微信换铃声怎么换Part 1 of 4: Know What to Look For
1.Look for signs of harassment. Cyber bullying often takes the form of one person harassing another through emails, instant messages, text messages or other modes of electronic communication. Harassment is taking place if the bully is directly contacting someone with one or more of the following types of messaging:
∙凉拌龙须菜Hateful or threatening verbal messages. This includes name-calling, attempts to control someone's behavior by threatening to expo embarrassing information and/or threats of violence.[1] 包含憎恶或恐吓的短信这包含中伤别人,期望用威胁暴露别人的个人尴尬视频或用暴力来控制其他人的行为。
∙Embarrassing or threatening images or videos。用来骚扰或恐吓的视频和图像。
∙An unending barrage of emails, instant messages or texts, whether or not they are threatening in nature.不停的骚扰邮件,持续的短信,不管它在本质上是不是恐吓。
∙Lies about the person to make them look bad.[2] 挑拨离间的谎言
Look for signs of public humiliation. Another common form of cyber bullying happens when the bully harass a target by way of public embarrassment, rather than directly contacting him or her. Cyber bullies may u the public tactics:找见公众羞辱你的表现。网络霸凌的另一个标志是它会用公众羞辱的方式来骚扰,而不是直接联系他或她。网络霸凌会利用公众效应。
∙Posting humiliating messages on a social media site, a blog, or another public space.把侮辱性信息贴在视频网站,博客或其他公共空间里。
∙Spreading rumors and gossip using social media, text messages and other tools.利用公众媒体或其他工具来散播谣言或八卦
∙Sharing pictures or videos that are embarrassing or explicit in nature, or are altered with the intent to humiliate, on social media websites and through text messaging.散播露骨或尴尬的,或以羞辱为目的恶意篡改的图片或视频于媒体或短信上。
∙关于节约的作文Creating a website filled with defamatory images, insults, and rumors about the target.制作一个针对目标的,充斥着诽谤图片,侮辱性语言和谣言的网站。
Look for signs of impersonation. A less obvious, but equally harmful form of cyberbullying takes place when the bully attacks someone by impersonating him or her as a way to bring about humiliation or punishment. In this ca it is more difficult to identify the perpetrator. 看看有没人扮演你。一个不太明显但是十分有害的霸凌形式是一些人通过扮演被霸凌者来作为幽默或惩罚。但这样更难找到始作俑者。
∙In some cas the bully may create a screen name nearly identical to the screen name ud by someone el, then u that name to create embarrassing or threatening situations for him or her.[3] 某些情况下霸凌者会注册一个和其他人的名字几乎一模一样的用户名来传播色情图片或威胁他人的信息。
∙The bully may steal the target's password, hack his or her accounts, and nd embarrassing messages to others or make expensive purchas.有人会盗号,黑别人的账户来给其他人送色情信息或借钱。
Part 2 of 4: Take Immediate Action
Attempt to identify the cau. Some bullies start out as a friend, an ex, or someone el you know well. If it ems possible to have a reasonable discussion with the person, consider asking him or her to stop. Have the conversation in person, not through email or text. 注意找到原因。一些霸凌者是你的朋友或熟悉的人。你可以和那个人进行合理的讨论,建议他或她停止。面对面谈,别用短信或邮件.
∙Keep in mind there may not always be a reason for cyber bullying, or one that is straightforward. Sometimes people lash out on others becau of their own incurities. In any ca, it is not your fault.要知道网络霸凌是不一定都有原因或直接责任人的。有些人因为自己的原因就肆意诽谤他人,所以,这并不是你的错。
∙If you don't know who the bully is, or if you're being bullied by a group of people, attempting to talk it out probably won't work. You may need to take a stronger action.如果你不知道霸凌这是谁,或是被一群人霸凌了,你应该采取更强有力的措施。
Stop responding to the bully's messages. If talking it out won't work, don't directly respond to the text messages, instant messages, emails or other communications you may have received from the bully. Bullies want to elicit a reaction from their targets, so firing back a text will only make things wor. 别回霸凌者的信息。如果谈话不起作用,就别直接回霸凌者的任何短信或骚扰信息等。 霸凌者喜欢看到对手的反应,所以回信息会让事情变得更糟。
∙Don't threaten the bully to get back at him or her. Sending a threatening message out of exasperation will only provoke the bully to keep up the bad behavior, and it may get you in trouble, too.别威胁霸凌者要报复他或她。意气用事的威胁信息只会驱使霸凌者继续他的行为,而且这也会让你陷入麻烦。
Save the evidence. File away every email, text, instant message, web address, and other evidence you collect from the bully. Record the time and date that each message was nt. Having as much information as possible about the bully's behavior will help you det
ermine how to stop his or her behavior.[4] 保存证据、存下每个邮件,短信,实时回复,王赞或其他从霸凌者身上找到的证据。记下时间和日期。关于霸凌者的信息会帮你找到阻止他的方法。