What am I sitting on?
Top of the world?
Dock of the bay?
I'm out.
Who are they?
-Who are they? -Not mine.
Joey's! Got to be Joey's.
They're mine.
See,Joey's. They're Joe-Joe-Joey's.
Why are they here?
I don't know.
Becau I'm Joey.
I'm disgusting.
I take my underwear off in other people's homes.
Get them out of here. What's wrong with you?
对啊 好恶
-Take them! -I got them.
You can touch them. They're yours.
Chandler? A word?
I'm tired of covering for you two. This has got to stop.
Tighty-whiteys? What are you,8?
Thank you,Joey,so much.
You're not welcome,okay?
Look,I hate this. You guys keep embarrassing me.
Yesterday,Rachel found your razor in our bathroom.
I said it was mine, and that I was playing a woman in a play.
Then one thing led to
And around the ankles, that is a tough spot.
It was. All right,listen
All this lying has been hard on us too.
Yeah,I bet all the x makes it easier.
Meanwhile,I get Rachel shoving your underwear in
...and asking when she can come e me star in Ugly Woman.微波炉可以热汤吗
We'll be more careful.
We don't want them to know becau it's going really well.
And maybe it's going well becau it's a cret.
It sounds weird, but we're so bad at relationships.
-We are. Help us! -Help!
All right. But you do it with me once.
-Joey! -Didn't think so.
The One With Ross' Sandwich
Does anybody el just take off their underwear when they're hot?
What are you reading?
Wuthering Heights.
I have to finish it by tomorrow for my literature class.
会同与汇同的区别You're taking a class? That's so cool.
I really liked that Lamaze class I took.
I thought this time I'd go for something
...with a less painful final exam.
That sounds like fun.
Oh,you should come with me!
Then I'll have someone to sit with.
Do you have time to read it?六祖惠能寺
I read it in school.
This is going to be so much fun! I have to finish.
But what time does the class start?
What's wrong,buddy?
Someone at work ate my sandwich.
What did the police say?
My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.
I can't believe someone ate it.
It's just a sandwich.
Just a sandwich?
I am 30 years old,okay?
I'll be divorced twice and I got evicted.
That sandwich was the only good thing in my life!
Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life!养蝎
That's a nice sweater vest.
I have enough for one more sandwich.
I was going to eat it
Mon,that would be incredible. Thank you so much.
I still can't believe someone ate it!
Look,I left a note and everything.
"Knock-knock." "Who's there?"
"Ross Geller's lunch."
"Ross Geller's lunch,who?"相信未来朗诵视频
"Ross Geller's lunch. Plea don't take me. Okay?"
I'm surprid you didn't wear it home.
Want to keep your food? Scare people off.
I learned that on the street.
What would you say,Phoebe?
山村小景Stuff like: "Keep your mitts off my grub."
Do you picture Phoebe on the street with the entire cast of Annie?
This'll keep them away from your stuff.
Phoebe,you are a badass!
Someday I'll tell you how I stabbed the cop.
He stabbed me first!
The Bronte sisters were remarkable women for their time.
They lived in a patriarchal society.
Sorry I'm late, but I left late.
So,what is the book about?
烘焙工具Didn't you read it in high school?
I started it,but then there was this pep rally.
And I was on top of the pyramid.
...what's the book about?