1. The survival of most species under natural conditions is best achieved by non-uniform eds with germination that is spread over months and even years following ed shedding.
2. Another good criterion for acorn maturity is easy relea from the cups ; immature acorns are more difficult to parate from their cups.形容舞蹈的成语
3. Generally, ed collected from superior individual trees form a large population will be adapted to local environmental conditions and tolerant of incts and dia found locally.
4. The tree species of interest and breeding method will determine which type of is most suitable for ed production requirements.
5.Record keeping will provide a reference of orchard performance and give insight into productivity and corrective actions that should be taken if problems develop.
6. And various conditions associated with the urban environment may alter specific characteristics of a tree, such as changing the appearance of the leaves of bark that help in tree identification.高潮腮红
7. The two situations may greatly extend the range of a tree or reduce it to the point of extinction.
8. Soil fertility also influences the time that a tree flowers and the numbers of flowers produced.
9. As edlings overcome competing vegetation mainly by achieving greater size which reduces light to the competition, greater height is an advantage on site where brush competition is a potential problem.
10. Along with height and RCD, the height/diameter ratio is thought to an important stock characteristic which influences early plantation performance。
want的同义词11.For example, on dry sites where brush competition is not excessive but desiccating winds are prevalent, smaller edlings may be preferred as a smaller foliar surface area would tend to place less transpirational demand on the not system.
12. Differences in edling size among similar containers may result from variations in growing conditions within the nurry, and or from genetic differences among the edlings.
13. For example, larger stock was shown to attain a height of six metres 6 to 8 years sooner than comparable smaller stock on the same site, which means that the trees from
the initially larger stock types will reach merchantable size years before trees from the smaller stock.增生性肠息肉
14. Topography, the slope of the land from the horizontal and the compass direction the slope faces, affects the amount of precipitation that enters the parent material or soil and the temperature of the soil.
15. The principal weathering products are the abundant clay minerals that occur as small particles that cohere to one another and adhere ,to other particles.
16. Most soils consist of mineral particles of different sizes: large particles called gravel ,smaller ones sand , still smaller ones silt, and submicroscopic clay.
17. First, soil supports the growth of higher plants mainly by providing a medium for plant roots and supplying nutrient elements that are esntial to the entire plant.
18. The insulating properties of soil protect the deeper portion of the root system from the extremes of hot and cold that often occur at the soil surface.韩国年糕火锅
19. Soils have the capacity to assimilate great quantities of organic waste, turning it into beneficial humus, converting the mineral nutrients in the wastes to forms that can be utiliz
ed by plants and animals, and returning the carbon to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, where it again will become a part of living organisms through plant photosynthesis.
20. An ecosystem is a biological community in which all the biological (including human beings ) and abiological (physical and chemic ingredients in the environment ) components interact each other by the flows of energy and nutrient cycling.