埃奇沃思盒状图Edgeworth box diagram
埃奇沃思模型Edgeworth’s model
肮脏浮动 dirty floating
奥地利学派 Australian School
奥尔多自由主义学派 Ordo Liberal School
奥肯定理 Okun’s law
奥意财政学派 fiscal school in Austria and Italy
巴罗模型 Barro model
《巴塞尔协议》 Bal agreement
半变动成本 mi-variable cost
包销 exclusive sales
保护关税 protective tariff
保护就业论 employment argument for protectionism
保护贸易说 theory of protective trade
保护幼稚工业论 infant-industry argument
保留价格 rervation price
保留需求 rervation demand
保险单 insurance policy
保证金交易 margin trading
鲍莫尔模型 Baumol’s model
鲍莫尔—托宾模 型Baumol-Tobin model
鲍莫尔最大销售收益假说 Baumol’s hypothesis of maximal ll returns
鲍文—布莱克多数投票模型Bowen-Black majority voting model
贝叶斯标准 Bayes criterion
贝叶斯静态博弈static Bayesian games
贝叶斯纳什均衡Bayesian-Nash equilibrium
比较财政学comparative public finance
比较富有弹性 relatively elastic背的多音字
比较管理学 comparative management
比较静态均衡comparative static equilibrium
比较利益理论 theory of comparative advantage
比较缺乏弹性 relatively inelastic
比例均等牺牲 proportional sacrifice
比例税负 proportional tax-bearing邪恶日漫
比例税率 proportional tax rate
必需品 necessities
必要增长率 required rate of growth
庇古税 Pigovian taxes
庇古效应 Pigou effect
边干边学 learning-by-doing
边际报酬递减规律 law of diminishing marginal returns
边际产量 marginal product
边际产量递减diminishing marginal product
边际产品价值value of marginal product
边际成本定价法 marginal cost pricing
边际储蓄倾向 marginal propensity to save(MPS)
边际革命 marginal revolution
思考与致富边际公共支出倾向 marginal public expenditure propensity
边际技术替代率marginal rate of technical substitution
边际技术替代率递减diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution四川省泸州市
边际进口倾向 marginal propensity to import(MPM)
边际量 marginal quantity
边际贫穷 marginal poor
边际社会成本marginal social cost(MSC)
边际社会纯产值marginal society pure production value
边际社会收益 marginal social benefit(MSB),marginal social revenues
边际收益 marginal revenue
边际收益产品marginal revenue product
边际税率 marginal tax rate
边际税收倾向 marginal tax propensity
边际私人成本 marginal personal cost
边际私人收益 marginal private benefit(MPB)
边际替代率 marginal rate of substitution
设计公司简介边际替代率递减 diminishing marginal rate of substitution
边际外部成本 marginal external cost
边际外部性 marginal externality
边际外在损害marginal external damage
边际物质产品marginal physical product7月21日
边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume
边际效用 marginal utility
边际效用递减diminishing marginal utility
边际效用均等 equi-marginal utility
边际效用学派 Marginal Utility School
边际要素成本 marginal cost of actors
边际有效税率 marginal effective tax rate
边际有效税率模型 marginal effective tax rate model
边际欲望 marginal desire
边际转换率 marginal rate of transformation
边沁·杰里米 Bentham,Jeremy
贬值的贸易条件效应 effects of devaluation on terms-of-trade
变相货币 disguid money
标准基期法 method of standard period
标准商品 standard goods
标准投资利润率法 method of standard profit rate of investment
表外业务off-balance-sheet activities of banks
禀赋点 endowment point
拨款的替代效应 substitution effect of grant
伯格森 Bergson,A.
伯格森—萨缪尔森的社会福利函数Bergson-Samuelson’s social welfare function
伯格森社会福利函数 Bergson social welfare function
博弈论 game theory
博弈树 game trees
补偿贸易 compensation trade
补偿性财政政策 compensatory fiscal policy
补偿性税收政策compensatory tax policy
补偿需求函数 compensated demand function
炒股的技巧补偿原理 compensation principal
补偿政策 compensatory policy
不变成本 fixed cost
不变的利率 constant rate of interest
不变加成经济周期模型business cycle model of constant added value
不变价格 constant price
不变弹性 constant elasticity
不诚实投票 insincere voting
不纯公共物品 impure public goods
不动点定理 fixed point theorem
不对称信息 asymmetric information
不发达国家 underdeveloped countries
不加速通货膨胀的失业率 non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment(NAIRU)
不可兑换货币 inconvertible currency
不可分散风险 undispersible risk
不可抗力 force majeure
不可置信的威胁 incredible threat
不平衡增长 unbalanced growth
不确定性 uncertainty
不体现的技术进步dimbodied technical change
不完全竞争 incomplete competition
不完全替代品 imperfect substitutes
不完全信息模型 imperfect-information model
不完全预期的通货膨胀 imperfectly anticipated inflation
不稳定均衡 unstable equilibrium
不相关选择的独立性 irrelevant alternative independence
不正常的通货膨胀 invalidated inflation
布劳 威 尔 不 动 点 定 理Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem
布雷顿森林货币体系 Bretton woods monetary system
部分归属制 partial imputation system
部分海损 partial loss
部分损失冲销机制 partial loss-off-tting mechanism
部分转嫁 partial shifting
CES生产函数 CES production function
CIF 术语 cost,insurance and freight(CIF)
财产税 taxation on properties
财产 替 代 效 应substitution effect of property
财富替代效应 wealth substitution effect
财富转让税 wealth transfer taxes