战争之王 中英文台词

更新时间:2023-06-13 03:53:41 阅读: 评论:0

在这世界上全世界一共有 5 亿 5 千万支军火 There are over 550 million firearms in world-wide circulation. 那就是说每 12 个人就有 1 只枪 That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. 唯一的问题是 The only 我们如何让其他 11 个人也有枪 how do we arm the other eleven? 战争之王 你不用担心 You don't have to worry. 我不会说一堆谎话 让你觉得我是好人 I'm not gonna tell you a pack of lies to make me look good. 我只是告诉你到底发生什么事 I'm just gonna tell you what happened. 我的名字是尤里·奥洛夫 My name is Yuri Orlov. 我年幼时,我们全家来到了美国 When I was a boy, my family came to America. 但没有完全融入美国社会 But not all the way. 象其他乌克兰人一样 Like most Ukrainians, 我们都聚集在布莱顿滩这个地方 we gathered in Brighton Beach. 这里可以让我们想起黑海 It reminded us of the Black Sea. 我很快地就意识到 I soon realized we'd just swapped 我们是从一个地狱到了另外一个地狱 one hell for another. 即使在地狱里 Even in hell, an angel 天使有时也会出现 sometimes makes an appearance. 从十岁开始 I'd worshipped Ava Fontaine 我就崇拜艾娃·方田 since I was 10 years old. 她当然不知道我的存在 Of cour, she didn't know I existed. 有的时候我自己也这么觉得 I was starting to think she had a point. 在我生命的前二十几年里 For the first twenty-odd years of 小奥德萨对我来说 就像对这列火车一样 ...Little Odessa was to me what it is to the 是终点站 ...the end of the line. [纽约,小奥德萨,1982] "Little Odessa," New York - 1982 哦,关于我的名字,我刚撒了个谎 Oh, I did lie about my name. 其实并不是尤里·奥洛夫 It's not really Yuri Orlov. 在 20 世纪的某些时候 There've been few occasions in the in the 做个犹太人是有文具用品有哪些
婴儿补钙好处的 when it's been an advantage be a Jew. 70 年代我们全家为了逃离苏联 But in the 'venties, to escape the Soviet Union, 就伪装成犹太人 our family pretended to be Jewish. 从此我就活得不怎么好 Little about my life has been kosher ever since 老哥,你好吗? How's it going, brother? 不怎么样 It's not. 这是维塔利,我弟弟 That's Vitaly, my younger brother. 他和我一样,对生命感到迷惘 He was as lost as me. 只是他现在还不知道罢了 He didn't know it yet. 尤里 Yuri, 你迟到了 you're late. 我父亲很快地就把 这伪装的身份当真了 My father took his assumed identity to heart. 他比很多犹太人更犹太 He was more Jewish than most Jews. 这使我信天主教的母亲很生气 Which drove my Catholic mother crazy. 说过多少次啦? How many times? 我不能吃贝类 I can't eat shellfish. 不圣洁 It's treyf. 你不是犹太人 You're not Jewish. 但我喜欢这样 I like it. 我喜欢帽子 I like the hat. 时时提醒我
们 To remind us there 上面有人类的主宰 above us. 我喜欢那样想 I like that. 我要去(犹太)教堂 I'm going to temple. 别去! You're not going to temple. 你比牧师去得还勤 You go to temple more than the rabbi. 你这女人少管我的事 Get off my back, woman. 老天!你什么时候才能清醒点儿? God, will you ever wi up? 尤里,别忘了去看一看 Yuri, don't forget to check 皇宫酒店的特价 the specials at the Palace. 在小奥德萨长大 Growing up in Little Odessa, 人杀人是家常便饭 murder was everyday part of life. 俄罗斯黑帮 Russian mobsters had also migrated 也从苏联移民到了这里 from the Soviet Union 而且他们来美国时 and when they came to America, 还带着家伙呢 their
baggage came with them. 社区里 There was always some gangster 每天都有些帮派份子斗殴 getting whacked in my neighborhood, 只是我从没亲眼见过 but I'd never en it with my own eyes. 每次我总是早五分钟 I had this knack of showing up five minutes before something went down, 或晚五分钟 or five minutes after. 但那天不一样 Not that day. 这一枪打醒了我 It hit me. 枪打中他们带给我更大的震撼 It couldn't have hit me harder 就像打在我身上一样 if I was the one who'd been shot. 你开饭馆 You go into the 是因为人总是要吃饭 becau people are always going to have to eat. 就是那天,我意识到我的命运 That was the day I realized 是为了提供人们的另一种生活必需品 ...lay in fulfilling another basic human need. 