牛郎织女英文翻译(中英文都有).txt有没有人像我一样在听到某些歌的时候会忽然想到自己的往事_______如果我能回到从前,我会选择不认识你。不是我后悔,是我不能面对没有你的结局。Cowherd and Weaving Girl
Long ago, there was a boy, clever, diligent and honest. Orphaned at an early age, he was very poor. However, he adopted an abandoned old buffalo, which proved to be very loyal and relieved him a lot from the hard labor in the fields. The two enjoyed a very good relationship, being en together all the time. Villagers from far and near came to know him by the name of the Cowherd.
At the same time, the youngest of the ven celestial princess had grown tired of the privileged but cluded life in the heavenly palace. She longed for a mundane life she often saw down beneath her. That was a very pervert idea to cherish in heaven. Yet, determined to pursue what she deemed to be her own happiness, she sneaked out and descended onto the earth and to the sudden happiness of the Cowherd with whom she had cretly fallen in love all along in heaven.
They married and had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields with his old pal the buffalo, the heavenly princess weaved at home to help support the family. Villagers all admired her excellent weaving skill and started learning from her. She was now well-known as the Weaving Girl.
The family lived moderately but peacefully and happily until the girl‘s celestial royal family found her missing and traced her to the village. By the way, it is popularly believed that a day in heaven accounts for years on the earth. The years she had spent with the Cowherd was but a day or so by the celestial calendar. 弹电子琴的指法
The Celestial Empress was in such a wrath that she gave her daughter only two choices: to go back home or e her husband and children destroyed. She had no choice but to leave.
酒酿圆子的做法The old buffalo suddenly began to speak to the bereaved and now astonished young man, saying that he was dying in no time and asking him to u his hide as a vehicle to catch up with his wife. And off he sailed to heaven taking his young son and daughter in two baskets carried by a shoulder pole.
Fearing that the young man would catch up, the empress took out her hair spin and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chine as the Silvery River (the Milky Way in the West). She wanted to parate the family forever.
However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue. Each year, on the venth day of the venth month, they would flock together to form a bridge so that the famil
y may enjoy a brief reunion.