Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government
病毒营销>教学相长的意思Brusls 24 March 2022
We, the Heads of State and Government of the 30 NATO Allies, have met today to address Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the gravest threat to Euro-
Atlantic curity in decades. Russia's war against Ukraine has shattered peace in Europe and is causing enormous human suffering and destruction.
We condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. We call on President Putin to immediately stop this war and withdraw military forces from Ukraine, and call on Belarus to end its complicity, in line with the Aggression Against Ukraine Resolution adopted at the UN General Asmbly of 2 March 2022. Russia should comply with the 16 March ruling by the UN International Court of Justice and immediately suspend military operations.
Russia's attack on Ukraine threatens global curity. Its assault on international norms mak
es the world less safe. President Putin's escalatory rhetoric is irresponsible and destabilizing.girlfriend
Ukrainians have inspired the world with heroic resistance to Russia's brutal war of conquest. We strongly condemn Russia's devastating attacks on civilians, including women, children, and persons invulnerable situations. We will work with the rest of the international community to hold accountable tho responsible for violations of humanitarian and international law, including war crimes. We are deeply concerned about the incread risk of xual violence and human trafficking. We urge Russia to allow rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access and safe passage for civilians, and to allow for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Mariupol and other besieged cities. We also condemn attacks against civilian infrastructure, including tho endangering nuclear power plants. We will continue to counter Russia's lies about its attack on Ukraine and expo fabricated narratives or manufactured "fal flag" operations to prepare the ground for further escalation, including against the civilian population of Ukraine. Any u by Russia of a chemical or biological weapon would be unacceptable and result in vere
Russia needs to show it is rious about negotiations by immediately implementing a ceafire. We call on Russia to engage constructively in credible negotiations with Ukraine to achieve concrete results, starting with a sustainable ceafire and moving towards a complete withdrawal of its troops from Ukrainian territory.
Russia's continuing aggression while discussions are taking place is deplorable. We support Ukraine's efforts to achieve peace, and tho undertaken diplomatically by Allies to weigh in on Russia to end the war and relieve human suffering.关于祖国的作文