学术界关于效率的研究方法有很多种,本文的主要研究方法是数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)。数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)是一种用于评价包含多投入、多产出指标体系决策单元(Decision Making Unit, DMU)效率的评价方法。DEA方法由Charnes, Cooper 和Rhodes于1978首次提出,该方法一经提出立刻被众多学者广泛推广应用于医院、酒店、高校、奥运会等不同领域,并逐渐发展成为集应用数学、经济学、运筹学、管理科学交叉研究的一个新的科学学科。
效率评价数据包络分析网络DEA 子系统链式系统并行式系统
Efficiency is a deep-rooted problem, how to evaluate a person's work efficiency and how to evaluate a enterpri production efficiency, how to evaluate a government efficiency and so on, the problems often appear in our daily life. Efficiency evaluation has long been a man, enterpri and even the whole society the key tasks. Efficiency usually refers to how to obtain the less as far as possible put as much as possible output or products. In political economics, the efficiency of resource allocation defined as a kind of ideal, in resource allocation process, in no circumstances make anyone under the premi of bad, make at least one better, thus achieves pareto optimality. This paper involves the efficiency, only refers to the technical efficiency measure, namely in the existing manufacturing technology level premi, the same amount of investment level created the output level and production frontier distance.
Academics on the efficiency of rearch in many ways, this paper main rearch method is Data Envelopment Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), order. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Data Envelopment order is a kind of ud to evaluate contains many inputs and outputs index system Decision Making Decision Making units (Unit, DMU) efficiency evaluation method. DEA method by Charnes Rhodes in 1978, Cooper and prented first, this method is put forward by many scholars i玫瑰花蛋糕
mmediately widely applied in hospitals, hotels, universities, the Olympic Games in different fields, and gradually developed into t applied mathematics, economics, operations rearch, management science crossover study of a new scientific disciplines.
Network DEA refers to the network structure system efficiency analysis. Traditional DEA method put decision unit as a "black box", do not consider decision unit the system structure, ignore system between neutron process, and the mutual influence the efficiency of system subprocess efficiency the influence of overall efficiency. However reality various production process often have network system of complexity. The so-called network system refers to a sub - system containing subsystem (the decision-making system (system). Network DEA model can be ud to solve the complex system on the problems existing in the process of evaluating, on
the other hand can also put DEA evaluation system of "black box" open. The emergence of network DEA, making the DEA method can more in-depth analysis system of various links operation performance as well as various system link the interaction between, improve efficiency analysis accuracy.
This paper is mainly includes the rearch object of subsystem decision system. System structure wi
ll have many different ways, this paper lects the most common chain system and parallel type system for rearch. This paper reviewed the first chapter, the cond chapter prents for chain system model, the third chapter prents parallel type system model, the fourth chapter for sum and prospect. This paper respectively on chain system and parallel type system propod new efficiency evaluation model. Bad on the tobacco industry as an empirical rearch. This paper puts forward the analysis model of enterpri practice. More suit This rearch for example enterpri the improvement of the efficiency has certain practical significance.
This paper main innovations have (1) establish the DEA for chain network structure efficiency evaluation model.(2) establishing the network structure and type according to DEA efficiency asssment model.(3) analysis system of various subprocess efficiency of the relationship, and between the efficiency of system son process efficiency influences;(4) the empirical analysis (on tobacco enterpri, put forward rational Suggestions).
科技论文怎么写Key words:Efficiency evaluation Data envelopment analysis Network DEA Subsystem Chain-like system Parallel-like system
1.1 效率的概念和效率评估方法
1.1.1 效率的概念
长期以来,生产效率分析一直是管理科学界与经济学界共同关注的一个研究领域 (Forsund and Saragoglou, 2002)。效率的概念,在经济学意义上往往被定义为以尽可能少的投入消耗,创造尽可能多的产出和产品。在《政治经济学教程》一书中,帕累托给出了关于效率的一个被广泛接受的定义:“效率是指资源分配的一种理想状态,假定固有的一群人和可分配的资源,从一种分配状态到另一种状态的变化中,在没有使任何人境况变坏的前提下,使得至少一个人变得更好,这就是最优资源配置,也是有效率的资源配置”。
1.1.2 效率评估方法