore delivered to the metallurgical plant.

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标签:矿石   矿床   开采   选矿   潜力   品位   黄金   已知
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