Task 3-C-1: Establish and execute strategic sourcing plans, in congruence with organizational objectives and sourcing strategies
internal organization conditions related to sourcing strategies: 1)operational strategies, 2)financial strategies, 3)marketing strategies, 4)supply strategies, 5)technology strategies
Prior to launching strategic sourcing, the communication plan should be developed. at a minimum, the documented plan should include communication title, purpo, media, expected relea schedule, frequency, audience and responsible resource.
Task 3-C-2: Establish and standardize strategic sourcing procedures and business process improvements
regression analysis回归分析中考的英文:确定两组或者两组以上变量间相互依赖的定量关系的一种统计分析方法。回归分析按照涉及的自变量的多少,可以分为一元回归分析和多元回归分析;按照自变量和因变量之间的关系类型,可分为线性回归分析和非线性回归分析。
Regression analysis can be ud to aid in determining "should cost" bad on historical cost and price patterns.
Task 3-C-3: Identify, evaluate, lect and implement technologies that support supply management functions throughout the organization
e-sourcing tools: 1)PO systems; 2)e-RFx; 3)EDI; 4)rever auctions; 5)E-design
Task 3-C-4: Leverage spend through identification, prioritization, development and execution of strategies 精华,多看几遍
Task 3-C-5: Conduct analysis to determine insourcing or outsourcing strategy
Task 3-C-6: Create new systems and process improvements to help the organization meet sales goals
Task 3-B-1: Develop, implement and manage a risk profile and strategies in accordance with existing contracts, applicable laws, regulations and organizational policy
3 types of supply chain stakeholders
-internal stakeholders
-external stakeholders
-first responders, like emergency rvice providers in the event of a curity incident
Risk management procedures
-risk planning
-risk asssment
-risk mitigation(缓解、减轻)
-risk monitoring
Task 3-B-2: Develop and implement a risk management and/or claims management program (for example, copyright violation, patent infringement侵权, harassment骚扰)
Risk management
-identify the risk
-quantify the risk
-assign responsibility for management of the risk
-risk mitigation actions
types of risks
-financial risk
-operational risk: risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal process, people and systems or from external events. it also includes fraud or theft.
-brand/reputation risk
-legal risk: employment, intellectual property
-environmental risk赞美青春的句子
明春 -technical risk
Task 3-B-3: Implement supply management process in consideration of legal issues
fiduciary duty信托责任: the agency relationship may be referred to as fiduciary relationship, obligating the agent to act in the interest and for the benefit of the principal.
-actual authority:实际权力
-express authority:明示权力
-implied authority:暗示权力
-apparent authority: 表见权力,行为人虽无代理权,但是由于本人的行为,造成了足以使善意第三人相信其有代理权的表象,而 与善意第三人进行的、由本人承担法律后过的代理行为。
ratification: after-the-fact approval
UCC:Uniform Commercial Code is not a body of law or a regulation, but a recommendation for adoption by National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
Antitrust and trade regulations
禄智明 -Sherman Antitrust Afct=>reciprocal buying, group boycotts
-Clayton Act
-Robinson-Patman Act: a supplier engaged in interstate commerce to ll the same item to all customers at the same price
-Federal Trade Commission(FTC) Act
Regulation of international commerce:
-Trade Agreement Act of 1979
-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
-North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)
-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)
-United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)
怎么买手机 -other international laws/rulings
Task 3-B-4: Develop/implement/maintain a databa/physical filing system of relevant information
in US, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, commonly called SOX, regulates the accounting profession and impos extensive reporting requirements on all publicly traded corporations in the US.
Data classification: 1)top cret; 2)highly confidential; 3)proprietary专有的; 4)internal u only; 5)public documents
Types of data: 1)specifications; 2)suppliers; 3)supplier performance; 4)products/rvices; 5)contracts; 6)spend; 7)tariffs; 8)routing guides; 9)technical assistance agreements; 10)other issues, like historical usage, open orders and past due orders; BOM, engineering requirements, forecasted demand.