下个安息日,我和父亲一起去教堂 The next Sabbath, I went to temple with my father. 然而上帝并不是我想要接近的 However, it wasn't God I was trying to get clo to. 我的长子,尤里 Eli, my eldest son, Yuri. 在那儿我认识了第一把 My contact at synagogue landed me 以色列制的乌兹冲锋枪 my first Israeli-made Uzi submachine guns. 第一次卖枪的感觉 The first time you ll 很大程度上就象第一次做爱一样 is a lot like the first time you have x. 你根本不知道自己在干嘛 You have absolutely no idea what you're doing. 虽然很刺激 But it is exciting and one way or another, 但很快就结束了 it's over way too fast. 先生们 Gentlemen. 新型乌兹自动手枪 The new Uzi machine pistol. 体积虽小,但火力强大 Big firepower in a small package. 这宝贝用的是九毫米凹头子弹 This little baby us 9 mm hollow points. 廿或廿五发可扩充式弹夹 Twenty twenty-five round 枪柄大小可调 ...rear-flip adjustable sights. 消音器是标太行五指山
东莞社保官方网站准装备 后座力极低 Silencer comes standard. Excellent recoil reduction. 枪口上抬减少四成 Muzzle jump reduced forty percent. 噪音减少六成 Sixty percent improved noi suppression. 就算你“现在” You could pump a mag into me 朝我打完一整夹子弹 right now 也不会
吵醒隔壁的人 and never wake the guy in the next room. 但是这样你就没机会和我 Of cour, that would eliminate your 再做更大的生意了 opportunity for repeat business. 我天生 I did have a natural instinct 就有走私违禁品的才能 for smuggling contraband. 幸运的是 Fortunately, back then a video camera 那时的摄像机有火箭筒那么大 was a big as a bazooka 我的一生都想远离暴力 Here I'd been running away from violence 但其实我更该接近它才对 my whole life, and I should've run towards it. 这是人类的天性 It's in our nature. 最初人类遗骸的肋骨腔中 The earliest human skeletons had 就有一个矛箭头 spearheads in their rib cages. 怎么搞这么久? Where have you been? 如果客人来了怎么办? What if we had a customer? 上帝保佑美国 God bless America. “当心恶犬” 你哪儿来的狗! Beware of the dog? You don't have a dog. 想吓人呀? Are you trying to scare people? 是吓我自己 No, it's to scare me. 随时提醒我内心中的恶犬 Remind me to be aware of the dog in me. 它想袭击其他动物 The dog wants to fuck everything that moves 和击杀弱小同类的狗 Wants to fight and kill weaker dogs. 提醒自己要像个人 I guess it's to remind me to be more human. 做条狗和做个人不是一个概念么? Isn't being a dog part of being human? 也许你生来就是一条狗呢? What if that's the best 3岁儿童故事>润肠通便的蔬菜有哪些
part of you? The dog part. 其实我们就是两条腿的狗 What if you're really just a two-legged dog? 你得去看心理医生了 You need to e somebody. 这里臭死了 Stinks in here. 我总想在有生之年做件大事 I'd always wanted to do something big with my life 只是不知道要做什么 I just didn't know what. 但我意识到 Anyhow, I figured, 如果我真要去卖枪 if I was going into the gun trade, 就得干大买卖 I was going aim high. 维塔利,别鬼混了 Vitaly, stop fucking around. 我要和你谈谈 I want to talk to you. 你每天看报纸吗? You read the newspapers, Vit? 报纸?每天都一样 Newspaper? It's always the same. 没错 You're right. 每天都有人在枪战 Every day there's people shooting each other. 当我看到这种报道时 你猜我会干嘛? You know what I do when I e that? 看他们用什么枪 I look to e what guns they're using 心想为什么不是我卖的枪 and I think to mylf, why not my guns? 你要开个枪店? What, are you opening a gun shop? 美国的枪店已经比麦当劳还多了 Already more of tho in than McDonald's. 即使这附近的黑帮这么多 Even with all the gangsters around here, 利润还是不够 the margins are too low. - 你已经算出能赚多少? - 当然! You've figured the margins? Sure. 帮派的火拼算个啥! Forget gang wars. 真正的战争有血有肉的 The real money is in actual wars. 国与国之间的 Between countries. 尤里 你他娘的懂个屁枪 Yuri, what the fuck do you know about guns?
