
更新时间:2023-06-12 01:25:41 阅读: 评论:0

Jon: Ga! You misd my New Year's party!
miss: 错过,失去 party: 聚会
Garfield: Define “party”
define: ……下定义,解释
Jon: Well, we had a great time without you
great: 很棒的 without: ,没有
Garfield: Bobbing for edless grapes in fruit punch isn't my idea of a great time
Bob:设法使漂浮于水面 edless: 无核的 grape: 葡萄 fruit: 水果 punch: 鸡尾酒 
fruit punch: 果子酒 idea: 想法
Jon: I suppod you went to some wild blowout
suppo: 猜想   wild: 野生的,原始的 blowout: 爆发
Garfield: That's what the swat team called it
swat team: 特警队 call: 称呼
Jon: Weee played pin the tail on the donkey
pin: ...用针别住,压住 tail: 尾巴 donkey: 驴子     
Garfield: We played pin the tail on the host
host: 主持人
Jon: Things got pretty out of hand when Mr Beasley turned the polka record up to 78 rpm!
pretty: 相当的 out of hand:失去控制  turn: 旋转 polka: 波尔卡舞 record: 记录 
rpm: 回转速率
Garfield: Who, fella! Spare my nsibilities!
fella: (俚语)伙伴,小伙子   spare: 饶了,放过    nsibilities: 情感
种植基地Garfield: Oh well, bedtime. Come, simba
Bedtime:睡觉时间  simba: (东非用语)狮子
Simba: Unghahhh!
Jon: Well, Garfield, it looks like we packed on a little weight over the holidays
look like: 看起来像    packed on a little weight: 【增加了一点重量】 holiday: 假期
Garfield: What do you mean “we,” fat-man?
mean: 意思是
Garfield: Only humans gain weight
only: 只有 human: 人类 gain: 增加 weight: 重量 
Garfield: Cats get more “buddhaesque”
more: 更多的 buddhaesque: 【福态】
 (pat, pat)
pat: 拍打
Jon: Garfield, we are going on a diet
diet: 节食
Garfield: Uh... Just what do you mean by “we”?
just: 只是 mean: 意思是 
Garfield: By “we,” do you mean you and this blanket?
blanket: 毛毯
Jon: I don't think I'm getting through to him
think: ,认为 get through to: 使明白
Garfield: Odie, Jon has some bad news for you
bad: 坏的 news: 消息
Jon: Garfield, you shouldn't take food for granted
should: 应该 take: , food: 食物 take sth for granted: ……看作是理所应当的
Garfield: He's right. An artificial color died to provide me with this meal
right: 正确的 artifical color: 人工色素   provide: 提供,供给 meal: 一餐饭
Garfield: This salad needs something
salad: 沙拉 need: 需要
Garfield: I think I'll garnish it
think: ,认为 garnish: 装饰
Garfield: With a ham! (WHAM!)
ham: 火腿 wham: 重打声
Jon: As a reward for staying on your diet, I'm going to allow you to have some sugar with your coffee today
as: 作为   reward: 奖励   stay on: 保持,持续做某事   diet: 节食棘胸蛙   allow: 允许 
sugar:    coffee: 咖啡   today: 今天
Jon: Let me rephra that
rephra: 重新措辞,改用别的话表示
书香作文Jon: Garfield, I know dieting is tough for you
飞机耳塞know: 知道 diet: 节食 tough: 艰难的
Jon: But, you've really sunk to the depths this time!
but: 但是 really: 真的 sink: 沉落,下沉 depths: 深处
Garfield: Hey! I'm sure I'm not the first dieter to lick the pages of his candy wrapper collec
sure: 确信 first: 第一个 dieter: 节食者 lick:  candy: 糖果 wrapper: 包装纸 
Garfield: no fries?
fries: 炸土豆条
Garfield: Boy, is Jon going to be sorry he put me on this diet
sorry: 懊悔的   diet: 节食
Garfield: Well, I hope you're happy, Jon. Look what this diet has done to me
hope: 希望 happy:高兴的
Jon: You know, Garfield, I think you've lost too much weight
lost: 失去 too much: 太多的 weight: 重量,体重
Garfield: That's an understatement
understatement: 含蓄,有保留的陈述
Jon: Here, have an apple
here: 这里 apple: 苹果
(bonk, bonk)
bonk: 发出巨响
Garfield: Arrgh!
Garfield: Maybe watching television will take my mind off this diet
maybe: 可能网站策划书 watch:  television: 电视   mind: 思想 off: 离开 diet: 节食
TV: And now, bowling for meat loaf
now: 现在 back: 回来 bowling: 保龄球 meat loaf: 肉馅糕
Garfield: I'll just put some pepper on my carrot here
just: 只是 pepper: 胡椒粉 carrot: 胡萝卜
Jon: Hey! Wait a minute!
Wait a minute: 等一下
Jon: That tastes like chocolate cake!
Taste like: 尝起来像  chocolate: 巧克力 cake: 蛋糕
Garfield: Let's hear it for food processors
hear:  food: 食物 processor: 处理器,加工机
Garfield: Diets
diet: 节食
Garfield: Diets are like Jon's socks
like:  sock: 袜子
Garfield: They stink
stink: 发臭,糟透了
Garfield: Ah, it says here carrots are on my diet
say:  here: 这里 carrot: 胡萝卜 diet: 节食
Garfield: And his is a “carrot” cake
cake: 蛋糕
Garfield: A loophole!
loophole: 漏洞
Scale: Yes, even your toe is overweight
scale:  even: 甚至 toe: 脚趾 overweight: 超重的
Jon: Here you go, Garfield

本文发布于:2023-06-12 01:25:41,感谢您对本站的认可!



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