专四应试技巧 (语法词汇篇 4:定语从句中关系代词 that 的用法) They are talking about the people and countries that they had visited.
He is the best student that I have ever met.
3)在以“It is... ”,“It was... ”等开头的强调句中,和相应的疑问句中。 如:
What is it that he wants?
4)在 only, all, little 的后面
This is all that I know.
5)在 no, every, some 和 any 等词后面,也包括在它们的复合词在内。如: There is no person that is always in the right.
Is 用人智慧there anything that I can do for you?
beautiful, good looking, handsome, lovely, pretty
这组词均含有“美丽” 、“漂亮” 、“可爱”的意思。
指能不仅给人带来感官上的快乐,而且通过感官产生思想和灵魂的愉悦,在同 类词中层次。
She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.她比我记忆中的她更 漂亮了。
good looking
不如 handsome, pretty 意思强烈,指一般的“好看”或“悦目”。
That good looking young man 文字下划线visited the hou once or twice a week. 那个长相不错的年轻人一星期光顾一两次。
通常是一种客观的不带感情色彩的评价。一个人如被形容为三大化石燃料handsome,是指此 人外貌符合观察者的要求,但不激发更深层的感受。
He looked very handsome in his dark suit.他穿深色西装显得非常英俊。
比感官的快乐更进一步,是强调纯粹情感上的愉悦,指觉得某人或某物“可 爱”。
锦纶和氨纶哪个好Mary has two lovely daughters.玛丽有两个可爱的女儿。
pretty 也是“漂亮、可爱”的意思。很少形容大而有影响力的事物,多形容事 物不以其优秀、完美而以小巧、优雅、精致见长,使人容易接受并喜爱。 Her boyfriend believes that she注胶绿松石的鉴定 is the prettiest girl in the town.她 男朋友觉得她是镇上最漂亮的女孩。