我知道咱们得干 I know which end I'd rather be on. 我做成了第一笔生意 I made the first sale. 这买卖咱们已经在 We're already in business. 呃...咱们? Whoa, whoa. We? 我要个合伙人 I need a par
tner. 我不知道... I don't know, 我不知道,尤里,我不知道... I don't know, Yuri. I don't know. 维塔利,我喝过你煮的罗宋汤 Vitaly, I've tasted your borscht. 你不是那块料 You're no fucking chef. 我可以在餐馆吃白食 I can eat in the restaurant for free 但我还是不在那儿吃 and I still don't eat there. 去你妈的 Fuck you. 咱们一生无所事事 We're doing nothing with our lives. 我的意思是,现在的生活是一团糟! I mean, this is shit! 一团糟! This is shit! 的确 It's true. 但或许什么也不做,也比做这个好 But maybe doing nothing's better than doing this. 我需要你 I need you. 哥们儿就是哥们儿 Brothers in arms. 哥们儿就是哥们儿 Brothers in arms. 先生... Sir, may I interest you in the 有没兴趣看看 S7 地对空飞弹 shoulder-fired SA-7 surface-to-air missiles? 中国制,过时的型号 The older Chine model. 用在现代军事战机上或许不行 Not so effective against 不过打打商业客机 modern military aircraft. 还是挺不错的 if ud against a commercial airliner. $850 而已,等于是送给你了 I'm giving them away at 8-50. 那是 80 年代,冷战尚未结束 In the '80s, and the Cold War was far from thawed 多数的交易是政府之间的 Most of the deals were government-to-government. 几乎都是私人军火俱乐部 It was a mostly 主席都是终生职 ...with a lifetime club president. 就是他 哦,那个大人物 That's him. The big shot? 席米恩·怀斯 Simeon Weisz, Angola, Mozambique, 安哥拉、莫桑比克等国的代表 tho Exocet missiles in the Falklands. 火药还没发明前,他就已经在卖枪 He was lling guns before there was gunpowder. 马上回来 Be right back. 怀斯先生...怀斯先生! Mr. Weisz? Mr. Weisz! 没关系,他们只是谈一谈 It's okay, they're talking. 我可以帮助你吗? May I help? 布莱顿滩进
出口公司的伊莱·克兹曼 A mutual friend, Eli Kurtzman 您我都认识的 from Brighton Beach, 要我来与您联系 import/export said to contact you. 我有一个生意企划 I have a business proposal 或许我们能讨论一下 and I thought perhaps we could discuss it. 我想我们不是做同一种生意 I don't think you and I are in the same business. 你以为我只是卖枪的军火商,对吧? You think I just ll guns, don't you? 不对!我是有立场的 I don't. I take sides. 但两伊战争中,您卖过军火给双方 But in the Iran-lraq war you sold guns to both sides. 你有没想过,或许我想让两边都输 Did you ever consider that I wanted both sides to lo? 用枪杆来换个政府,比用选票更有效 Bullets change governments far surer than votes. 朋
VARP友,你来错地方了 You're in the wrong place, my young friend. 这里不是玩票的人该来的 This is no place for amateurs. 操他妈 Motherfucker. 奇怪的是,当你很生气时 Curious how you always revert to your native tongue 你很自然地会说起家乡话来... in moments of extreme anger. 和很爽的时候 And ecstasy. 主啊...主啊,哦,主啊! Oh, God! 你真漂亮 You are beautiful. 你叫什么名字来着? What's your name again? 我和维塔利 The only option for Vitaly and me 只能做地下买卖 was under-the-counter gunrunning. [黎巴嫩,1984] Beirut, Lebanon - 1984 黎巴嫩开始有自杀式人肉弹后 I got my first break in Lebanon 我的生意终于有了突破 after the suicide bombing. 但我并不是唯一在当地赚到钱的人 But I wasn't the only local kid making good. 当美国撤离一个战区时 When the United
States leaves a 他们通常不把武器带走 they generally don't take their munitions. 因为运回去 It costs more to bring it back 比买新的还贵 than to buy new stock. 我们是按公斤卖的 So, we ll by the kilo. 虽然是二手货 They're condhand weapons, 但还是很好用 but they're still okay. 你要买多少公斤? How many kilos would you like? 五千公斤 Five thousand. 我虽有点儿语言天才 I had a flair 但我很快发现,谈美元、卢比、卢布 ...but I soon discovered that what talks best is dollars, 英镑...这些才是最好的 ...drachmas, rubles, rupees, and pounds-fucking-sterling. 当然,美国陆军也插了一脚 Of cour, the U.S. Army got a piece of the action. 80 年代陆军薪资很低,即使现在也一样 Army salaries were no better then than they are today. 而其中有些军官 And some of the brass, 像陆军的撒登中校 like Lieutenant 需要钱来进行他私人的战争 needed to rai money for their own private wars. 很高兴认识你 Good to make your acquaintance. 维(塔利),这点钱算个屁 This is bullshit money, 还不够塞牙缝 This is small-fucking-potatoes. 啥?你想做“正当”的生意? What do you want to do, go more legit? 不,是更加“不合法” No, more illegal. 我现在只想要 What I would give right now 一盘卷心菜和马铃薯 for cabbage and potatoes. 这不关我们的事 It's not our fight. 维,快吧! Vit, come on! 咱们走,快 Let's go. Come on. 卖枪就像卖吸尘器一样 Selling guns is like lling vacuum cleaners. 打电话 You make calls, 谈价钱 pound the pavement, 处理订单 take orders. 我是什么都做的死亡商人 I was an equal opportunity merchant of death. 除了救世军(慈善组织)之外 不管什么军我都卖 I supplied every army but the Salvation Army. 我把乌兹枪卖
给穆斯林 I sold Israeli-made Uzis to Muslims. 我把共产主义造的子弹 卖给法西斯主义 I sold communist-made bullets to fascists. 奥洛夫先生,希望你

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