I. 明思路常见缩写
Atm=at the moment
Aka=also known as
Asap=as soon as possible
Awk=away from keyboard
Btw=by the way
Bj=bl*w job
Brb=be right back
Cp=child p*rn
Fu=f*ck you
Ftw=for the win
Ffs=for f*ck’s sake
失路人Fyi=for your information
Hbu=how ‘bout you=how about you
郑珍Gtfo=get the f*ck out
Gtg/g2g=gotta go
Gg=good game
Irc=internet relay chat
Irl=in real life
Iirc=if I recall/remember correctly
Imo=in my opinion中老年生活
Imho=in my humble opinion
Jw=j/w=just wondering
Jk=joke/just kidding
Lmk=let me know
Lmao=laugh my a*s off
Nj/jery=new jery
Omg=oh my god阳光下的孩子
Omfg=oh my f*cking god
Otoh=on the other hand
饭后喝咖啡Pov=point of view
Rofl=roll on the floor laughing
Rp=role play
Sn=screen name
Std=xually transmitted dia
Sob=son of a bi*ch
Ttyl=talk to you later
Ty=thank you
Tbh=to be honest
Wbu=what ‘bout you=what about you
Wtf=what the f*ck
Ydi=you derve it