AF | Acceleration factor | |
ALT | Accelerated life test | |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance | |
AOQL | Average Outgoing Quality Level | |
APO | Auto Power Off | |
APQP | Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan | |
ARE | Area Options | |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
ASSP | Application Specific Standard Part | |
ATE | Automatic test equipment | |
ATO | Asmbly To Order | |
BAC | Backup | |
BCI | Bulk current injection | |
BD | Business Developer | |
BFR | Batch Failure Rate | |
bo | Bochum | |
BOM | Bill of Material | |
BU | Business Unit | |
c | acceptance level (= number of | failed components accepted) |
CBD | Cost Break Down | |
CDM | Contract Design Manufacturer | |
CDM | Charge Device Model –discharge type | |
CDM | Original Design done by Partner specifically to | |
support Nokia | ||
CDN | Coupling and Decoupling Network. | |
CE | Concurrent Engineering | |
CE | Concurrent Engineering (ud for product development) | |
CE. E0...E5 | Concurrent Engineering (CE) Product Program | |
Milestones | ||
CEM | 关于爱的名言 Contract Electronic Manufacturer 大鲨鱼图片 | |
CER. FILTERS, | MONOBL. DUPLEXERS | Powder mixing, Block |
pressing, Firing | ||
CI | Capacity Implementation | |
CIM | Custom In Mould | |
CLUSTER | Group of companies, head by one Cluster leader | |
CM | Cost Management | |
CMO | Customer & Market Operations | |
co | Copenhagen | |
COC | 接连不断的意思Certificate of compliance | |
COO | Country of Origin | |
Cp, Cpk | Process Capability indices | |
Cpk | Capability Index | |
CPL | Cost Part list | |
CQE | Component Quality Engineer | |
CQP | Component Quality Planning | |
CQS | Component Quality Specialist | |
CR | Change Request | |
CRR | Component review report | |
CRYSTALS | Crystal wafer manufacturing | |
CSA | Current State Analysis | |
CSM | ||
C-TPAT | Customs-Trade Partners Against Terrorism | |
CTS | Cost Target Setting | |
D | Draft, first version of the document | |
da | Dallas | |
DC | Direct | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DCN | Design change notice | |
DES | Delect all | |
DFA | Design For Asmbly | |
DFBA | Design for Board Asmbly | |
DFDS | Design for Demand Supply | |
DfE | Design for Environment | |
DFFA | Design for Final Asmbly | |
DFM | Design | For Manufacturing (includes DFPT, DFBA, DFFA) |
DFMEA | Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis | |
DFPT | Design for Production Test | |
DG | ||
DI-EL. DUPLEXERS | Resonator preparing | |
DIR | Design Improvement Reports | |
DocMan | Type of Lotus Notes databa (for documents) | |
浦口 DOE | Design Of Experiment | |
DOE | Design Of Experiment | |
DPM | Defects Per Million | |
DSB | Demand Supply Balance | |
DSN | Demand Supplier Network 实践理论 | |
DUT | Device Under Test | |
DV | Demand Volume | |
DVR | ||
E0...E5香港鬼故事 | Concurrent Engineering (CE) Milestones | |
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