后缀带”cf"."aff"."sp"的学名,现在简略介绍它们的意思,希望对大家有帮助。“cf." is ud with a specimen that the author (writer/ichthyologist,describer, etc.) wants to compare with the following cited species, but hebelieves that it is different, probably new to science意思是:这种跟以前发现的很相似,但不是同种,会确认为发现的新种。"aff."is ud a specimen that has similar characters (morphology) asthe following cited species, but he is not (yet) sure that it is a differentspecies.意思是:这种像以前发现的某种,但是又有不同 但可以确定不是新种。"sp." is ud in the ca that an author (writer, ichthyologist,etc.)can not say any of the above mentioned, but he is sure of the fact that thespecies he is talking about (writing, or showing a photo of) belongs to thereferred genus (eg. Rasbora sp.), but does not know at all if new, or whichspecies it might be.意思是:认为是同种,但跟以前发现的都不一样,连类似可以比较的都没有,不能认定它是哪一种。我们的友谊