Are you being bullied? Do you know someone who is being bullied?
Are you a bully?
Bullies want to achieve power and be en by others as stronger and better. If you respond it could get you into trouble and a bully can boast about it to others. Stay calm and report the bully.
Cyberbullies u the internet or mobile phones to nd hurtful messages or post information to cau trouble. Cyberbullying can also include causing alarm or distress by threatening, harassment, intimidation, impersonating others, humiliation and in some cas be a criminal offence.泡泡画
There are things that you can do to avoid being a target of cyberbullying:
∙Protect yourlf. Never provide any information or images in electronic form that could be ud against you.男儿当自强
∙Look at your own comments and posts. If you find that people are attacking you, this may be becau of your own comments. Are you annoying people or hurting their feelings? Comments and messages that are written can lead to misunderstanding of what you actually mean. The people that are reading your comments can not ‘hear’ your tone or ‘e’ your body language so take care to be c
∙Find some new friends. If you are trying to fit into a group of people who are treating you badly, it might be easier to simply find some nicer friends. Li fe’s too short to waste time trying to be friends with mean people.
The internet can actually help you if you are being bullied.
∙There is written evidence of the bullying activity.
A very important rule: Never Respond!
A bully wants you to get upt. If you get mad and strike back in an attempt to hurt the bully as badly as you were hurt, it just won’t work. All it does is give the bully a ‘win’. Responding can also make you look bad and you could t yourlf up for trouble. People who e your respon may think you are the one who is causing the problem. If someone shows your message to an adult, you could be the one who gets into trouble.
People lo their temper from time to time. Many people have nt a message by phone or on the internet that was angry and wrong. This does not make you a bully. If you have nt an angry or hurtful message, apologi. If you have posted anything that is angry or hurtful remove it and apologi. Try to make things right.
Bullies don’t just lo their temper and make a mistake. Bullies t out to put other people down so that they can make themlves feel more important. Bullies try to defend their actions in a number of ways, including that they were not doing anything wrong, just playing around or joking. If you are behaving like a bully, the most important question is to ask yourlf why? What are you trying to gain by putting others down?
What you should understand about cyberbullying is that whenever you u electronic communications you are leaving traces – cyber footprints – that lead right back to you. Even if you are doing this under a ‘different name’ e ventually, people will be able to figure out who you are and you could get into trouble with your parents, school or even the police. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO IF YOU ARE CYBERBULLIED
Remember the most important rule, never reply but do take action. Always save the evidence. Copy
the posts and comments, s ave any chats but don’t keep looking at it as this will only make you feel wor.
Decide if you need to involve an adult. Sometimes you can make things right on your own –or at least you might wish to try to do so first. It is not a sign of weakness to tell an adult. Even adults sometimes ask for help when a person is doing something that is harming them. Adults may take action like calling the police, hiring a solicitor or complaining to their boss. Asking for help from someone is a sign that you are not willing to accept harm being done to you and are willing to get help to protect yourlf.
Tell an adult if:
∙You are really upt or are not sure what to do
∙You have been threatened with harm or the cyberbullying appears to be a crime ∙The cyberbullying is nding or posting things that is causing trouble and could affect your reputation, friendships or future education and career opportunities ∙The cyberbully is also bullying other people
∙Ignore the cyberbully
∙Stop going to any group where you are being cyberbullied
∙Remove the cyberbully from your buddy or friends list
∙Have your parents contact the cyberbully’s parents (if you know who they are). Your parents may talk with the parents or nd them a letter. If a letter is nt it may be helpful to include a copy of the posts or comments that have upt you. This can be the best way to get the cyberbullying to stop.
∙Send a complaint to the Website or rvice. Most sites and rvices don’t allow bullying behaviour. You can usually find an email-contact on the home page. Explain what has happened and provide copies of the comments or posts that have upt you. Ask for the posts or comments to be removed and that the bully is removed from the site.
华语∙Talk to someone at school. If the cyberbully goes to your school and especially if the cyberbully is also bullying you at school, tell your teacher, head of year or headteacher, or another adult at the school, and provide copies of the comments and posts.