巴黎2012年10月11日电 /美通社/ -- AVEVA 今天在巴黎 AVEVA 世界峰会 (AVEVA World Summit) 上推出 AVEVA Everything3D (E3D)。AVEVA E3D 将各种技术整合在一起,提出了一项新的愿景,让客户能够在工程、设计和建造等行业使用“精益”工作实践。这将有助于加快项目的整体进度,并减少损耗。作为 AVEVA 一体化工程与设计方案的一部
分,AVEVA E3D 将多个重要创新成果融为一体,大大增强了新建工厂设计和全生命周期改造项目。该产品最重要的一点就是将激光扫描数据和三维几何学、强大的绘图工具以及直观的用户界面整合在一起,满足一般常见设计任务的需求。
AVEVA 工程设计系统首席技术官兼主管 Dave Wheeldon 表示:“工厂设计解决方案市场日新月异,需要提出一个新的理念。仅仅取得零误差设计已经远远不够。经济实惠型新技术的出现已经让工厂设计的触角切实可行地延伸至供货商、制造商和施工团队等其它利益相关者。”
AVEVA 战略与营销高级副总裁 Bruce Douglas 表示:“我们的客户正面临许多挑战。力求获得更多能源
AVEVA E3D 将包括:
支持与时下行业领先的系统 AVEVA PDMS 同时操作
AVEVA E3D 将于2012年12月中旬面市。
AVEVA Everything3D -
Plant Design for Lean Construction
AVEVA’s vision for plant design is to create a new product called
AVEVA Everything3D (E3D) that exploits technology innovations
in mobile computing, cloud computing and lar scanning to
enable Lean Construction in plant project execution.
Dimensional control is recognid as an important discipline to help track and make adjustments to fabricated parts and site conditions to ensure first-time match up. Time-consuming survey work may now be replaced by rapid lar scan data capture which can be completed in less than five minutes per station. This activity however, is not limited to the site, as many organisations employ scanning in the fabrication facility for checking conformance to specification, standards and acceptance criteria.
In order to help maximi the new benefits of dimensional control we have created an environment where the lar data and 3D geometry data can co-exist. As-built and as-designed data can be visualid together to help designer, fabricator and site engineer to identify and resolve dimensional issues as quickly as possible.
The benefits of this approach are:
accurate tie point information to aid first-time fit
clash-free routing of new piping and structural systems
maximid utilisation of teams through concurrent execution of scan and issue resolution optimid prefabrication of replacement parts reducing project delays.
Additional to visual inspection, and comparison of the real-world conditions with the design conditions, is the ability to precily measure the accumulated discrepancies. Accurate ‘real-
July 6, 2012
Computing technology has transformed the design of new plants. But retrofits and upgrades of existi
ng plant, or upgrades and conversion of vesls such as FPSO projects have, until recently, relied on error-prone manual surveys; not always easy and, in many locations, hazardous to perform.
All this has changed with the availability of affordable lar scanning technology for plant design to capture the exact shape and dimensions of the as-built plant as a starting point for a revamp project. Lar scans of the brownfield environment have become easier to justify and quick to perform – but, until now, have been hard to take advantage of.
The Future of Plant Design
AVEVA is defining the future of plant design, fusing 3D design models with high-definition lar scanning of the real world, to bring massive benefits and transform the way you handle modifications for brownfield plants. For revamp projects a key consideration is to maximi the benefits of lar scanning for improving the project efficiency. Our new product has been designed to provide real world and 3D design into the same visualisation.
The benefits include:
Less commercial risk – The most demanding brownfield projects can be tackled with maximum confidence in the existing brownfield data.
版本的英文Quicker projects – Integration of site scanned data with 3D data eliminates
unnecessary modelling of existing plant elements, allowing overall design time to be最萌女婴儿图片
reduced by up to 10%.
Higher quality – Accurate, high-definition surveying allows ‘true to as-built’ design
leading to less rework on site when fitting new parts.
Less cost, less downtime – Accurate design means less onsite fabrication, lower
installation cost and less down time.
We have focud on the most important capabilities needed to take advantage of lar scan data for improving brownfield design efficiency: dimensional control for pre-fabricated units, measurement tools to analy differences between as-built and as-designed, and simple, clear visualisations of the lar and 3D data overlaid. The future of plant design will deliver the capabilities below:
Align lar models of unlimited size to the plant model by lecting ‘tie-in’ points.
Display and interact with the lar data in both point cloud and ‘Bubble View’ format.
Accurately measure discrepancies between as-designed and as-built models.
Accurately position and clash check new design against existing plant.
Supporting our open approach to information this new plant design product will allow urs to lect a lar scanning system best suited to their needs. We will support data from the following systems:
Leica Geosystems HDS
Trimble Dimensions
As we look to the future of plant design, existing lar scan surveys and tho conducted in the future can now be exploited more readily to reduce rework and produce higher quality design for bro
wnfield modification projects.
The first product previews will be at the AVEVA World Summit, in Paris, on October 10th –
greater n of the relative positioning of objects in the model scene.
Delineating the edges
Designers need to work with detail and precision. It is important to be able to accurately visually identify the boundaries of elements within the model so that they may be easily lected and positioned. Where many objects are the same colour, or variations on a similar colour it becomes very difficult to distinguish one object from another. To add clarity we have chon an approximate, yet high-performance, technique that outlines the object within a scene producing an effect not unlike that of a hidden-line image.
As we define the future of plant design our goal is to improve design efficiency and make significant productivity improvements. To meet that goal we have introduced a new style of visualisation for 3D, helping designers to e and interpret the 3D space. Taking advantage of graphics technology improvements and their almost ubiquitous availability we have envisioned a new 3D style for the task护苗
s of plant designers and established a new benchmark in visual quality for plant design applications.
Integration of Engineering, Schematic and 3D Model
the real situation allowing them to make informed design decisions.
The integration between engineering, schematics
and 3D information enables each designer to have
effectively u. The added context that the engineer
thus helping to reduce the challenges associated with global concurrent design.
The new product has been designed with the following capabilities to support this integration: Immediate access to P&IDs for the lines you are modeling directly from your 3D
Ability to compare the 3D model to the P&ID before issuing.
Visual reporting of differences between 3D model and P&ID.
Create 3D model of line directly from the P&ID.
Easy to u model editing tools for rapid adaptation of P&ID created line.
The future of plant design introduces a new level of plant design using proven and reliable technology to deliver the most complete and integrated t of engineering, schematics and 3D tools, bringing all the benefits of openness, scalability, configurability and flexible global work considerably reduces time spent creating drawings from the start.
Our benchmark tests have indicated savings of 15% of design time can be made when compared to traditional approaches to drafting. This equates to significant man hours in each project. This new drafting is provided with an intuitive ur interface, slick accelerators for drawing enhancements and familiar tools to speed up production of project quality drawings. As a conquence of the integration of 2D and 3D it is possible to provide automatic change highlighting within the drawings to bring to attention any areas of the drawing which have changed bad on variations to the model.
The future of plant design will deliver the capabilities below:
Rapid creation of drawings from the model.
如何介绍一本书Easy model view creation.
Change Highlighting.
Automatic updating of existing drawings with model changes.
Support for raster images.
Openness to common drawing formats.
The future of plant design will allow engineers to model the plant design, produce high quality drawing output quickly and easily and have confidence that all 2D and 3D deliverables are aligned at all times throughout the lifecycle of the project.
The first product previews will be at the AVEVA World Summit, in Paris, on October 10th –12th. Live demonstrations and sneak previews will reveal more about the capabilities of the new product.