(Unit 15——Unit 21;第 281 上海外滩有什么好玩的地方页——329 页)
1.arrival at the Town Hall, the Queen was wel omed by the Lo d Mayor.
2 . The Weather Bureau has repeatedly advid the people to take every
precaution the coming typhoon.
3.The weather was blamed the exceptionally poor harvest.
4. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th
honor of the birth of Jesus Christ
5.Before the students t off, they spent much time tting a limit the
expens of the trip.
7.The doctor told the patient that he was definitely the mend and could get
up soon.
8.The story you have just told brings mind a strange thing that once
happened to me.
9.Canned foods are popular houwives becau it takes so little time to
cook them.
0th century scientists.
13.The police raided the night club early this morning and placed everybody
1.She __ in not packing a raincoat for her trip to England.
[A] blundered
[B] errored
[C] mistook
[D] misjudged
2.They had planned to _ the bridge but their bombs failed to __ . _
[A] blow up…explode
[B] explode…blow up
[C] blow up…erupt
[D] explode…burst
3. The doctor is caught in a
tell his patient the truth.
[A] predicament
[B] dilemma
[C] puzzle
旗袍礼仪[D] bewilderment becau he does not know whether he should
becau he does not know whether he should 4.High in the sky a __ of wild gee were flying southward.
[A] flock
[B] swarm
[C] pack
5.He runs three miles every morning; that’s why he’s so .
[A] well
微信消息拒收[B] healthy
[C] sound
[D] fit
6.Space scientists believe that the black hole is , and would draw
everything, even light, toward its center.
[A] hollow
[B] vacant
[C] empty
7.At the end of the match the went wild with excitement.
[A] audience
[B] viewers
[C] listeners
[D] spectators
8.The toy maker produces a copy of the space station, exact in every
[A] minimal
[B] minimum
[C] miniature
[D] minor
9.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as
[A] normal
梅花作文[B] regular
[C] average
[D] ordinary
10. of newspaper are piled along the wall on both sides of the corridor,
leaving only a narrow path for one to walk through.
[A] Stacks
[B] Heaps 小学生卡通图片
[C] Loaves
[D] Rolls
11.Several guests were waiting in the for the front door to open.
[A] porch
[B] vent
[C] inlet
[D] entry
12.The neighbors do not consider him quite as most evenings he awakens
them with his drunken singing.
[A] respectful
[B] respected
[C] respectable
[D] respective
13.The city at the mouth of the Newcastle River.
[A] locates
[B] situates
[C] remains
[D] lies
14.Although a Democrat, he often the party line.
[A] deviates away
[B] deviates from
[C] strays away
[D] strays from
1 .As was discusd before, it was not until the 19th century that the
医德高尚newspaper became the dominant pre‐electronic medium following in the wake
of the pamphlet and the book and in the of the periodical.
[A] process
[B] company
[C] light
[D] form
2.The were called “canals” becau they looked the same as canals on earth
that are viewed from an airplane. However, scientists are now certain that the
Martian phenomena are really not canals. The photographs taken from
space‐ships have helped us to the truth about the Martia “canals”.
[A] find
[B] expo
[C] uncover
[D] discover
3.As knowledge engineer Holly Welling put it, “It’ll be like having a roomful of
experts, all at your command.” Welling, together with Gene E. Clerc, an expert