广东初中英语中考复习 阅读理解之细节理解和配对信息
1. 运用scanning(寻读法)的阅读策略掌握细节理解题的答题技巧。
2. 运用skimming(略读法)的阅读策略掌握信息匹配题的答题技巧。
3. 通过阅读策略的学习,提高细节理解题与信息匹配题的做题能力。
1. Scanning (寻读法) Read fast and find specific (特定的) information.
2. Skimming(略读法)Read fast and find out the main idea or something you want to know.
1. An English teacher. 2. A cleaner. 3. A volunteer for animals. | A. In our pet center, many homeless dogs, cats and other small animals are ill. But we don’t have enough people to look after the animals, so we need some volunteers. B. Our school needs a native part-time English teacher on weekends. Better from USA, the UK or Canada. 120 yuan an hour. Much experience is necessary. C. The Harmonious Bookstore needs a cleaner. The things you must do include: clean the floor every day, try to keep the bookcas tidy and clean, and keep the boxes or bags away from the stairs or the hallways. |
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一、阅读理解 (2019年广东)
Bullying (欺凌) can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes:
*calling people mean (恶意的) names
*laughing at people
*telling lies about people
*taking someone’s things without permission (允许)
*not letting someone play in a group
*hitting people
What’s cyberbullying?
刀豆的做法Cyberbullying includes:
*nding bad messages online
*sharing photos online without permission
*not letting someone be part of an online group
阅读记录卡怎么写*spreading lies online
What can you do?
If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher.
If you get bad messages, don’t reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don’t share something before you make sure it is true. That will help stop the cyberbullying.汽车仪表大全
Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you e bullying or if you are worried about a friend.
Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.
For more information, visit our home page at .
( ) 1. Cyberbullying means bullying ______.
A. at school B. at home C. on the street D. on the Internet
( ) 2. If you are not kind to someone, you should ______.
A. say sorry to him B. talk about it in public
C. ask your parents to say sorry D. feel sad and keep quiet
二、阅读理解 (2018年广东)
BIPC would like to invite beekeepers to the
World Bee Day Activities
9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Sunday, May 20th 2018
Landhill Hall, Cornwall
Bees are now in danger and its number is going down every year largely becau of human activity, while a third of the world’s food production depends on this yellow and black inct (昆虫) and other pollinators (传授花粉者).
May 20th this year is the first World Bee Day. It was created last year by the UN, after Slovenia put forward the idea, to draw people’s attention to the important role of bees and other pollinators in keeping the planet healthy.
A day for all tho who are interested in learning to improve the quality (质量) of their bees! A day also for tho who want to know more about bee keeping!
Bring your family with you and have fun! Let’s celebrate everything connected with bees and the coming of spring!
Activities for the whole family:
Talks on bees/bee products for sale/wax (蜡) & candle-making lessons. 男生给女生
Bee Communication:
Dr. Gavin Ramsay will explain the dances of bees, telling you about what smart behaviors bees have.
Cleaning beeswax & candle-making: Class will be given by Kate Black.
Café: Lunch and tea/coffee/cakes are available at the café.
The activities are held by BIPC, the Bee Improvement Program for Cornwall.
T大写字ickets are $8 for members of BIPC and $10 for non-members. Half price for a child.
All the money will go to the City Bee Protection Project.
Book your place by emailing
( ) 3. The World Bee Day was created ______.
A. to advi people to keep healthy
B. to help beekeepers ll more bee products
C. to celebrate the coming of spring
D. to make people know the importance of bees